
I like the face coming just a few moments later better. Also, is that shirt he's wearing from the Kids 'N Teen affiliate, Guys 'N Dad? "This shirt makes it look like you're sweating all the time!" "I'll take it! It will go great with the faces i make!"
He's not even aware of the most brilliant aspect of his plan. The reason people are buying him so much stuff is because they're overcompensating for not wanting to appear like they show less respect to a disgusting thumbhead veteran.
That should be his trademark move. Everyone would be like "Marcel! Marcel! Stand on the Z key! Stand on the Z key!" and he's like "Aw, come on guys, i don't wanna do it" and the he does it and WE GO WILD!!! Until one day it loses all meaning and we realize he's a washed up caricature of his former self, or maybe was the whole time. D:
Hey guys, anyone who doesn't like Marcel the shell and thinks it's too on the nose or one trick ponyish, you should really watch the related video "Marcel the shell with heels on", it's surprisingly tastefully done and you'll feel a bit more validated in your dislike.
This is actually TEDx, which is like TED LARPING, or TED fan fiction. It's a bunch of people who saw TED talks, were really impressed by them and thought it would be neat if they could be TED. That's why you see a little kid talking about his iPhone apps instead of scientists talking about blocking infections by introducing false chemical communique between groups of bacteria, or the flawed nature of consciousness and reality due to the limitations of the brain.
"And Lori goes out into a field with a knife and takes a pregnancy test. It has instantaneous results? Must be one of these new-fangled pregnancy tests that the zombies invented." That's why she asked for a specific brand name Gabe! Duuuhhhh!!!
He ruined it with that bio hazard sign, it's too tacky and heavy-handed compared to the the rest. I can't believe you had such poor judgement crazy tattoo man!!
Was the lady doing a blowjob sign? Les L'OL!
And you just know he's thinking, ha yeah, everyone got all upset just LIKE I KNEW THEY WOULD. OMG SOOOO PREDICTABLE, the parochial proles.
Just gonna put this here.
I wans made unskilld lahbour pull ah rihver steem boht up a maunten, not to serf any greahter ideal of historikhal akurasey, but absudzist whimzy. I fohrsed peepel to werk undzer threht of gettink shoth. I fobid a sufferink, ill voman tho die if notz in mei presence. But zhis is nothink compahrd to what i haf in store fohr you Mr. Bond!
I like that little girl's reactions much better "Oh, I like where this is going..." "HAAA!!! OH SNAP!!!! OH SNAP!!! NO YOU DIN'T!!!" "Oh man, that guy. Haha, oooh, you! Really!"
You're very much right. On the phone Gus said there would be an "appropriate response", and then the kid gets poisoned and Jesse thinks Walt? C'mon son! Also, everyone's wondering how Gus knew about the car. Well guys, if Gus poisoned the kid, and Jesse just told him that he knows the kid was poisoned, and Gus has no info that anything happened to Walter, then clearly he would know that Jesse either didn't suspect Walter, or that Walter somehow changed his mind, in which case he's got reason not to feel safe. But why would then Jesse tell Gus that he knows the kid was poisoned? He could have feigned ignorance, making Gus feel safer. And for Gus to poison the kid after "appropriate response" thing? Not a very smart Gus move, unless it's to strongarm Jesse, which it didn't seem to be. All in all, i am very displeased with the writing of this episode.
"We've only saved his life so he could take responsibility for not having medical insurance and die. You're not getting off that easy, bike guy!"
"Whenever i lash out you have to invalidate me by bring up that i don't have control over pooping myself!" - That baby
"Do you believe in goths?" "He's a pretty boy, she's a ghost lady, you figure it out!" "Appearing in theaters near you!" "Do you believe in ghosts? No? Well they used to, this is a movie about that!" "Do you believe in SOUL mates? Nee hee hee hee hee"
"Do you like your ghosts victorian not like these modern dumb ghosts who activate your iOuija app and lock your iPhone back to T-Mobile ooeeeeoooAAAhh? You do? Well this is a movie for you!" I'm sorry, that's actually a better tagline. I failed.
