
That track list is classic. I'm really happy he went with the syrobonkus mix. Can't wait to dig in to this.
I really hope that article is not related to the "Gene Simmons "Does" Rachael Ray, Anderson Cooper" article next to it. Also Gene Simmons is an ass.
So awesome! Finally saw Godflesh on their recent tour and it was indescribable. Godflesh has always been one of the bands I never get tired of listening to. Very excited for this new album.
I missed that. NIce work. +14/-3. Not bad but should have won this week.
Hence the positive score. If someone would have made a Jack White/Juggalo dildo meme you would have needed some crazy advanced math to figure your score.
Seems like we broke the up vote/down vote code this week. Dildo jokes = good. Halfassed memes = bad.
It means it is really hard to make a dildo joke that people don't like. I'm struggling to think of what kind of comment would garner a lot of down votes. I'm sure _someone will figure it out.
People who live with glass dildos shouldn't throw Kid Rocks.
Dude, this happens all the time. I genuinely like so called "difficult" or abrasive music. There are bands featured here all the time that I check out and find incredibly boring or unlistenable. Future Islands, Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, and Vampire Weekend are just a few bands that come to mind. Sometimes the music press wets their pants over a band and they just don't do it for me. It happens. I come to the defense of bands like Death Grips or Swans because these are bands that I actually enjoy listening to. Most people like to have their opinion validated every once in a while and I am no different. There is nothing wrong with you if you don't like Swans or Vampire Weekend. Hell, I don't even like Daft Punk. Talk about feeling left out.
Well said. I have compared death grips to the sex pistols myself here. I hope they stay broken up. My favorite band break up ever is Big Black. I love that they did their thing and broke up on their own terms. (Yes, I know they played the touch & go anniversary, that was justified). Anyway, glad you got to see them and can appreciate them for what they were. That is what music is all about.
And to clarify, I love death grips. I wish more bands would come along and fuck with people they way they did. I understand why a lot of people didn't like them but that was part of the point. There are plenty of bands giving people exactly what they want. Breaking up was the only way to go.
Great Job!
I'm eager to HAVE thoughts on the Pallbearer record.
I LOVE Swans but these replies pretty much sum it up. If they are not your thing I don't think there is anything you can do about it. My best friend, who shares about 95% of my musical taste, simply does not like Swans despite my multiple attempts to help him see the light ( or should I say the darkness). It helps to have an appreciation for repetition, noise, and minimalism. Probably helps to also have a deep depressive streak. I hate to use the word "goth" but I have often thought that Swans were a goth band for people who love heavy musicl but hate goth culture. That still doesn't quite do it but I appreciate your willingness to try. I know how much it sucks to really want to like a band when you just can't.
Excellent column this month. Love the perspective on the "big 4". I have 3 things. 1. That Body Count cover was way better than it had any right to be. I remember getting their first album in high school and feeling like I had a real piece of contraband. 2. That Pallbearer song is really growing on me and I still can't wait to hear the whole thing. 3. Say what you will about the politics behind "Why Do the Heathen Rage?" but that album is fucking brilliant and the cover is amazing. I bought the vinyl on sight!
A really good video takes a song you already like and makes you like it more. The Liars video did that for me. Bravo. All that effort just to make a mess.
Fast forward 10 years ---> "Remember when hashtags were a thing?" "Yup." I feel bad for anyone who feels shame for enjoying music.
I also like that he showed me how to buy the car AND the house.
I like the song a lot. It's no Foreigner, which is my favorite song but it is good. Sorrow was a grower for sure and I just liked the album as a whole so much. My only concern about this new song on first couple of listens is the vocal. He sounds more confident and is taking more chances for sure . That is not necessarily a bad thing but for me I see the danger of him going too over the top. I'm still very hopeful.
HA! Thanks. I actually thought about that but it didn't feel like a time for jokes. I was wrong.
If all you listen to are these songs then you might be right. I'll be blasting Riff Raff and having the best summer ever.
I have listened to Sorrow and Extinction more than any other metal album in the past 2 years (and I listen to a lot of metal). If this album is somehow better than Sorrow and Extinction it will be one of my favorite metal albums of all time. This wait will be unbearable.
Editor's Choice, nice! That picture is so EDM. I didn't realize how huge beads were in that scene.
Sure there are a couple of missteps but the rap game needs a Riff Raff every once in a while. Riff has already done plenty of songs that meet your criteria.
Swans - "Bring the Sun/Toussaint L’Ouverture" Either that or something by Riff Raff.
You mean this won't be a thing forever? Bummer.
So random. I laughed out loud at Randy Moss. Out of nowhere.
1. Dude, rant away. It's the internet. You can talk about whatever you want, wherever you want. I just got called out for expressing my opinion elsewhere on this site and was feeling snarky. It is really hard to understand other people's sense of humor in online comments. 2. Pitbulls are awesome dogs. I personally know 4 pitbulls and they are all the nicest, sweetest dogs. They deserve to be defended. 3. Super Cat IS badass. 4. I am tired of Die Antwoord but freak away freaks.
Haven't you heard? You are not supposed to express your political thoughts here. It ruins the fun.
My words are all mine. I read the previous words and they made me think of some other words. Then I typed thoes words out and pushed "submit comment". Isn't communication wonderful?
Right, because if a woman isn't hot she might as well be spooning tater tots onto your plastic tray. Nice.
Is that a Versace snow cone?
This reminds me more of Team Dresch than Hole. Anyway, pretty rockin' song. Excited to hear the whole album.
I was just thinking about these ladies. I can't stop thinking about all the "what ifs" regarding the recent female fronted Nirvana performances and these two were at the top of my fantasy list. There are so many great harmony parts in those Nirvana songs and I always loved Veruca Salt's harmonies. Plus they are playing Portland. Awesome news!
Kim is such a great choice. This could have gone wrong in so many ways but this looks about as good as could be expected.