
I said he has it when I am not trying to hide it. When I do hide it, not even I know where it is.
This young man has my accent when I am not trying to hide my accent.
Alas! poor Gabe. I knew him, Werttrew; a fellow of infinite LOLs, of most excellent abs; he hath borne me on his blog a thousand times; and now, how downvoted in my imagination it is! My TWSS rises at it. Here hung those Topher Grace posts that I have kissed, I know not how oft. Where be your Caption Contests now? Your Copper Cab? Your Lost Recaps? Your flashes of Juggalos, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own posting? Quite chap-fallen? Now, Werttrew, get you to Becca's chamber, and tell her, let her walk Birdie, to this favour she must come; make her run tell that.
More matter with less farting cat videos.
Go, thrust him out at gates, and let him smell His way to the Monster's Ball.
And my poor fool is bann'd from chat!
Mend your HTML a little, Lest you may mar your .gif.
Nothing will come of nothing: tweet again.
I am a man, More downvot'd against than downvoting.
Edward de Vere
"Please close the door, I am trying to work." "I don't care that it is 5:30 pm in the Summer, it is bed time." "Don't cry, it's just a skeleton."
My one baby tip is this: When dipping her in the River Styx, move your hand around so you get total coverage.
Here's an ultrasound of Werttrew's child:
Your employer was a Union soldier in the Civil War! Holy Crap!
How did you get that GIF of me at home last night after my bath?
I have a prediction: This will be the slowest loading day in Videogum history, but ti will be worth it.
FUN FACT: The file name extension ".gif" stands for "guess I'm fucked" and dates to the United States Civil War. It was a code between Union soldiers used when assigned to the detail responsible for cleaning Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's beard.
I don't really like snow all that much, but without a long winter full of misery, that first day of spring, when the sky is blue and pink and the air is full of the smell of plants and cow manure, wouldn't be as special.
Substitute sexting and playing Words With Friends while listening to UK basketball games for knitting and Becca's mom and my mom are the same person.
Becca's Mom, you are an awesome mom! Don't ever stop being awesome!
Yet plans to erect a public garden dedicated to Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope continue apace.
BREAKING CONSPIRACY NEWS Do you think that it is a coincidence that "Gabe" is on vacation this week? And that we have guest "bloggers"? Of course not! Look at the facts. 1. On Monday, we had "This Is My Nightmare." We all know that nightmares are subconscious states where our deepest desires are contained by x-rays. What did she post? "I'd hit that", a post which "turned on" certain sleeper operatives. 2. On Tuesday "Brad O'Farrell" blogged at length about Natalie Portman. Consider her name: Nat A Lie Port Man. He is telling us that in a port, the thugs of the New World Order will begin their invasion of the USA and that this is NOT A LIE! The crying was because the American Dream died. 3. On Tuesday "Soft" "Gabe", blogged about Roseanne and Dahmner. The letters in their names spell "Fog Harmed One Baste Snare". I don't have to tell you what that means. 4. This morning when I woke up, I had on clothes and was not covered in vomit. Yet, last night, when I passed out, I was naked and had messed myself. Who cleaned me up? WAKE UP PEOPLE! 5. Coca-Cola is talking if you listen.
My favorite ride at New Order World is the Bizarre Love Triangle.
Or when Don Cheadle is hot waxing Patrick Dempsey.
And though you may scream in agony, you will know the joke was worth it.
For those of you who were maybe not alive at the time, let me assure you that in the 80s, this is exactly what every car wash was like.
I am surprised that dressing like a waking nightmare and dancing halfheartedly didn't work out better for that bird.
And also that I can't spell Tetris.
"Against the Day" by Thomas Pynchon actually has a Tertris reference in it: "…Padzhitnoff’s own specialty being to arrange for bricks and masonry, always in the four block fragments which had become his 'signature,' to fall on and damage targets…" And now we know why it takes him a decade between books.
The Legend of Zelda Fitzgerald
There is no way to beat this game. You can only hope to survive to tell the tale.
The terrible thing is, I couldn't beat it.
You? Never! Did the Kenosha Kid Icarus?
In videogame of "Endgame", you lose if you move.
In the videogame of "The Sound and the Fury", after you beat a level, you start over again as another character. And the game gets easier as it goes.
Gravity's Rainbow Road
I was enjoyed the "Finnegans Wake" game until I realized that when you reach the end, you are just back at the start again. Like Spy Hunter.
I tried playing "War and Peace", but couldn't make it past the second level.
I think you misspelled "Michael Jackson's 'Leave Me Alone.'"
"Congratulations to the cast of 'Glee'." --Chuck D of Public Enemy