
I'm glad that she's no longer everywhere I look.
I still can't love SNL, but this episode was pretty good in my opinion. I'm sick of seeing Justin's face. Oh, and isn't Bill Hader's face amazing? Like, I'm not attracted to him or anything and I don't even know if I find him funny, but the angles and shit just blow my mind.
You seem to understand it perfectly, I dunno what's confounding ya.
I'm surprised that you didn't mention that Beavis and Butthead spun off Daria, since sometimes the comments confuse me into thinking this is Dariagum. Oh, and I won't be watching this. My loss, I know.
The clip kind of bothered me too.
Paul Rudd was in that, right? Because I think I'm required by law to remember every movie he's ever done.
Congratulations, Gabe, you're the last person on earth to remember that Hoobastank exists.
Do I look like I shop at Banana Republic? ...I guess you can't see me, but I don't.
And God said, "Let there be a wonk-eyed comedian named Hader," and it was gooooooooooood.
Lindsay does. We're kind of afraid to break the bad news to her. (That he sucks.)
Because when Justin Long signed the Hollywood contract, they made it so he had to be in everything.
You make some good points, but you suffer from the fatal mistake of taking the internet seriously.
Maybe he relates to them. It took Hollywood ten years to open up the gates to the Paul love, you know.
We do rumors now? Can I start one that I'm having sex with Da Cake Eatur?
The worst thing about Woody Allen is that his new movies aren't even bad, they're just complete and utter blah.
I don't agree with your comment at all, but damn it your userpic reeled me in.
And Bruno. Maybe they just don't like the trailers that suck. (Most trailers do - even for good movies.)
But Mayor Bloomberg said it was okay to ride the NYC subways. :(
I get what you're saying, but I think you're being too sensitive. Obama's president now. Racism is extinct.
People helping little squirrel = Cute, People putting stupid narration and music to it = Not Cute
I feel like people award Internets too easily. But gosh darn it, I'm gonna go ahead and say you win 'em all.
His eyelashes are mesmerizing me.
lol sausage can be another word for penis
Haven't you heard from Brandon Flowers? His band's amazing. I was iffy before that, but his opinion is what cinched it.
I actually really like this song, but I'm so easy to please.
I guess being called bigots hurts the Fundies' feelings, but... come on. What else are we supposed to call you? Oh, and Perez is just awful. (Duh.)
We Amerikans sometimes forget that there are other countries out there, so we need to reminded...and often.
What the hell college did this guy go to? Was it in a John Hughes film, perhaps?
I'm pretty sure that this is the second time you've brought up BASEketBall in your movie reviews. I know that because the first time I thought, "Aw, now I can't nominate it for TWMOAT," and then you brought it up again and I thought, "Aw, now I can't nominate it for TWMOT" and then I thought, "Whoa, deja vu," but then I thought, "Wait, that means there's a glitch in the system" and now I'm freaking out!
I wasn't watching this show, but now that Bob's on it... I probably still won't, but I'll definitely consider it.
lol hugh peed his pants. how come i never heard of this?
I'm not even gonna lie, this is definitely one of my so-bad-I-love-it movies. But only the director's cut because I love the suicidal fetus.
David Cross is the best, but that's not him at his best. It would be like me linking to one of his scenes in the Chipmunk movie.