
those thieving ICP bastards. they stole a dance i created in 1955 in a partnership with CBS called: The Mighty Mouse Mambo. looks like another lawsuit.
this video will either become his proudest moment or biggest embarrassment. he can flip a coin to determine which.
"Y’all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed" i say this at least 3-4 times per day to express my feelings. does this mean i'm a juggalo? i sure hope not. i don't have the extra finances for the face paint supplies and hatchet dude stickers.
magic is all around is a lawsuit for stealing my life stories. written in 1938, my autobiography titled The Life And Times Of A Space Floater vividly describes the time i floated in deep space as a huge (semi-attractive) lady floated by with her legs spread. she was clearly part of a super race of space giants about to give space birth. i got some great photos. if any of you want to read about more of the things i have seen while floating in space, please buy my book where they sell books.
i don't need to watch this trailer...i lived it.
the CNN headline machine was bored.
apparently this cat did not get the memo. NO standing until 2012!!!!!
it was the boner ghost leaving sandra's place. she needed someone, or something, to lean on. boner ghost gets the rebound!
whether naked or underweared, the potential for ass-sweat streaks is greatly increased the fewer the buffer zones between ass and foreign surface.
the only prank here is on the people who sat in the ass-sweat streaks left on the train seats.
Our preliminary intelligence tells us the terrorists will utilize these Back To The Future Edition hoverboards in their next attack. I want to develop an "anti-hover ray" to combat this attack.
if it wasn't recently, the question would be: when is michael jackson's ghost?
speaking of ghosts, i think the ghost of michael jackson possessed sandra bullock's face recently.
so, in the interview clip eric played the woman and tim played the asian i right, or was it the other way around?
why haven't clowns been banned yet? the only thing they are good at is making people nervous about being murdered.
when will we hear of topher's on-set romance with a predator?
this show is like spinal surgery performed by a team of howler monkeys.
the law of diminishing lethality states: as the page count of a magazine increases beyond a reasonable threshold as to become unwieldy, the ability to strike accurately with the blunt edge significantly decreases as to become a liability in combat usage.
i would like to exchange these size 16 jesus beats for some size 13 jesusless beats. also, if i could just go ahead and exchange b-shoc for a b-real, if you have any in stock right now, that would be dandy.