
My pot-luck-it list: green bean casserole tuna noodle casserole any assortment of casseroles, really
The only book news worth talking about is that "A Dance with Dragons" got a release date. I'll see your nerdy book about a shell and raise you a nerdy book about dragons and incest.
Any world where George Lucas is uninvolved is where I want to be.
I wouldn't expect anyone who wears glasses from 1987 to be this timely.
Strange pussy.
Have you ever been to Flint?
I bet everyone in Ohio tastes like mashed potatoes and dirt.
You're from Saginaw? I went to SVSU. Small mitten.
As our newly-feral populations migrates southward to conquor and eat Ohio?
Have fun getting married! And enjoy Michigan before this state implodes and we all start hunting and eating each other!
You share my YouTube induced ennui?
Just had the sudden, horrific realization that my life can be summed up in an 18 second YouTube video.
Do you have to polish your brass balls, or are they just naturally lustrous?
Damn grimakins, way to produce a well thought-out comment on the hilarity of third world poverty.
She is so hot she's setting the poster on fire. Seriously, painfully hot.
I don't go see movies like "Machete" for its contributions to political discourse. I go see movies like "Machete" for their contributions to people repeatedly getting punched in the face.
Does the Bridget von Hammersmark come pre-murdered?
There's something wrong with me when I have to keep myself from finding a toy based on a fictional Nazi attractive.
Child Services might have helped, too.
Gary Busey would be a good candidate for the prototype SnazzyGrafter, surgically attached skin blankets.
He lets you stay the whole night?
I'm particularly fond of Biff Milhouse.
Something tells me this listing has more in common with "The Crying Game."
Ben Linus, the man who beat a man in the face with a ninja stick, machine-gunned another guy, shot John Locke, strangled John Locke, played badass mind-games with Sawyer, stole a horse and rode it off into the sunset, repeatedly stabbed Keamy in the motherfucking throat, has been reduced to a useless corporate gopher? OBJECTION.
I know who both are. With the influx of Tom Hardy casting news, and my serious attempts at avoidance of all things Ed Hardy, I got them confused.
In response to seeing this everyday?
I'm afraid there's not enough green felt in the world to clothe your wedding party.
You forgot the other "e" in "sexiest."
She's pretty?
The English language doesn't have a non-gendered pronoun to indicate more than one person. So, if he wanted to say, "I'm going to be the only person on earth that will have his back fully done with Neytiri," then that would lead people to believe there are women out there with a full back tattoed with characters from a shitty film. And women just aren't that stupid.
Nor is she eternally 8 year old, you perv.