
Well we can just post a few of these around her mansion. She will get the message soon enough.
Tiny little robots. At least the smaller ones have weapons.
About the only way to make boxing cool again is to make it include huge robots. Good try... I'm still not interested.
I'll up vote for the whatever....
Nog Country for Old men.
There is no such thing as just a little more Christina Hendricks.
I can't stop laughing at this. You killed it tiredandwired.
With that mustache I know two guys that cannot wait to hang out with him.
See Professor Push-Ups above he did it better.
Totally copied you. I must have missed this. My upvote goes to you sir.
Where have I seen this before?
I think i fixed it.
My Gaydar just broke!
Maybe they will shot him with a "Magnum"
Maybe this is starting a entire string of celebrity cameos. Who is next to be killed as zombie? If I had a choice it would be Ke$ha.
Finally a role that can really test the boundaries of Charlie Sheen's acting ability.
That's the most hair raising video I've seen in a while.
Hand Puns!
Baby Friday’s suggestions are so handy.
Just need some practice.
I didn’t know that I could make lots of money calling celebrities bad names. I do that for free now.
Michiko Kakutani clear insight into the depth of character motives may make him a front runner for being on the new writing team of The Walking Dead.
Maybe I have something to make unionman happy.
Gabe's response kind of felt like this:
You heard it here folks Frank Lloyd Wrong loves racism! I'm surpised you would need a secret you always crack me up.
For you it is Kelburrows. #yaburnt Your very funny Kelburrows
We will celebrate this one a while.
If they did lose to The Hipsters, I would have assumed that someone was paying off the judges. Possibly the twenty something 70 year olds collecting that sweet social security.
Always seemed like a good holiday for pyromaniacs.
I'll talk to Lawblog and see what he can do.
Everyone knows ass has always been boobs biggest enemy.
fail........ it ws a funny pic of Pete Campbell I give up today is not my day on for commenting.
Would you settle for one of these:
Fair enough, I'd be lying if I said I never saw a group of deaf individuals signing that did not move me in some way. My point being that it could be cool, but this lady's facial and body language (not signing) makes it un-cool. and so she is doing a disservice to the deaf community by making this more un-cool than it is already perceived to be by the community at large not by me personally. Anyways it was however misconceived attempt to make a joke and not offense was intended.
Let me guess soph. You were born in 1951? I was just thinking "you know what would be cool going listen to music while people sign passionately." well, anyways thanks for reminding me how un-cool music and sign language are together.