
They all have pictures of Republicans in their wallets.
You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose... actually if you're going to eat your boogers, I don't think you'll have to worry about picking friends.
Gabe is startled by some fans of Teen Korner while enjoying his number 1 at Burger King. The result: A number 1. In his pants. Not pictured: Smiling Hugh Jackman
Can't make it to Chicago this weekend. Damn. Any Minneapolis monsters out there? MPLS Pizza Party!
There has been a lot of fart talk today on here.
A Hugh Jackman imposter. You can tell by the dry pants. The REAL PRESTIGE, indeed.
Can we get a Lauren report? Wait, did Videogum get an intern or did I dream that?
Nice werttrew! My girlfriend and I bet on who would have the first comment for this post. I bet on you, she bet on Notsewfast. My life is Videogum. But also, my life is free lunch!
Joe Mande, T1FTT Challenge!
This is what Diddy looked like before using Proactiv.
Wait it's gotta be your bull(dog). This joke was brought to you by DirecTV.
Wouldn't it be republiCATS?
Was this the cat video werttrew has been begging me to watch?
Lets just change the name to Topher's apple.
Yeah he kinda struggled. "Wait, it's gotta be YOUR dream."
Die Antwoord and Bangs would make for the BEST TOUR EVER.
And maybe you should have Die Antwoord and Bangs on your show to have a rap-off as well.
Hey Jimmy Fallon, you should have a weekly dance contest on your show. First up, Superhero B-Boys vs. Pumpkinhead.
Just when it looked like Rihanna was never going to get back together with Chris Brown, along came a Hug-E-Gram...
Dude on the left shows off his gut-butt situation while The Situation contemplates piercing his penis.
Are you tired of your husband trying to have sex with you? Here, try a Hoodie Footie. Problem solved.
Danny DeVito and Sawyer? That would be some serious Gun Fever! Or would it be Gungle Fever? No? It wouldn't? Whatever.
Calling them adult entertainers makes them sound like strippers.
The Razzies should change their award to the Spazzies and give a trophy (filled with Prozac or whatever) to the best spaz attack of the year. Remote-control buttplay kid vs Christian Bale... (That will also be the name of my new band).
She is called Grandma.
TWHS? Tommy Wiseau High School?
I feel like this show should be on TNT We Know Drama.
"Hope Floats" is the campaign slogan I'm using for Kevin Costner's Presidential campaign for 2012. WATERWORLD!
Jackie Chan prepares Jaden Smith for his Karate Kid role by having him chop every brick from the Great Wall in half.
Girl you looks good, won't you back that azz up? You's a fine newcaster, won't you back that azz up? Call me Dan Rather when you back that azz up? Ho, who is you playin wit? Back that azz up. And I'm not even one of the three!
Could we also give away a Spazzie for best spaz attack? 2009 has pretty much been year of the spaz. Probably. I don't really get how the Chinese Calendar works. But anyhow, that would be a fun award!
Of course YOU would say that Bob Vila.
Kristen: "Where the fuck is YOUR homemade sign?"
I adapted the Full House theme for this story. "Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, even a tree. Everywhere you look, they call you asshole..."
"404: Page cannot be Found" will be an episode of 30 Rock where Kenneth "wins" a game of hide and seek with Tracy.
Leave your rape whistles at home because at the Gathering, that sound is known as a "mating call."