Constantly claiming or implying (as is the MO of videogum) that every movie depicting black people and culture positively is for the purpose of making white people feel better, makes you a one-dimensional, overeager, self-satisfied caricature of the kind you're trying to append to others.
I imagined you saying that in a lispy gay voice.
Why do they both sound so gay? NO HOMOPHOBO, especially if they are gay. However if they aren't gay, i have to add GAY and FAKE, for they sound gay but aren't, if you understand the fine principle behind my argument. I find that many straight guys today sound gay for the coolies, not naming names (GABE), and it's not cool for the majority to appropriate traits from an oppressed minority, as though accessorizing, both when it comes to privileged white kids and black culture, and privileged straight kids and gay culture.
Charles Bronson: I've become neurotically hyper-conscious and empathic of the glass in my hand. Josh Holloway: I no longer interpret my hand as a part of my body, but as a monster with two horn-like tentacles protruding from the sides of it's front.
That actually sounds like a nice summer boy band song. I'd play that in my car. What? C'mon son!
Move over lat year's summer of death, it's the summer of heroes going down.
Oh man how i love to see fit gymnast girls sweating it out hard and feeling the pain, which is why this video does nothing for me.
"I went to lots of schools!". The thing she forgets to mention is that it was a downward spiral.
Especially since the hand is supposed to go around the doggy tushy and not under it.
Rarely would someone think that the original Italian poster for La Dolce Vita is not pretentious enough. That's gotta be Goldblum's house.
"What's going on there is that i eat my Crisco instead of slather it on my legs" replied the intern in a perfect world.
Ned's internal monologue in that photo: "But, if i trust him not to trust him then i trust him, but i shouldn't trust him, then if you don't trust him...okay wait".
I don't think that's very fair Gabe. Tobey Maguire is basically the male Uma Thurman; he can be quite handsome and he can be pretty unattractive depending on the intent of the person handling him. Plus, he pulls of a much better introverted / sickly menacing demeanor than a typical pretty boy would, and designers dig that.
Ok here's a good one for the original Salt: Your friend or your foe?
Salt 2: This time she's not kosher!
Salt 2: The second package you never really use
The only time i write off a politician is if he's proven to be working against his long-held political ideals, or directly against the state outside an accepted and valid political framework. And none of that happened here. That's all everyone should really expect of politicians as i find the opposite to be based on a malicious idea of "i'll let you hold a presumably higher social status, but only under the premise that i will take joy in destroying you for even small human failures, regardless of them realistically effecting your quality of representation of my ideas".
I don't understand why they're null and void nor do you explain your reasoning. I don't know why you liked him, but i liked him because he made good and reasonable arguments against deception and ignorance. I didn't like those arguments because i though "oh this guy just seems like he would never flirt online!". The arguments weren't based on an anti-flirting platform and the conviction and reasoning behind them is equally strong and unchanged. And i didn't say you should be okay with cheating, but that the left is usually more understanding of such human weaknesses, as in that if you do it you're not suddenly an absolute moral zero and everything you ever said or did or will say or do is worthless. A picture perfect marriage isn't and shouldn't be the definitive moral determinant of a person.
Misappropriating funds? What the H? He simply flirted online. I want my leaders to reflect the best version of society too, but i'm pretty realistic in thinking that online flirting doesn't negate the complete history of their political message and activity or their ability to continue it doing with the same level of vision and conviction.
I don't see why he's such a terrible person. He got involved in some online flirting, how is that detrimental to the morality of his political message? Was he a staunch advocate of rigorous fidelity? His political views are divorced from online flirting. You can't reasonably defend planned parenthood and flirt? The right already saw him as immoral, and the left is far less judgmental over human weaknesses such as online flirting. So what's the problem?
And those parts of a life to live is the mundane everyday of rich people. It's not saying anything more than that these rich people have easy lives, and due to their wealth they don't even really experience the consequences of estranged relationships, everything just goes swimmingly, until Sophia Coppola realizes the end is nearing and she hasn't done anything to justify the tons of heavy handed superficial poignancy achieved through cheap cinematic tropes so she has a guy cry a single tear and dump his car, which is just as heavy handed.