
Kanye West is an asshole, let's make no mistake. And let's also make it clear that no one called him a racist for interrupting Taylor Swift. With that said, Matt Lauer and Good Morning America are also assholes because who cares? We have to worry about W's feelings regarding Kanye? Lauer grilled West worse over W than he did W over torture.
Did she just try to pass of a walman as a cell phone?
A little thick on the xenophobia there. Canada doesn't have any homegrown assholes?
I'd like to think we witnessed an evolutionary leap in Zombies. We'll all remember what we were doing when zombies learned how to use tools.
I'm with you. There's only two shows where you can watch people smearing zombie intestines all over themselves and I'm not a fan of Glee so I'll keep on trucking with this show.
"Morrissey has a long and clear history of saying racist things. Is he a racist? I don’t know–I can’t know a person inside their mind." I'll make it easy for you - yes, he's a racist.
Community was the best thing since their last Halloween episode. Followed by The League and then IASIP. Like someone else posted, I've also been down on IASIP but they've been picking up recently. That emu scene was tremendous. Also, Darryl Philbin will be the next boss...? Just cancel the show already. Or make it all about Andy.
Inside! Yes, it's terrifying.
Whatever, as long as he stops rapping.
What am I supposed to do with my song "Bmashang, let smash it and bang it girl" now?
And isn't the Larry the Cable Guy poster more evidence that she's a racist then the Confederate flag?
Anyone surprised by the Larry the Cable Guy poster?
There Will Be Bloody Marys
I'm a ghostwriter of a popular series of books on how to meet European men.
This can't be the worst only because the Digital Underground scene which featured the first ever Tupac appearance. Which means, by my math, this movie is responsible for Tupac's success.
Good God. I don't wanna be that guy but is this fake? No one can be this retarded. And by retarded I mean retarded.
She legitimately scares me.
"You're the seller, I'm the buyer." I'm selling Shut the Fuck Up pills.
Jack & Jill? Seriously? On a completely serious note, why aren't all of us in Hollywood? A movie based on Hungry Hungry Hippos were Adam Sandler is a Zoologist hunting a rare breed of hippos. A movie called "Back Against the Wall" where Matthew McConaughey plays Henry Back and Jennifer Aniston plays Marissa Wall. They're competitors in something, hate each other but against all odds fall in love. Let's get rich.
Thank you GradStudentsAreTheWorst, that makes me feel better. I wont have nightmares now.
Who's she fooling with that can of Febreze?
Luckily dead, rotting rats don't carry plagues or she'd be in real trouble.
She's like a very bad Dee Reynolds impersonator.
The League has been the highlight of the Thursday lineup for me. Taco and Chad Ochocinco's "I'm Inside Me" song of the first episode was legendary.
Andy's become my favorite character on Office but the whole thing with Erin annoys me. I mean, they spent all last season building up to them getting together. And then tell you that Gabe "stole" her off camera during the break. What the ass is that? Very lazy. But it was one of the better shows in awhile, Gabe's right about that.
It's nice that she listed her weight in the photo too :/ (same disclaimer as yours)
That "Stop Looking at My Momma" shirt would be a welcome addition to my shirt collection:
I'm not sure if I can get behind this and usually I support anyone that dances like Rerun regardless of the situation.
I feel like he was trying to walk a fine line of trying to be funny but not jerky about the whole thing. It felt a little flat to me.
This is how all weekends should get started.