
Okay, the kid working the camera in the elephant video has EXACTLY the same laugh as Sam Weir! Weird! BOO!
Amusing as a 60 second trailer, probably a snoozefest as a feature length. HEY YOU GUYS, i just thought of something. Why aren't ALL movies just trailers? They'd be way shorter right?
don't they know to put a nickel or something beside it for size comparison?!
That wasn't a question! Shit, but now how do I counter your answer? Do you win? Whatever Gabe, I can still like Sin City, and you can still be the best...barely.
I guess I'm alone in thinking it was horrible. I don't listen to Norah Jones, but is that how she always sings? What a fake voice.
Aw now you jinxed it! But if this were real, i'd probably go sunday, though i'd be disappointed in missing of montreal and deerhunter.
Also, COME ON LINDSAY, the weekend update wasn't bad. The robot was HI-LARIOUS! "Next week I supposed to tell black people election canceled." That killed me. Also, the end where they all said they loved Amy was really nice!
It's so frustrating that Seth would go on Leno. His jokes are consistenly hilarious and intelligent, contrasting with Leno who we all know is about as funny as AIDS in Africa. It's really amazing how dull the guy is. The WORST part of this though might be Leno's AUDIENCE, who steadfastly refused to laugh at most of Seth's jokes. You're the worst, Jay.
Were the last two lots they showed PEOPLE? Didn't they stop auctioning off black people like back in the 19th century? Can you say RACISM? what?
okay guys, i'm gabe's biggest fan, but that was funny.
I think it's on at the same time as The Hills, so who cares?
yep, it's pretty similarly bad.
rasta man was really good, especially when he walked by the black people. that KILLED me. the sex offender skit, as gabe would say, was so smart it should go to college. but again, it oversold the joke.
Am I a bad person if i say Damon is the worst?
Gabe, to echo the sentiment above, it would be super cool if you would retroactively review all of the "trapped in the closet" episodes. Like when you're done with the "worst movies", this would be the BEST idea for a new running gag. Also black people. Expanding your target demo can be good! Seriously though, please.
british people are so much funnier than americans. they say "wankers". we don't have a word that comes close to "wanker" in terms of awesomeness.
lol, who cares? he's a grumpy old man, just like your grandpa. in fact, joe mccain is your grandpa.
will ferrell's bit about vice presidential responsibility was hilarious, but he RUINED it when he said "that's not what dick cheney said when he sat me down on day one". why do they resent their viewers' intelligence enough to have to take 20 seconds to explain every joke? I GOT IT THE FIRST TIME, UGH also, it bothers me that kenan thompson continues to taint his flawless kenan & kel/all that legacy by being painfully unfunny on this show. he really sticks out like a sore thumb.
aw, nostalgiagum is my favorite kind of gum. nick at nite was the best. nickelodeon sucks these days. get the fuck off my lawn, fucking teenagers! did you see hayden pennettiere's get out the vote ad? seeing the cute little girl from "friday night lights" dropping f-bombs was rather off-putting
yeah i saw this a week ago or so, pretty cool. i assume you've seen anderson cooper's, but check it out if not. he's the best.
words cannot express how much i love the malk.
brandon, again with the forth/fourth!
this movie looks like it's going to straddle a lot of ethical lines.
let's be real though. that futon joke was pretty funny. why can't SHE have her own show?
yeah, that lost me too. not very convincing.
aw, Homesickgum. I'm from new york, i know this guy.
just the best band in the world jamming in the park.
Is already taken? but honestly, saying you have "lots of black friends" and are therefore not racist is the most (for lack of a better word) ignorant argument in the book. IM NOT SAYING SHE'S RACIST. I'm just saying she could be racist. what? but SERIOUSLY, it could very well be what others have said: she thinks of the worst possible thing to say in a situation (as we ALL subconsciously do), and somehow her brain can't stop her from saying it. However, instead of us trying to psychoanalyze with our self-awarded Ph D's a subject which PROFESSIONALS have FAILED TO UNDERSTAND for decades, let's just all agree that while this is certainly a horrible affliction, it makes for a funny youtube.
this is sad news. not as many people will care as should, but adieu to one of the most charasmatic, orginal bands out there.
Hockey Moms from Above
you really think SNL is that smart? anyway, you're right gabe, that narc school sketch was based on a great great idea. didnt really work toward the end though for me.
jim/, the font is so small. also, can you make it so it actually remembers me on VG, i have to enter my info every time on this site. it's a lot of work, OK? :p
that second nose reference was really unnecessary. jimmy kimmel KILLED with that last comment though.
I KNOW! she clearly had to change that sentence around, or else that would have been an unfortunate coincidence