
I bet most of you had to Google "Luke Ward" before you got that joke! But man, how great was it after the Googling?
RESET BUTTON Looking back on the past four to six minutes of my life, I realized that in spite of trying to be playful with the "That One" wordplay, I may seem incredibly ignorant and sarcastic when I am actually quite sincerely humbled by our presidents ability to pass such monumental legislation. I do apologize. I could let you all downvote me into the Monsters Ball for vanities sake, but I wanted to make very clear that I am very close to, if not the polar opposite of a Glen Beck/Sarah Palin/John McCain/Satan. Thank you for listening, and I hope I am still a monster among monsters. And if all else fails: Gabe/Werttrew 2012.
I mean:
But you are a beloved President! Seriously, great week for America.
This episode needed a little more Aziz Ansari, I think.
Honestly they just spread the sexual taboos too thin. They should have picked one pairing of old man/12 year old girl/40 year old woman/man-baby and stuck with it.
Say what you will Gabe, but I just put ho-dar on my Christmas list.
I'm almost done courting this show. NOT UNTIL I GET ANSWERS!
In case there are any John Travoltas around.
Definitely not as interesting as Wild Abed Vampires.
And you're all like:
These days Lost is all like: And I'm all like:
I'm not crying, I've just been cutting onions. I'm making a lasagna... for one.
What am I doing wrong? (TWSS) ... but seriously.
[insert gif of GOB tossing letter into the ocean? =GIF FAIL]
If Jay mailed me a letter, this is what I'd do.
I'd rather have two Christmases.
These beats are SICK! (sorry)
I look very much forward to your forty-is-the-new-thirty-somethings posts in 2012!
Say Hello To My Little Pony (Filed: fond BNPG memories)
Obviously Kanye saw a preview for Percy Jackson and the Olympians! LOL! Am I doing this right?
If not, we can always pay Jean Parmesan and Ice to be our friends for the afternoon.
Now that Vgum is a Wordpress site, I bet this won't be an incredibly difficult fix you guys.
Whoa, who knows what else changed in this new Videogum timeline!
A friend of mine borrowed my copy of Civil War Land In Bad Decline a year ago, and I haven't gotten it back yet. I love that book. I'm gonna go call him.
That friend was Topher Grace. LOST.
My brain cavern may never recover from that mindemite. Good thing Jacob crossed out my name in there (huh?)
Thank goodness the island is magic and Sawyer gets a bottle of whiskey whenever he needs it.
Sometimes I wonder if through all his so called tribulations, anyone ever says "Keep your chin up, Jay!" Yeah, that'd be swell.
All I know is I am sick of hearing about Jon Gosselin's penis. Thanks Videogum, for your tasteful news coverage! (seriously)
Me and my friends are trying to make "chin" happen. e.g. "Don't be such a chin, cat who took my parking space"
This is your music television: MTV.
Obviously to promote Mr. Cluck's new Jamaican Rub variety.