
I'd sure love to give this song the time of day if the new DFA1979 record hadn't smashed me over the head with a club and road-hauled me down your favorite highway in a TransAm.
This record makes me want to rip my dick off, light it on fire, eat it, then barf it back up into a river. In a good way. Glad to have them back. Also in the market for a new dick.
Well, he's one part of the New Avengers, so it makes sense.
The Drums are officially too good to write off. Go listen to Portamento if you haven't already.
I just wish her hair didn't look like a Mermaid's dick.
Well, the entirety of "AM" isn't on here, so they'd probably hate it.
It's like Grimes is shitting on things I liked about Grimes in the first place.... So that makes it..... Good? I'm confused. Plus that beat drop is obnoxious as fuck.
He needs to get laid, bros.
The Blood Brothers. That is all.
LDR is kind of into rock n' roll right? that would be sick.
Love the song, but I also think it's hilarious. Tough.
Half the fun of this video is seeing high school kids have no idea what to do with their bodies about good music. Clutch.
LOL? LoL..? That's your clever ass retort from your dorm room (mom's basement) to that entire post? Jesus. If you want slutty girls to like you just start a clever twitter that uses a lot of acronyms. They love that shit. Just make sure you're up to date on your EDM/St. Vincent/A$AP ROCKY/Rap Music, because they will constantly subliminally quiz you about it. It sucks. started-
Bro. Bruh. BRAJ. I'm sure you've probably listened to The Management. They put out that badass fucking jam called "The Kidz" when we were freshmen in sailing quallege and you had it ready to fucking GO to get the pussy drippin'. I was there. We all used that trick. But here's the thing. The Management aren't subject to your wants, needs, or desires. They don't make records for you or your mediocre weed that you thought you smoked (it was pencil shavings) while listening to 'Congratulations'. Did you actually listen to 'GRATZ' or were you imagining that, too? Revisit it. Totes worth it. Point being, you either need to get another weed dealer or keep reading Rolling Stone because the brilliance of this record is beyond you. You're an analog player in a digital world, bruh. Time to upgrade! (your weed. Seriously, though. It smells like mulch and if I can't get a contact high through the comment section then what the cock am I doing?)
I won't say I enjoyed this album as much as Within and Without, but that doesn't mean it's a poor record. Definitely more enjoyable after multiple listens. It feels like Ernest is touching on something a little deeper with this effort. Age seems to be a theme with this record. It recalls a different sort of nostalgia that Washed Out doesn't usually envoke. Perhaps it's sort of about the summers you can barely remember so half of said memories are longingly fabricated? The range of emotion he is able to express through his music has always been something that has drawn me to Washed Out. Definitely interested to see where he goes from here.
However, getting two BJ's is next level.
Claire, Love you, girl. Welcome to the team. BEWARE: You're about to get a lot of angry/confused white men commenting about how their musical preference will forever be superior to yours. In fact, I may be one of them somewhere down the road. We like to get on the internet when we drink. Just because you didn't include the new MGMT video on your most recent post doesn't mean it's garbage. Far from it. I appreciate you standing up for what you enjoy. You might have found that video unsettling, which I understand. It's a lot to take in. However, I urge you to reconsider. There is so much in that video to enjoy! The egg smashing! Writing on dudes with condiments! The band popping up in random shots! Eggs getting smashed with a gigantic hammer! GOD! That gets me so "hyped"! Think about it, my dear. I love you, and I respect your decision, no matter what it is. With all the love that I possess, mac "as well as" cheese
I was going to go on some long-winded rant about this entire thing being a sham, but then I scrolled down and saw this gif. Thank you.
I appreciate the explanation for "Common People" being at number one, though I think it may have been unnecessary. Some songs are just that perfect.
**Cover Image Changed** Where to start? The Cheetos beard? The cool pentagon tattoo? I don't know... Honestly, Death Grips seems to want to be "hard", and they are hard, yet they will never, ever, ever, ever, ever be as hard as they want to. No matter how many sharpie's they put to dicks. It's just too bad for Death Grips that Death Grips gives a fuck.
However, Bloc Party win for writing "Price of Gas". It, indeed, kept on rising. Also "Positive Tension" doesn't get enough respect.
You don't understand MGMT if you think they're trying to appease you. Just imagine when your shitty kid tells you he likes "Congratulations" and you pretend you loved it when you never gave it a fair shake.. "YOUR LIFE IS A LIE"
Their song "The Kids" is so fucking TIGHT, though!
ALSO: Don't think too much. Some of us pretended to like this show to get laid.
Let's just all take a deep, inhaler-sucking, cheap booze-drinking, internet soap box-yelling breath to acknowledge that Chris has referenced The Rapture through all of this. Further proof that "Echoes" is timeless. Thank you, Chris.
One upvote for your homage to Tony "The Tentacle" Harrison.
I wanna kick the lead singers butt so hard that he'll burp out farts.
It's time for my first serious comment. I thought some songs on "jinx" gave off a really cool post-Psychocandy JAMC vibes. Super impressed.
Mother Hummus, huh? What's the over/under on how long she took to compose that tweet, including getting on to look up the word "egocentrism" to make sure it was used in the proper context?
What the cock was that? Honestly, like no lie guys, I felt like I was watching a McDonalds commercial for some crazy ass liberal McRib campaign and all the sudden I hear that perfectly industrial churning beat of "MACHINE GUN"... ... But wait... There's like a random little beat in that main line that makes me discredit the brilliance of "MACHINE GUUN". Did Geoff Barrow cave and say "Okay, The Weaknd. You win. Please take this beat that I perfected and rape it to your brains hearts demise. Please." Bro. Weaknd. Just because your hair is super tight and you look like you might listen to more than what Spotify tells you doesn't give you the right to rip off one of the greatest musical minds of our generation if Geoff Barrow. You're basically drinking the trash can punch at this baller-ass party and consenting to megasex with Geoff Barrow. The catch being that you get to make the song "MACHINE GUUUN" shitty by adding one little half beat and making it emotional and moving TO YOU. BECAUSE YOU ARE A SELFISH NARCISSISTIC PRICK. Beth Gibbons gave this song all the emotion it ever needed. Thanks for ruining it for your Big Mac eating mistakes.
It's like The KILLS but in the midwest and with flat-billed hats and beards but it's totally chill but probably more aggressive than what you want to listen to while you're trying to convince that random girl that you have exquisite taste in music! .com!
I find it very odd that where the fuck have you been? Fuck apologies, fuck whatever world you thought you dominated here. You're just being a big, gigantic, whining internet baby. I want to buy you internet diapers. (here is where I post a video of a dumb baby being dumb because babies are dumb. Dummy {Portishead}). I wish that I could make you see, michaelunderscore....