
For π day, I will eat 3.14 of them, and then calculate my new circumference.
Mans in da house! Let's do the happy dance guys.
He is such a troll.
WINNING Recipes from Charlie Sheen, the master cook :
Bleep Bloop anyhoo :
This is great. When the BBC decides it's gonna do something well, it really rocks sweet balls. You can already get a taste of it here.
Tea Partiers are all '' We can say offensive things! Freedom of speech, you fool! '' and then here they are, saying it's outrageous and scandalous that some fundraiser is ''caught'' expressing different views then theirs on a hidden videotape... First of all, Schiller is not a journalist, but a guy paid to raise money for NPR. I think he is entitled to his own opinions, and I also think he spends most of his time adapting his discourse to the people he speaks with, because that is sort of his job. Also, it is worth noting that he does not agree to the money on tape. Because the amount is large, he discusses things with them for 2 hours, but at the end of the day, there is no proof that he would have accepted the offer.
You're thinking of pelvis right?
In other words:
Oh no, I fell soooo XXth century right now...
Ceci n'est pas un chien sur une trotinette.
Not to be one-upped, Mel Gibson plans to release his ''101 things I hate about Jews'' anthology tomorrow.
Where was Kanye when we needed him? I kept wanting for someone to interrupt Hathaway and give one of the white people's awards to a non-white person.
It's Magic and Poetry at your fingertips...
I was going to say: ''Hey it's Jason Segel playing the same character he plays in every movie.''
What about mustachioed cat eating a cookie ?
Well that is, if Canada had a real Netflix. This is just the list of stuff I want to watch in the next month.
Get Low The short films of David Lynch Pickpocket Fish Tank Despicable Me Yojimbo Leaves of Grass Romanzo Criminale The Pink Panther Classic Cartoon Collection: The Inspector Control Room
My thoughts exactly. Dude, you are not tripping, you're experiencing symptoms of hyperventilation and dehydration.
If you give your child a palindromic name, the mean kids just nickname them ''Poop''.
The only way this could be any more awesome would be if MIss Hendricks was part of your quintet. Which would make it a sextet i believe, how (in)appropriate.