
The real problem with this ad is that when people see it and realize the movie that captured their youth came out almost thirty years ago, the last vehicle they're going to be spurred to run out and buy will be a safe, family-friendly Honda.
(You might not want to open that. Pikachu just watched the "Dick in a Box" video for the first time and he still thinks it's relevant)
Not to get all nit-picky, but spoiler alerts aren't very effective when you don't say what you're spoiling until you've spoiled it. Just something I've noticed. (But I'm glad you're back, Soft Gabe!)
Truly the most overlooked Gabe of them all, is Kelly.
Ok, now convince the rest of your band to do that in unison, and then walk off the stage. Go apply for jobs in the respective fields where you're all most qualified. That's so hardcore.
Of course, while on the subject of ridiculous oppulence, Leno failed to mention anything about the fleet of cars he himself owns. (COME AT ME, INDIA)
These movies should get sued by REAL LIFE because they're all hitting a bit too close to home.
"They'll never take my freedom of speech!" "Stop saying that, Mel."
But if we get to choose to call ourselves losers, doesn't that defeat the point of his argument?
I was such a cheerleader in high school.
Only because Purity Bear keeps sticking his winkie in Sexual Harassment Panda's ear.
If only there was a bear to teach us how marriage is a decision that could define the rest of our lives. Oh well! Let's get married so we can go bang!
"Cuba Gooding Jr won an oscar, right? Let's remake Snow Dogs!"
Fashionably late to the party, as always.
Giving them new scripts for their birthdays is the only way Apatow's found to encourage his children to read.
Well that's four people that are still satisfied with Apatow's handiwork.
They should probably just move.
That's the bravest news I've heard since her mother's selfless decision not to run for president.
I think, following the law of transitivity, you now have to date Aaron Paul?
Cormac McCarthy just wants to make you sad, and he will hurt everyone you love to get there, he don't care. I mean, he's no Nicholas Sparks, that's for sure.
Can I get an "amen" up in here?
It's not a recession, all our jobs are just being taken by Agent Scully. Wait I have the best idea.
To answer the other ubiquitous question, Uma gets all her ideas from Cosmo.
Relax, Gabe, they're not being sexist. The whole concept is just a thinly-veiled metaphor for how hard it's become for Americans to find jobs because of all the immigrants.
I laughed all the way through this list. We are funny people, turns out! I just don't appreciate how much harder getting that Full EGOT just became.
You know how sometimes when you like someone you do awkward or terrible things to them just to try and get their attention? And then it always ends in marriage because that's just such a good idea? Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm sorry to Kelly for nominating you for the Uncoolest Person of the Year award yesterday. I didn't mean it and I actually think you're pretty cool. No hetero.
Be Kind Rewind might have been terrible, but I am so on board with the general concept of sweding.
Baby Friday It's Cold Outside
All I Want for Christmas is Werttrew #holidaythemedmonsters What's a holiday party without a lazy BNPG?
Kelly Conaboy, nerd of nerds
"You mean we're allowed to say no to our children's unreasonable demands?" -More Sand's mom
Huh. I thought Soft Gabe moved away.
"It was a good thing he had his own cops with him... because otherwise he might get arrested, for trying to steal someone else's star, you know 'cause everyone would be all like 'whose dad is that guy and why is he stealing a famous dude's star?'.. and their friend would be like "dude I don't know".. haha"