
I love this so very much. You have made my Millenium Falcon. Feel free to do more! You have at least two Star Wars freaks that get it!!!
What the what? What's with the fucking downvote? Geesh! I'm not dissing shoogyboom.... I would totally get drunk on one Bloody Mary and forget my scene. Okay, I guess I deserved it.
Well, that's because he's so damn cool! LOOK he's smoking, too!
LOL I can't even remember what my scene was... I'm just too drunk to rememmm...... SNORE....
I had a dream about Gabe after a weekend of catching up on Vgum posts while I had the flu. In the dream, he brought me Christmas (???!!!) and I remembering turning to my mom and saying something like, "Isn't that the best? And he's Jewish, too. So sweet." And I was like UGH in the morning. Why do we assume Gabe's Jewish? His name? Anyway, I did have the flu, so keep that in mind, so no, it wasn't THAT kind of dream. Gabe's cute, but he's much too old for me. (Just kidding on the age part and UGH on the rest! lol).
Well, HELLO, they do have a baby!
I still hated this. I don't know why, but I really hated this. Maybe because the stupid advertiser just assumed I wanted all of these things out of my man. And also Old Spice stinks.
I choked on my taco salad, just for you, Duck Duck! LMAO
May a group of ninjas come and totally fuck up your computer tonight. I'm feeling Japanese I think I'm feeling Japanese I really think so
Was the Michigan story about you, Gabe? Is that why you keep reposting it? Oh, riiiiiight, they didn't have lightbulbs back when you were an 11 year old child. My bad.
And what freaked me out was that she was once a model. Where's Steve Winwood when you need him?
What a cool show! I wish I had a TV!
My cat loved "Benny and the Jets" by Elton John. She would slide down the hall on throw rugs and she was not a small cat. She would also tip over my water for my painting, but I think that was more of a curiosity thing. What were we talking about? Oh, Emily. Her teeth are as scary as her singing.
That's so many LOLz
OMG this is so awesome, too!
We get ignored all the time. So sad.
When I first read the title, I thought it said Pigs at Peace Cemetary and then that huge pig was laying the mud and I was like, "WHAT?"
I know. I was eating bacon on my salad while I was watching this. The horror!
I completely agree with you. Just looking at the freeze frame, you KNOW what he is going to say. It was the like the time Lindsay posted that vid of an eagle eating a turtle out of its shell - I COULD NOT WATCH.
OMG (irony), you are so awesome! But I'll be only gone for four since I'm on birth control and that makes my uncleanliness a shorter time! But wait! Birth control is from the devil!!!! Drown me, it's over.... glug, glug, glug......
To give you an idea of what I'm going through: dump a bunch of mozzarella cheese on your counter and then try to wipe it up with your hands, and as you do so, the pieces don't completely go away - they just keep getting smaller and smaller as you wipe more frantically and more frantically to get the frigging cheese up, but you realize it's futile without a wet rag or something, but yet you keep doing it for some reason, hoping against hope that your kitchen will still be clean so your child can benefit from it. It's frustration, guys, or maniacal self-denial of some sort. Anyway! Cheerio! Nice weekends to you all!
Hi guys, Just wanna take a moment to really sincerely apologize to a few people on here (and I think you know who you are), so I really want to do that, and hope we can still all read Vgum without getting up in each other's faces. Peace is what I am asking for... so I hope that's what we all get. Hopefully & Sincerely, NP
Well, it's come to my attention that people are thinking that I am on here to a) get too personal, or my favorite, 2) get attention, so I guess I will take my offending self off of this site. BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW NO ONE ELSE ON HERE IS HERE TO GET ATTENTION. So much for my last remaining source to the outside world and to other people. Goodbye.
off topic: Mans, I have a personal question. Can you email me at The sooner the better would be great. Thanks.
He's like Andy from the Office but 50 pounds heavier and with a combover.
(Not a caption since I haven't watched The Wire, and WHO is going to judge this contest? I hope it's Max or Max's mom!). Gabe, you do look tired and how the hell are you going to explain that hickey on your neck to your girlfriend? Hickeys don't just make themselves, you know.
We were going to paintball on Mother's Day once. You know, as a family thing.
Also, I didn't realize he was so tall.
I have the flu, dammit! I'm going to read this post and then go lay down and barf.
That was beautiful. I just had to say.
MY personal feeling is that Gaga ONLY thinks of the leather and the military uniforms and can't even ASSOCIATE it in any sort of historical context. She's just a stupid Gen-Xer (?) who probably only associates Hilter and the Third Reich as something very, very evil (without really knowing what it was all about) and therefore endeavoring to make it into something very, very naughty. And there you have your taboo. I was raised as a child to be proud of my German heritage. Then in my sophomore year in high school, my English teacher introduced a film (I'm sorry I cannot remember the name.... I really wish I could) that was about the Holocaust and was beyond vivid and disturbing.... I am at a loss to explain what I felt while watching and how I felt afteward. My father was a History teacher, and I knew (like Gaga, I am supposing) that Hitler and his regime was evil, but it took a certain English teacher to have the balls to pose this film to his class, which he KNEW was crammed full of German Americans to open my eyes and frankly, cry very hard tears of pain over that which I was not entirely aware of and how then my feelings of being German had changed. I think this (of myself and of Lady Gaga) is a clear case of "ignorance is bliss". But on my part, not that it really matters to this thread, to WWII, to the Holocaust of so many Jews and Poles, or to anything really, I prefer to be informed, even if I sat sadly disallusioned with a Kleenex in my hand as I wept for that which I had not known......
Is it wrong that I am secure with my whiteness?
*BLUSH* (I was Taki for awhile because I'm definately pro-Japanese and she is a ninja for crying out loud, but I just couldn't pull off the big boobs.... lol) You know, I've always had a thing for chainsaws..... lol On the other note, Sachi actually knows our language quite well. It's her accent that holds her back and it really shouldn't.
As a sidenote: my sister-in-law is Japanese. She is TERRIFIED to speak in public because her accent is very strong and she is afraid she will not be understood, or worse ridiculed. I look at my nieces and nephews and wonder what they hear from the nearly all-white community they live in near me. All we, as a family, can do is to continue to celebrate her culture that has defined her entire life. She CHOSE my brother for a husband. I can only imagine the kind of bravery it took to move half a world away to live in a foriegn land where people may or may not understand you.... or worse, not want to.
Plus the black and white photos of the hands of many colors were beautiful.
The two boys sitting on the floor together, looking at each other palms got me. This really put things into perspective for me, Gabe. Thanks!
Man, I always wanted a boyfriend who is eight years older than me!