
I'm a little surprised, Gabe, that you neglected Eric Taylor in your list of the last male role models. We joke about FNL around here a lot, and Coach Taylor is obviously much tamer than Tony Soprano, but I do feel Taylor represents a realistic model of television masculinity that was idealized, sure, but still relatable.
Guys, she was seriously a friend of mine back in high school. I don't recall ever bullying her, but if I did, I apologize for all this.
It's been a while since I've seen the comics, but this guy has something of a Jughead look about him.
The question of whether Wolf Blitzer was wrong or simply misguided can wait until after we get protective services to rescue that child from his godless mother.
Try as I might, I've never been able to find a NOW shot of my first and truest love: Rachel from the Animorphs.
I agree that science is enjoying a nice little run right now thanks, largely, weirdly, to Tumblr, but I don't think that's dumb or bad! I don't know *anything* about science, so I don't know which scientists should be popular and which shouldn't, but I know that people like me are so brain dead about plain, simple, honest truths about the universe we live in that it's time for desperate measures. If an inactive scientist and the creator of Family Guy is what it takes to get this country talking about anything besides HIMYM's big reveal, then that's what it takes! TL:DR We are definitely at the point of needing a Hail Mary when it comes to actual science (climate change deniers, being the easiest example) and that might be what this is, but then so much the better that it's actually happening.
"Videogum talking about science? This is more random than the time Seth MacFarlane rebooted 'Cosmo' with Neil DeGrasse Tyson!"
Sorry to burst your bubble, Gabe, but this is just a song about dressing up nice.
A big chunk of my job today involved trying to find an Odd Future song that's SFW so you can imagine how accomplished I'm feeling.
I live in Orlando, scant minutes from our own Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and I can confirm that no matter how adverse I am to theme parks, Harry Potter's is genuinely delightful.
This guy has clearly never seen the twitter feed of the establishment that's interviewing him.
"And though she may be one of the more surprising names on the list, it’s likely the gorgeous and perfectly fit 40-year-old mother has earned her fair share of haters." What's the opposite of a Pulitzer?
Aw hell.
I can't figure out where my ironic enjoyment of this ends and my earnest enjoyment begins.
I actually had a great trampoline accident yesterday in which I was trying to dunk a basketball off of a trampoline like any adult would and, long story short, I can't even sit down today. There's nothing funny here, but this seems like pretty good Editor's Pick of the Week fodder to me. (Press 'thumbs up' if you agree!)
And where Kelly just doesn't get what the big deal with St. Vincent is.
A less comforting thought: there is a universe out there in which Gabe uses Videogum to heap unending amounts of praise, tearful forgiveness and gracious understanding on Chris Brown.
AmPat, because whenever anyone starts to doze off, he could be sure to WAKE them back UP and PAY ATTENTION to the most important day of my LIFE.
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters 2: Witch, Don't Kill My Vibe
This week marks two years since this jam dropped, gang. Two years of ever-increasing relevance.
"Let's not be naive, we're not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God." That's the new pope talking about molesting children, haha, jk, he said that about same sex marriage.
According to recent press, Tom Hardy said, "I love my new puppy. Can't wait to take him home and snuggle the little guy!" But in early reports, fans complained that all they heard was muffled, throaty gargling.
I too consider myself a friend that nobody knows they have.
I'm kind of over my job and I'm weighing the pros and cons of just doing what I've always wanted to do and been slowly working towards over the past few years: quitting and become a full-time freelance! Big decision, for sure, but it's kept me occupied for the past couple weeks. If any of you guys have any wisdom to share, come at me, because I'm on the hunt for good advice! And if you know my boss, please don't tell him I'm thinking about quitting.
I can't remember where I saw it, but earlier today I happened across a link to a New York Times article about how, for better or worse, Hugo Chavez changed how Venezuela sees itself. If you find it, you should read it.
I won't say "hero," because what's a hero? But sometimes there's a baby. Sometimes, there's a baby.
I know I am going to die, but I still want to win an Oscar.
I'm upset that they [SPOILER ALERT, AS IF ANYONE CARES ABOUT THIS GARBAGE] ended up with the Chris Brown guy killing the Rihanna girl. I suppose that could be taken as a classic CSI dramatic spin or even a cautionary tale about what *could* happen to Rihanna if someone doesn't step in, but it seemed to trivialize domestic violence for its own sake to me. As if to say this shit only gets awful when it gets sensational. It sounds nitpicky when I write it all out but, I don't know, it does seem to provide an excuse for the millions of men who do actually beat women. They watch shit like this and can get themselves off the hook because they know they'd never actually kill her. And it makes Chris Brown look a lot better in comparison (Gawker today called it "slander," which is sort of close to true, if it's possible to slander a violent man child) because, hey, it's not like Rihanna's dead. "Lay off Chris Brown, CSI. What'd he ever do to you." No, no, no. His actions deserve genuine conversation and analysis. Not overhyped ratings grabs. tl;dr sensationalizing an ugly truth is a huge disservice to the ugly truth itself.
Chin up, Kevin. You don't have to be a Leonardo DiCaprio-grade-asshole to sleep with multiple women. Lots of regular-grade assholes do it every single day.
Ditto, and I'd like to point out there's nothing in this post to refute that idea.
"Condem" is the plural, which is generally how I roll.
"One broken condem leading to an accidental pregnancy, and you'll lose everything." Sounds like you were listening in on my Dad's lectures.
My Grandpa was was a poor farm boy who'd just gotten back from the Army and was out with some boys at a dance when he spied my grandmother across the room. He wanted to go talk to her, but one of his friends said that she was only into men who knew how to play music. So, he took up the ukelele and, a month later, went to her front door and played this song, "Has Anybody Seen My Gal?", for her. She had no idea who he was, but was charmed enough to go on a date with him, and he enjoyed the ukelele enough to become a music teacher. Over the next sixty years, I suppose he taught hundreds of kids to play music, including my brothers and sisters, and he always started by teaching them to play "Has Anybody Seen My Gal?" My brother played it at his wedding last May, and he and my Grandma danced to it, and then asked if we could play it again, and they danced again. He passed away just a few weeks later, and he'd taught enough of us grandchildren to play music that we put together a decent band to play the song for his funeral, though we sobbed all the way through it.
If TMZ thinks Vivienne drinks anything besides the sweet milk of life which she and she alone is given the honor of suckling from her mother's perfect teat, than it's even further removed from reality than I thought.
Superglue, no zombie threat has ever or will ever chill me like your Valentine's Day plans.
That Bullet for My Valentine commercial would suggest that this is no prank.