
FingeredHerButDidntGetMyDickSucked... awesome
once again this show's entire plot lines, if there really are any, are based on whos fucking who... EVERYONE IS GETTING LUCKY (Im jealous)
this band is still around??? they relevance ran out in like 97 haha... how about a new marcy's playground video next gabe
Gabe, a great sketch comedy show is Big Train, it was on the BBC way back, Simon Pegg is an actor in it... hilarious stuff
Oz... one of the best shows ive ever watched Arrested Development... my favorite comedy series ever Brotherhood... its only three seasons but its great if u like sopranos or the wire
when u allow your child to watch u perform whatever that was, THATS A DEALBREAKER LADIES!
babies give me the heebie jeebies when they act like normal people
i like christian bale, and i feel hes one of the only actors whos works i continually enjoy, sans terminator obv
i just cannot believe the amount of just unnecessary sexual exploits that this show brings to the table... every episode has at least 2 ridiculously overdone sex scenes, and this will continue to happen especially when every side story revolves around sex: jason and the pastors wife, tara and eggs (what a horrible name btw), and sam and daphne... this show will continue to add new characters so there are fresh faces to fuck... and now the witch gives people cake facials
Aziz is fucking awesome, he better be in the movie a large amount
i will continue to spend my sunday nights watching this show so long as sloan continues to be heavily featured
it obviously was more of the same as borat, with the show value comedy... and A LOT of people were walking out in my screening... however, it was fucking hilarious i didnt stop laughing but i dont think it will have the same replay value as Borat
the havent had a stop in michigan, and when they came through they crashed their whip... dont see them coming here soon :-(
over three mins for a PSA is a bit too long, i had to blow 3 lines to keep paying attention
ohh trueblood, now we have minotaurs in this show. it never ceases to amazing me the fantastical shit this show continues to come up with... and the crazy shakes witch continues to make people horny and dance, but now she is making pigs disappear!!!!!! holy shit
theres not one person i dont enjoy is this movie, rob lowe being classic farley movies asshole, could be another ghost town thou, which was very enjoyable
couldnt agreed more, these gabe rants are fantastic
gonna miss ya linsdey!!! i wanna take you around the back of the middle school and get it pregnant
"high laffs-to-time ratio."... brilliant gabe
this song is great, and the new album is a grower... i enjoy it, one wing is the jam
im sorry to be cynical all, but getting a million dollars > someone i dont know dying.... its a no brainer
sweet from ted, annie clack is amazing... new indie crush for me LOVE HER
jonathan, unlike ricky bobby, knows what to do with his hands in an interview
that witch making everyone horny and dancing had to be the gayest thing since that flash mob on weeds 2 episodes ago
rowdy kick drum art... weird, too much black, more red and white!
haha thanks, and i do believe Henry told Ron "Dont Stop Believing"
a full length would be nice, their tunes are sweet
Seacrest Out! (prob on a dude thou)
george michael prob bought this for maeby's (wedding) ringtone
trippy video... off the album of the year?? haha
agreed, no way... MPP is still the best of the year. this is close thou
oh shit, i cant do my job... go to someone else, oh shit they cant either... anything fox news is such great programming
unfortunate, i usually always clicked on the links and information he shared... thanks trent