
Lotta kid related posts today. I expected that more with Notsewfast, but this works too.
Mmm, Papelbon. I love him.
You are welcome and thank you for MAKING MY LIFE by using my tip!!!! Wow, I need to calm down? Get a life? Read less Vgum? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a wicked strong feeling this kid is from Boston! Yay Boston!
T-sex, you never need an excuse to post Sugar Bush Squirrel.
It is, and I'm going to start doing it too.
Gask and ye shall receive! I don't know what that means. Gas joke and thank you, I suppose? Yay for a great day, Superglue!
I should have sent you A fart tip. I am sorry I was not helpful!
I wish that I could Upvote this more than once cause It is so clever
We were promised farts on the blog today, and yet there have been zero.
Meerkat Manor is a show with a surprising amount of tension! WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN TO SHAKESPEARE?!
Ditto. Plus dogs smile a lot! Cats rarely smile.
This would be a great day to post about last summer's hit movie, Fart Fart Barf.
Not only are the kids too big, the strollers themselves are too big. Strollers are GIANT now, and have wheels like an SUV.
I thought he died in real life. But I recently learned he is alive. I was very surprised!
He did not, so I guess I lose. Same person also said I look like Miley Cyrus, so I lose even more.
Her features are all too big for her face and she has too many teeth.
An ex boyfriend recently told me I look like Anne Hathaway. It was a shitty thing to say cause she sucks and is annoying. I'll probably see this movie. God, she's terrible.
Lots of corgis around here lately! It's the way to go.
That was a pretty great speech, as speeches go.
I thought a lot of what he said was really lovely, and good advice to anyone getting married.
A wedding is a happy thing. It's nice to watch a happy thing.
Snaps to you, teacherman! OWN IT!
Sugar Bush Squirrel! Two days in a row!
Do you find Kate Middleton pretty?
I'll be honest - I am excited for this. I am a girl and I recently got married and I like pretty dresses and weddings and I will be getting up at 6am to watch cause I get up at 630am normally so it's not that big a deal. And I'm gonna make some PG Tips to drink while I watch. #englandgum
When will we know if football will happen?! I NEED MY FOOTBALL.
You stalked my entire life on the lorry.
Does this mean Gabe was sitting around eating Yoplait? Cause that's kind of great.
Sugar Bush Squirrel is one of those internet treasures I forget about, and rediscover every year or so with GREAT JOY.
I should add that mine is clearly my connection to 'Corgis Running on a Treadmill.'
This will be fun - what are other people's meme connections?
Gywneth's could just say 'The Worst.'