
Mad Men isn't just a religion... It's a "lifestyle."
So you approve of their "Win-Wood"? As it were?
Oh, you mean this:
It's a little worse than "things not going their way" because y'know, slavery.
Thanks for that, Gabe. I needed a palate cleanser of classy after that last post. Oooops, that's your Attorney General.
And screen printing. Of course, they would have done their part for permanent markers and posterboard, but signs weren't allowed. I'll tell you, if anyone knew in July that they were gonna ban signs they should've been shorting Sharpie stock and buying Hanes and whoever makes shitty-smelling latex fabric paint.
Just wait until they find out that one of their best friends is gay, or three of them... Nothing like having gays under your nose for years without knowing it to make you realize THEY'RE JUST LIKE US!
Trying to say that Glen Beck called the President a racist! Twisting words around!
Never underestimate the power of the complacent American majority to know crazy when they see it.
No, but you did miss out on the guy who spent a good deal of time explaining how Islam is different from other religions because it's a "lifestyle." Judicial, economic, religious, comprehensive. Because, y'know, Jews and Christians never get involved in the judicial or legislative process. Come to think of it, I've never heard anyone say that we need more Christian-minded judges or legislators. FEAR THE CALIPHATE!
It's no Last Bastion of Hope, I'll tell you that. They were second-to-last, but then they gave us that commie Neil Young.
Especially for those of us who have no idea what the song is supposed to sound like... #oldfartgum
I think we all are, based on that auto-generated bing search.
It's seeing videos like this that assure me, even against my own hopes, that we as a species are destined to destroy ourselves or the planet.
Marriage is the best! Yeah for spouses! Congrats to you, That One. It would be awesome if your spouse got a VG account and their username was The Other One. #usernamepuns #gratefuldeadsongtitles
Hmmm... new chat makes you use twitter and/or FB and/or myspace (MYSPACE?). Boo, new chat. Boo.
I totally wanted that third Corgie to go unplug the treadmill with his teeth and send the other two careening into the camera. #corgiepranks
Mondo Kim's. Never forget.
"What do you think honey? Sliding Doors or...."
The city in which I live has seen Hollywood Video, Movie Gallery, and now Blockbuster all come and go, and yet the independent store with sections like "Kung Fu" and "Mondo Cinema" has been in business as long as I've been alive, and still is. And it's in a basement.
Welcome aboard the Good Ship Lollypoop.
Just think about all the grass or vegetation we could plant on all those vacant roads.
related story: I was on family vacation last week (in my 30s and still somehow doing that shit) when my uncle (in his 60s!) was on his laptop surfing the tubes (so not allowed at the lake house, boo uncle!) and what was he watching? A youtube clip of Jeff Dunham. No ventriloquisto. He calls me over "Nephew Tankerbell, have you seen this Jeff Dunham guy?" I stayed seated and said ruefully, "Oh, yes.... I've seen him." And took another slow sip of my Mt. Gay and tonic and glared contemptuously out the window.
At least we won't need roads.
Let's try that again...
I'm pretty sure my brother and I got pretty much this exact kit for Christmas in 1983. "Make the silk scarf disappear!" (By stuffing it into a rubber prosthetic thumb!)