
I want to say Smash was my second Also FWIW, just remembered last night that I had a Dookie tee shirt that had a picture of a turd on it.
If you asked stereogum commenters what the first album they bought was what would the top 5 results be? Dookie would definately be in there, other 4?? For the record I think the first album I ever bought was "Off the Deep End" by Weird Al
I don't think Scott Gallagher was joking, pretty sure he is just an asshole
How can you lecture people about taking rape lightly and then say this girl should be ashamed of herself for not reporting it right away? Don't a lot of rapes go unreported? It's a traumatic experience, a lot of people probably opt to just push it from their memory and try to pretend it never happened. Maybe not the right move but it's understandable.
Totally. Maybe these days with Facebook it's more common for teachers to stay in touch with students because it's so easy, but back in the day it seems a little weird for a male teacher to be in touch with a female student of that age to the point where he is going to her birthday party 2 years after she was out of his class.
Probably best to let this girl press charges before even getting to that point. Til then the brother would probably rather stay out of it and live his life. Also, if it is true are you sure he would implicate his brother? The whole thing is a clusterfuck, if these allegations are true probably not the best way to come forward.
Took me about 5 mins to find out that Matt Oberst is a middle school writing teacher, I actually ended up at his Linkdin account, so this person knowing that proves nothing.
Does Conor Oberst really have a brother who was a middle school English teacher?
Very 2007... reminds me of something off "Strawberry Jam" or "Mirrored"
Wasn't trying to patronize. I was sitting on my ass doing nothing last night too. Just thought chit chatting might be a good distraction for you. Oh well, no promises but I'll do my best to not get too into it with you in the future. I'll be falling off again for a while soon anyways. Peace and Love
So don't write two paragraphs about why life isn't fair?
Let me get this straight, you are 30 years old, fit, good looking, rich, AND have a massive shlong? What are you bitching about????? Seriously tho, reading Miles Davis' advice made my advice seem kind of awful. I don't know you well enough to know if you are just having a hard time or if you have serious issues with depression, but if it's the second one definitely go with Miles. You and I are actually kind of similar. I'm a 30 year old introvert who has no interest in getting to know 99% of the people out there. I do really value those connections I have been able to make however. I noticed you mentioned that your friends are too busy. I'm married now and one thing that is really different from when I was in my mid 20s is that before plans with my friends would materialize moments before we did whatever we did. These days if you want to see me you need to schedule that shit. I need at least 1-2 weeks notice if you are going to make plans with me. Make plans to see your friends, even if it seems like you are the one making all the effort. Maybe interacting with someone you actually like will help.
My (unsolicited) advice... 1. Keep hitting the dating sites. I can imagine it's tougher to find someone good in the burbs but don't give up. Also, you can go out with some chicks who maybe don't have long term potential but can keep you from being too bored for a few weeks. Do you have a car or can you take public trans to the city? Maybe find a city girl, even if the distance would kill the chance of anything serious you could go downtown and try to have a good night? And I know you said you don't have a ton of money for going out, but I bet you could make it work every once in a while. When was the last time you got laid? Basically I'm telling you to try to get laid. 2. If that job of yours makes you so miserable maybe keep trying to find something else. I know you said that you have ruled out some things that you need to consider? Would you be willing to take a pay cut to find something you enjoy more or something with more coworkers your age? IDK, #2 might be easier said than done, maybe stick to #1. Just find SOMETHING that makes you happy and do it as much as you can. Best of luck this year. It's going to be more of the same shit for sure, but I hope it's at least a little better and you can find some happiness.
I said based on this list, and you were missing! Don't think I didn't notice, also no Donnytilla and he could be my favorite commenter of the year every year.
It sounds like I pretty much had the same job as you until recently. I used to dread when people would ask me what I did just because my office job was so lame and such a waste of time. I had to go to grad school to get out of it, but it sounds like you already tried that... Have you dated anyone recently? Even if you had to go online, swallowing your pride might be better than being so lonely. And before you say that no body would want a dude in his 30s living at home remember a lot of people have similar issues these days. Are you a decent looking guy? You're smart and you have a job so you can't be a total disaster.
Based on this list Crania America was a strong contender for commenter of the year.
I'm planning on getting so fucked up that I'll be feeling music
It's all relative, I work with inner city kids who have a lot of issues with things most of us take for granted, so I'm really conscious of that but no matter how successful you are or how great your life is it doesn't mean that you are never allowed to bitch or have opinions on anything. Everyone's got problems. Some are financial, some are emotional, some are political, etc... and we can argue over which are more valid but the bottom line is nobody's life is perfect. Michael_, getting to you... Do you have anyone that you can talk to about what's going on? I mean like a parent or a best friend or something. I'm almost tempted to give you my e-mail in case you ever want to vent. I'm not sure if you are interested in any advice or wisdom from me, but I'll say this. You are probably never going to do what you absolutely love for a living at this point and very few people do. I would say you need to find a job you can stand so you can get some experience doing something that you don't hate and go from there. If you can accomplish that then you are better off than most. Then you still have your free time to write, which you are very good at. Maybe if you can take away the pressure to make a career out of it you can enjoy it more. Just know that everything you are describing like having tons of student debt, living at home as an adult, being broke, not being able to afford having kids(I don't know how anyone does it these days), being unsatisfied with your career, etc... are extremely common issues for people our age. I don't have the same issues with depression that you might have, but I've been there. Trust me, I've been through some shit. You're not alone and I hope you are just having some seasonal depression and despite some of the problems you have your life isn't as joyless as you are making it out to be.
