
Happy Birthday Anna Kendrick
I recognize not Robin Tunney Liv Tyler and Renee Zellweger from that picture who made this again I want to credit them
I made you a collage so you can think of some of the good times you had here and put it on the locker at your new school
That guy's Australian so he's probably more worried that after the trampoline accident a dingo will steal his kids
the Fish Called Wanda star and Activia spokeswoman is the best description of any person ever
Anyone else upset that actors make more than one movie with David O'Russell, he has made it pretty clear that he is the biggest jerk, stay safe Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence
But what if they worked for Steven Spielberg's non-union Mexican equivalent Señor Spielbergo?
"Hey this Steve Jobs fellow looks like me" Ashton Kutcher watching Jobs in The Butterfly Effect remake
I think she's protesting Sea World's treatment of orcas
It's Friday let's dance
I guess Godard saw Spring Breakers
It's Friday, let's watch Pacific Rim and dance
Let's have an attractive woman mock being attacked by a bear because that is what news is, we are definitely going to use this for news
Please don't be in blackface, please don't be in blackface, please don't be in blackface
yes congrats you surely are the top knot with the top comment
That's what she said
All that really matters about Blue Jasmine Is this a metaphor
I'm a Ruffalo
Spoiler alert there's a trampoline in this video but no accident
"You Rhode Island folks are a bunch of Queeahs unlike us Bahstahn folks" was cut from his speech for some reason
You're tearing these burgers apart Lisa
haha cool empty gif bro
It's Friday let's dance
Mom I've joined the failarmy, we try to fight fail fight insurgents while maintaining a status of epic win
Ryan naming his baby Drake and then giving the baby an allergic reaction and abandoning him so he could run away with Kelly was so great
Every time everyone else hates Nellie and I don't get it, Nellie's pretty cool I say. Same for Toby and Pam.
Hello I went to Amy's Baking Company with my wife (my wife Borat voice). She ordered a salad which she always does because women be eating salad, it was like a plate of grass and dirt. I had a pizza and it tasted like it was in the sewer with the Ninja Turtles. Hey speaking of Borat this restaurant was good, not
It's Friday and Mother's Day soon let's dance
Surprised those boots don't have holes in them hey yo
I wish when I saw a movie I had zero information about it no title, no actors nothing I just give you $10 and maybe it's just Maru jumping in and out of a box no spoilers about whether or not she ever leaves that box
me too, I know her family is trying to help her and she's ignoring them and it's all just so sad Here's another picture to caption per Gabe's request Bend and snap and yell at a cop