
Miley Cyrus, Troll Queen...
Givers are awesome! pic unrelated
Maybe its just me, because I'm so desensitized to language, but I think his overuse of words like faggot and the Juxtaposition of talking about sucking dick about a million times are good things. I think the majority of humans on this planet are still quite racist in some way, but the majority of youth, especially these days, are more color blind than any generation. Which only makes sense, I'd hope any species would evolve in this way because as people of all races and religions mix more and more we inherently lose a lot of racism in each subsequent generation. Hopefully in a hundred years racism will be a thing of the past. But, until that time comes there will always be people overly sensitive to words that only have power over their emotions because they let them. Also, the more curse words are used the less of an impact they have and more acceptable they are to say in public. Everyone curses now, it's on TV, radio, and the internet is fucking loaded with bad words. The more an artist uses words he grew up hearing I think they lose their ability to offend after a while. So, my opinion is that all racists and homophobes should be forced to listen to this album and other like it so as to remove the power behind words they think are so wrong and realize that entertainment can change opinions subtly without people even knowing it.
I was just saying that someone needs to bring Ska back...but, the Beastie Boys...?
Merrill and Owen Pallett should have a baby. Just Saiyan.
What Jessi is trying to explain here is that 'ol Deaner and Gener were blessed by the Boognish: Demon God of rock to create pure music best enjoyed in the company of hallucinogenics. Also, wasn't Chocolate and Cheese dedicated to John Candy? ...worth mentioning I suppose.
Agreed. People forget that a video's main purpose is to reflect the emotion of the song. The song and video both have a feeling of nostalgia and care-free attitude of youth. The song is more about the disappointment of growing up while the video shows how easy friendships used to be or seemed to be when we were kids. The song is in a way about how we all seem to go from pure and childlike to something not pure but still has an optimistic, however unwarranted, viewpoint. The video goes into the way growing up, especially being surrounded by violence and chaos, makes life and relationships become harder and more complicated and dramatic. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't think it has to have a clear cut story line to be a fucking good video.
I don't even need another video for this!
I really relate to this video...cause I have that SAME Totoro plush! :D
Pretty sure I heard him say, "Rape an Ape".
The interview was hilarious...and yes, Jigglypuff, Damon is still dreamy, gold toof and all!
I have to say that Kyp Malone interview deserves at least 3 and a half burgers!
Great track...reminds me of Stevie Wonder, maybe its just his voice and the funk...the funk helps too.
I guess all that "Electric Avenue" money is gone now...
I don't know; for me the humanoid fox creature and cucumber tree in the ice cave proves to be a strong metaphor which fit the song's underlying themes...................
Plastic Beach sounds like it is shaping up to be the best collaborative 'electronic hip-hop' album ever made.