MacBook Air and a garbage disposal!
You crossed the line between man and troll with this one
I would have to really rack my brain to come up with a fav tracks list that I was happy with. I just forget too much and am terrible with song names. Here are those albums. 2013 was a stacked year for music I thought, 1-5 all got consideration for # 1 and #10 could have been about a 20 way tie. 1. Arcade Fire - Reflektor 2. Kanye West - Yeezus 3. Disclosure - Settle 4. Daft Punk - RAM 5. Drake - Nothing was the Same 6. Rhye - Woman 7. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires 8. Courtney Barnett - The Double EP 9. Run The Jewels - Run the Jewels 10. Kurt Vile - Walking on a Pretty Daze
I think I saw "wrecking ball" on a bunch of staff lists on Pitchfork which surprised me. I'm with you Broydrick, I think that song blows too. "Royals" was hands down the best track that got major radio play this year imo.
I've got a lot to get off my chest guys "Here Comes the Night Time" was my favorite track from "Reflektor" and possibly my favorite from the entire year. Where was that one on the Pitchfork list? Also, "Michael" by The-Dream was the shit. Finally, I came up with a top ten AOTY list to give to a friend the other day. I'll share it if anyone still gives a shit at this point. I'll check back to see the plus/minus on this comment in a little bit and base it on that.
You know every stereogum reader didn't sit in a room and come up with this list together right?
Am I the only one who had no idea that everyone loved "Hanna Hunt"? Love that album but "Hanna" was pretty much a throw away track for me. Was it released as a single?
I mean, most of what he says is nonsense. Yeah, all the Bush's oil connections are Saudis, IDK what that has to do with Jews either. BTW, the more I think about it, the more confident I am that Kanye thinks all white people are jews
It comes off like he is making a generalization, but in a way it's true. I'm sure if you looked at a list of the 100 most powerful people in the world(does Forbes make this list?) you would find a lot more Jewish people than black people. He probably didn't have to mention jews to make his point though. I know there actually a lot of powerful Jewish people out there but there are enough negative stereotypes that have been around forever that I get why his statement could make you cringe a little. He should have just said that white people have more connections then black people. He could have made the same point without offending anyone. Also, are we even sure that Kanye doesn't think ALL white people are Jews? I grew up in a suburb with a major Jewish population. I think a lot of people from more diverse areas take for granted the fact that a ton of people don't even understand what a Jewish person is.
Oh btw, I was supposed to be going to Kanye in about an hour but it was ppd so I'm sitting on my couch drinking wine by myself in sweatpants with elastic bottoms instead
Due to a career change I'm afraid I'm going to be permenantly marginalized. I'll still be reading when I can and maybe dropping in on the weekends. After reading this comment section I actually spent some time trying to find where @redacted was being mean to our boy on twitter and ended up going to awkward sound and seeing that goodbye post for the first time. I hope that guy is able to find whatever he is looking for.
That thread above about tracks of the year got me thinking, this is the best year for music in a while right? Best album lists are going to be stacked. Both top heavy, and deep as hell. For me releases from Kanye, Daft Punk, Arcade Fire, Disclosure, and Drake would all be legit #1's any other year. "Modern Vampires" is a half notch below those imo, but a lot of people would have that as a legit #1 as well. Plus, I'm not discounting releases from Deafheaven and MBV which I didn't really take the time to get into, but were both critical monsters. And then that second tier is absurd too. Rhye, Chance, Kurt Vile, Darkside, Courtney Barnett(thanks stereogum), Run the Jewels, and the list goes on.
"I’d be fuckin pissed if I got there early, waited in line, got a spot right in front of the stage, then “ha ha we tricked you”" I don't totally disagree with this, but it sounds like anyone who was there got to experience something really cool that they won't soon forget. James Murphy came out and introduced them, you got to see one of the biggest bands in the world play a small venue, and I'm sure being at the back of the crowd was still way closer than you ever could have been at someplace like MSG. If I had gotten there early to get in the front row and then ended up in the back after they appeared on a different stage I probably would have been a little annoyed for a moment or two but I think I'd end up just being happy I was there. My biggest gripe would have been the formal wear. Being in a hot, tightly packed room with a bunch of dudes dressed like members of Mumford and Sons doesn't sound very appealing.
No Four Tet reference in the write up huh? I haven't listened to it, I hope it isn't that forgettable. I guess you guys left The Field off your initial list a few weeks ago so maybe I should reserve judgement. Good call on AOTW tho, I like it.
I've been thinking about the use of the n word in rap recently. Does saying nigga during the hook from started from the bottom really make it any better? Maybe that's one that could be left off.
There should be a weekly stereogum wrap up show with a rotating panel of commenters. Raptor Jesus, you would be the host and introduce all the topics to be discussed. Michael_ would have to be on pretty often. Donnytilla would be a great panel member. Maybe throw Michael Hanna in there to stir shit up/be a dick. Rubberjohnny every once in a while? The possibilities are endless. Who's not listening to that?
semi-related, why doesn't Stereogum have a blog radio show on Sirius XMU? Anyone every listen to the hipster runoff show? Good lord is Carles annoying.
The title track is probably my fav Neil song as well.
Nailed 1 and 2 IMO Gotta admit, I kinda liked Greendale tho. "Devil's Sidewalk" is an awesome song.