
I know he's a man in the morning and at night but what about the afternoon, are you a man in the afternoon Ryan Lochte?
"Stop worshipping celebrities so much. Just don’t pay attention. I remember right around September 11, Ja Rule was on MTV. Thats what they said. “We got Ja Rule on the phone. Lets see what Ja’s thoughts are on this tragedy.” Who gives a fuck what Ja Rule thinks at a time like this? This is ridiculous. I don’t wanna dance. I’m scared to death. I want some answers that Ja Rule might not have right now." Dave Chappelle
I thought he was Thomas Lennon's stunt double
Chloe Sevigny was pretty great on Portlandia, did you hear she's going to be on The Mindy Project? That's kind of weird but The Mindy Project is starting to show it's potential as a pretty great show
The blankie I had really tied the room together
In England they call him BatLorry
It's okay sorry is it Aelly? Is it Belly?
It's Friday let's dance
Planes was originally supposed to be direct-to-dvd but they decided to release it in theaters instead, that sounds promising guys
Like a car accident, or a motorcycle accident which gave Gary Busey severe brain damage and is probably why he is who he is
Oh we are not sending Jared Leto to live on the moon forever, okay I guess that's staying on my bucket list
I think I got this
Sorry I Donna Darko'd you
I'll tell you what they are not, talks by Ted from the movie Ted, super disappointed
Best Picture: Argo Best Director: David O. Russell "Silver Linings Playbook Best Actor: DDL, “Lincoln” Best Actress: Emmanuelle Riva, “Amour” Best Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz "Django Unchained" Best Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway, “Les Miserables” Best Animated Feature: “Wreck-It Ralph” Best Foreign Film: “Armour,”, Austria Best Original Screenplay: “Zero Dark Thirty" Best Adapted Screenplay: “Lincoln” Best Costume Design: “Les Miserables” Best Original Song: “Skyfall” from “Skyfall” Best Original Score: “Lincoln” Best Documentary: “Searching For Sugar Man” Best Doc (Short): “Kings Point” Best Makeup & Hairstyling: “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Best Production Design: “Les Miserables" Best Film Editing: “Lincoln" Best Cinematography: “Life of Pi” Best Sound Editing: “Skyfall” Best Sound Mixing: “Argo” Best Visual Effects: “Life of Pi” Best Short Film (Animated): “Paperman” Best Short Film (Live Action: “Henry”
C'mon "Officer Jenkins" I know it's really you Bill, classic prank Bill, very funny, these handcuffs even seem real
Justin Bieber has to be in this, he's been eating pizza on a skateboard for years now
Siri, is that kale? What is kale? What does it do? Sorry Zooey no one knows what kale is
Wettrew died on the way to his home planet after his daughter was born sorry
It's Friday let's dance
Yellow Scream is my favorite Coldplay song about Gwyneth
Everything Kevin Smith does is unnecessary, at least this will be better than Cop Out
This is what I get for basing the video on the image and not the actual words of the song
Kim Gordon has just adopted X-treme Power
Eugene Mirman, and Kristen Schaal should do the science of Bob's Burgers
I prefer nice Strokes videos
No Jason Schwartzman do not talk like Mystery the Pickup Artist, be glad you're one of my favorites
Aubrey Plaza looks different, and I don't think she'd like a public proposal
I thought I married a cardboard cutout of Kristen Stewart, turned out it was the real Kristen Stewart
Black Rock doesn't look like a mumblecore thriller but maybe it will be
Will this be the season Ian finally starts watching? Probably not but maybe because it's being paired with Enlightened which is excellent
In Russia trampoline jumps on you
Of course I won't do this Gabe I'm vegan, chicken fingers are vegan right? And mozzarella sticks? And Pizza?
I'm seeing our friend Nick Kroll tomorrow! That should be fun