
You guys sure grind my gears. I think this video has unlimited potential for gifs Baby Friday. UNLIMITED.
d'oh PLEGGERNOG COMMENTOR mighta been better whoops ?
Furry Withdrawal - One day at a time. Also - have you guys seen this
1. don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. 2. don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch. hmmm....wish I could think of some more. There are some pretty dynamite Alaskans up there - you should visit.
Best thread ever, hands down.
Michiko Kakutani here, just wanted to stop by and say great post Gabe.
one of the best. episodes. ever. at the risk of being redundant:
maybe you can tell me what she's listening to in the background then? i'm obsessed with background music and bookshelves in photographs...
I think they found him with their keen entrepreneurial minds and astute knowledge of viral internet sensations. (and he has a wife? am i just not uptodate on my basil?)
3+ Things I wish would just happen already, like gah: 1. Shane’s inevitable Vader-like attempt at redemption, getting eaten by zombies while saving “Carl.” 2. Old man to stop looking so dang surprised all the time and stop asking so many questions. Brush up on your S.C.I.E.N.C.E, AMIRITE? 3. Short Round drowning in the hatch, pressing his palm to the window for us to read “Not Merle’s Truck” Also, at some point I would like to be able to look at a disillusioned zombie fanatic and be able to tell them, “It gets better.” Sadly, I don’t know if this is possible, what with horrible CGI CDC splodes and zombie beheadings. They should really get some new writers...oh wait...
i much prefer the black and white pandas
yeah. whenever i see george wendt i have that reaction. that was a pretty lame comment. i'll try to make up for it with this:
enhance. i still don't get it. i blame the sinus headache.
i guess this is one way to wakeup. newtome:
I can't do it. I can't go back. Please don't make me.
maybe this will work
Flunky GorillaButt
I'm glad you transcribed this because I see great things ahead in the Firstness movement and at some point we're going to have to refer back to our roots...when we were first.