
I feel the same way about time moving really fast, but I live in Austin and summer definitely happened.
I prefer winter jams because you can listen to them over a piping cup of hot chocolate!
Thank you! Finally someone with an informed dissenting opinion!
I agree with you for the most part. What I thought was interesting about this was that before the movie came out, everyone did seem to "know" it was a hoax or performance art or whatever you want to call it. Then the reviews started coming in, and it seemed like a lot of critics (including Ebert, who is not stupid) honestly didn't know what to think. So that made me wonder if maybe they pulled off something interesting? I don't know what exactly, and I probably won't find out for a long time because I have too many other movies to catch up on. But maybe it's not such a terrible thing that they tried to do something different, even if they failed. And I just think it's weird that everyone's piling on (albeit hilariously) but not a single person seems to have seen it.
It seems like every thread about this movie is basically an orgy of condemnation without investigation. It reminds me of when all those Catholic groups protested The Last Temptation of Christ (but with apathy replacing moral outrage). Does anyone who's actually seen the movie have an opinion about it?
You know how you used to do Friday Fights with Lindsay? I really liked those. It would be fun if every week you have a Wednesday Fight (but with a better name) with a different guest about...oh I don't know, could be anything really! Maybe debate the shit out of some old movie, like you did with Salo. But you probably have something else planned.
Actual human families are all alike; every cartoony family is cartoony in its own way.
See, why do you always do that?
Okay, that's pretty gross. But let's be fair -- LGG is a lot more likely to be aware of the sexual deviance of a dirtbag quasi-fashion photographer than President Obama.
Hm, I fail to see an actual conflict of interest here, Patrick. But you must be hot!!!
Is it me, or are these recaps getting more and more perfect? I'm pretty sure Gabe's last Mad Men recap of the season will reach apotheosis and ascend bodily into heaven.
Worlds: That's how they do.
Affleck's defense of the movie is total horseshit (OF COURSE they were trying to trick people), but I haven't seen the movie yet and the more I read about it, the more interesting it sounds (even though the trailer made it look pretty awful, because trailers always seem to make movies look either much better or much worse they they really are). I like David Edelstein's explanation of why Roger Ebert was taken in by it: "I think Roger is such a big-hearted, pro-AA mensch that his first thought on watching I'm Still Here was, 'We must get him to a meeting!' Has a public figure ever shed so much cynicism over the course of a lifetime? "
This is sadder than Intervention and Hoarders put together (surgically).
Good one. (I mean good candidate for WMOAT, not good movie)
They're not even African. But yeah, there's three.
If you're going to keep making the "children of Darfur" jokes, wouldn't it make more sense to show a picture of children who, I don't know, actually live in Darfur? Here, I found you a pretty good one.
Eyes Wide Shut (worst Kubrick movie) Dr. T and the Women (worst Altman movie) Deconstructing Harry (worst Woody Allen movie) All the King's Men (worst remake) Christmas with the Kranks & Love Actually (tied for worst holiday movie) The Bucket List (worst dying-person movie) Sex and the City (obvious)
Motherfuckers, stop telling me to RELAX, I'M RELAXED. Okay, I said my piece. Go on with your bad brainstorming selves.
The picture itself actually bothered me less than your glib (initial) response to our comments. We all have lapses in taste or whatever, but I feel like it's a little passive-aggressive to post something that seems obviously calculated to get a response and then tell us to “relax” when we actually respond to it.
Wait a minute...Gabe is dying?
Oh shit, did I forget to use approved videogum jargon? Telling relaxed people to "relax" is condescending.
(1) Didn't most people agree with the war at the time only because Bush & Co. manufactured evidence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-Qaeda? (2) Backwaxer never said the war WAS genocide, he said the U.S. "started a bunch more wars doing things *like* this," which is demonstrably true. (3) If we had never invaded Iraq, it's possible that "people" (read: Americans) wouldn't have been any "happier," but a lot more humans would be alive.
I was thinking more along the lines of Circus Animal cookies.
The exception that proves the rule:
Gabe can't review bad movies and wear white shoes at the same time. It just isn't done.
I'm just sitting here waiting for the film version of the Broadway version of The Lion King.
Who's gonna foot the bill for that robot?
jell –verb (used without object) 1. to congeal; become jellylike in consistency. 2. to become clear, substantial, or definite; crystallize: The plan began to jell once we all met to discuss it. Origin: 1820–30; back formation from jelly Don't fuck with Mr. New York Times, huckabeast.
I've analyzed this pretty closely, and I think it's because her mouth is too large for her face.
Yeah, but It's Pat had Camille Paglia, which is so weird that it makes it better than this movie.
I'm reminded of a line from In Bruges: "It's a jumped-up Eurotrash piece of rip-off fucking bullshit." Yeah. Sounds about right.
Like I said above, Gabe is too reliably funny and good to have written this. I have a strong hunch it was a guest blogger.
It's like a bad parody of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I have a feeling this isn't Gabe but one of his guest bloggers. Gabe would've known this wasn't working and scrapped it, but he's too nice to spike someone else's work.
Guess I'll go over to Gawker for my Mad Men recaps.