
I'm really worried that the lion actually wants to eat the little boy and not play with him. Probably should not be taunting her!
I don't need a vid, I just stare at the pictures....
I read that after this, he had to gain back 30 lbs for another role. So yay! Soft Andy!!
Sorry, the pic of Obama with baby Spiderman is making my womb hurt.
Yes, no Parks & Rec or New Girl, but Girls & Smash? Confusing.
I wanted to check to see if I was a Millennial, and apparently it refers to people born between 1982 & 2004, which I think is a pretty big gap, but what do I know. So I am a "Millennial" even though I'm an old "Millennial". And apparently Millennials is the other term for "Gen Y", which I also did not know.
Not to sound salesy, but Fab has it for $29 Still much more expensive then a reg scratching post, but you can at least play some house music while they're playing.
I think it's saying that we should have listened to her more? That she should have been more influential then she was/is with healthy eating & exercise? Which yes, I can see that, but she's definitely influential in other areas, like being the best, so I guess that balances it out.
Ok, so to offset the horribleness of Kirk Cameron and to actually celebrate "National Coming Out day", here's a sweet video of Sally Field accepting an award and talking about her son Sam: Hooray for non-awful famous people!
Wait, do Presidential candidates typically change their slogans a month before the election? I feel like that's not allowed.
I can't upvote you enough! So excited for some more Latrice!
I guess if people were only picked on or bullied because the weren't white, attractive, middle class, or heterosexual, I might agree with this sentiment. "Oh, you're white, you are obviously not bullied! Only minorities are!" But as a white, middle class, heterosexual women who was completely surrounded by white, middle class, heterosexual kids in high school (apparently small suburban towns aren't known for diversity), I can tell you that bullying was still a problem, and usually for completely random things. Typically, the most harsh bullying were girls bullying other girls because THEY LIKED THE SAME GUY. And as the usage of the internet became more common as I got older (AOL y'all), it became worse & worse. Bullying that typically stayed in one school in one town was now spreading to neighboring towns & schools. And it was relentless - one couldn't just go home to get away with it, it followed them through emails and chats. I can only imagine that it's even worse now with cell phones.
And it was MMA, not WWE.
I'm an idiot. that IS Gina Carano!! Is it drinking time yet?
For some reason, I read that as "Carla Guigino" and at first I was like, "ehhh" and then I thought about it more and I was like "I can totally get behind that! And then I re-read it and saw it was not Carla Guigino and I was bummed. But I looked up Gina Carano and I do believe she would be awesome as well! I was also thinking that woman that was in the WWE and now does movies but I don't remember her name or the name of the movie she was in (she was basically a female Jason Bourne I think?)
You know, after a half week of discussions on rape & abortion & politicians & just general awfulness, I just want to see a goddam otter playing with plastic cups so I can feel just a fleeting moment of happiness before the reality of everything sets in again. Perfection. Also, I need to teach my cats to high five me & play dead so I can live that EVERYDAY.
I hate & love this post all at one. Hate - ugh, shut up Tim Thomas Love - yay! Bruins!
I'm finally participating in the VG movie club! Very excited, very cool.
Pretty much word for word how I felt about this movie.
I just can't believe I didn't realize that guy was Lucius Malfoy! What is wrong with me??
Ugh, as a Bruins fan, all I want to do is rag on this kid for liking the Canucks, but alas, he's just too cute, too awesome.
Latrice! Hooray for Rupaul GIFs!!
My cat does that! But it's to my face. And if you don't pat him within 2 "pats", then he does it with his claws. My cat is a dick guys.
I was actually enjoying the first song in a "wow, they're not as bad as I thought they were going to be! It's kind of fun music" UNTIL she rapped. Awful
What I'm wondering is, why didn't you want one before?
Something Corporate?? Eeeeeee!
It's interesting, I've been reading a book for work that includes a study on warning labels for cigarette packs in countries like England and Australia. In Australia, they have those type of graphic warnings and they found that those labels work the opposite way you'd expect- people started buying more cig packs (and smoking the cigarettes) because they were trying to "collect" the different packs. And people already knew the health risks with smoking,so having this image didn't deter them at all. Science is interesting.
I'm not really sure why, but I'm kind of upset by this (the death, not the headline). This might sound insensitive, but I always thought to myself, "Those Jackass guys are going to have the most lame deaths after living through all the stunts they do". And now one of them has died and I'm saying "drunk driving accident? Yes, very lame. In multiple ways". Is this even a coherent post? That's how upset I am!
Can I just say that even talking about hockey in the slightest sense on Videogum makes me happy? I love it. Of course, I'm a Bruins fan so I'm just happy in general, but still. Yay!!! But yeah, rioting, what's up with that guys? Bostonians would NEVER riot ever.
No Grammy yet? That's crap. Anyways, Robin Williams performance of "Blame Canada" at the Oscars was the best performance ever of anything.
Is Trey Parker & Matt Stone in EGOT territory?
Don't worry! I made it!!
Why does everyone's head looks like it was photo-shopped on to their bodies? (ESPECIALLY Paul Walker's)
They ate jelly beans?
OK, I have to ask, where is this from? Is it SNL or something? I'm so square.