
This Valentines Day I will be giving my girlfriend KITTEN MITTENS!
Nope, but if I'm going to be #FIRST then I might as well slip it into a nonsense statement about the mythical powers of Werner Herzog. It was either that or an Entourage joke.
I would like to be the first to warn Gabe of the dangers of Werner Herzog. He is capable of things we cannot fathom. He is our generations Roman Polanski.
nope....trying again [strike]man[strike]
litterally just testing this here man[strike]
Btw, how do you strike through words on here? I just did a copy paste, but it didn't turn out right?
"She's Pretty" -Steve Winwood "Holy Shit, Where the hell have you been?" -Everyone else.
Also: When asked how he felt about this honor, Gosling responded... "cool."
I would gladly watch a completely Remember the Titans channel all day every day.
This is like M.C. Hammer meets Tevye. "Can't Touch This If I Were A Rich Man"
Anger at Bill O'Reilly stems from the fear of Bill O'Reilly, and will soon turn into a hatred towards Bill O'Reilly. And that hated can only lead to the dark side.
The Fat Spiderman and Short Batman in Twenty Nine Ninety Nine Dollar Costumes Taking Polaroid Pictures Outside of the Entrance Theatre.
Wheel of Fortune is a dish best served with uncontrollable vomiting and getting your stomach pumped.
"Slightly racist studio executives" or studio executives who don't have the heart to tell him he lacks acting talent and ability?
Dibs on playing either of the Savage brothers. In anything. Fred or Ben. Cory and Topanga forever.
Ohhhhh in this movie can we have Joe Piscapo play Joe Biden?!
djfreshie..... I spider boner'ed twice in this post..... today is not one of good fortune.
Your honor, on the charge of rape we have looked at all of the Signs, and we can conclude that this man is no Braveheart. If he were What Women Want, he wouldn't have to go around using his Lethal Weapon like some sort of Maverick The Beaver. He is clearly on the Edge of Darkness and we the jury demand Payback. Case closed, Jews!
"Your honor, we the jury find the defendant... Sugar tits." - Mel Gibson, Foreman.
I agree that they did not nominate the best song from The Muppets, but I loved ALL SONGS from The Muppets. I also loved The Muppets. So... Yay Muppets!
Oh I hear I'm quite good at blowing. I could teach you... ..................wait.
"Derice, getting into the Monster's Ball is a wonderful thing. But if you're not enough outside of it, you'll never be enough in it." -John Candy, Cool Runnings.
This is such a fitting metaphor to my never ending quest to get into the Monster's Ball.
I always assumed Marky Mark danced his way to victory.