
Headline kind of misleading...I thought Maroon 5 music as a whole was totally banned from China and I was like...lucky.
pure joy in sonic form, approaching the level of abc. these kids deserve to be on top of the world.
This song is tremendous and is exciting me in the same bloodrush kinda way Viet Cong was some months back. Can't wait, and will definitely be spending more time with the previous album.
Pretty sure after reading this twice and going through all the comments, that Chuck is basically bemoaning what he sees as the loss of Cosby's distinct cultural legacy as a result of the public response to these accusations. He's saying that it is a unfortunate that all of the good stuff that came from Cosby's work basically gets vaporized due to this situation. I think he's very confused, and it's bad look because as Caitlin has tried to point out, no matter what his argument is, he is chiefly concerned with things that are not respect for the pain and injustice of the huge number of women who have come forward. At the same time, it makes sense that someone who is part of a quickly shrinking older generation of black public figures with a serious cultural legacy, gets nervous when they see someone like Cosby go down in flames.
it's funny cheapsuit, I actually get where you're coming from because the first time you hear Drake doing some of this stuff you're like "Uhh...this guy sounds kinda silly?" And like, couldn't someone that's a more gifted lyricist or musician do more with a similar concept. But actually who could that possibly be? Yet somehow he ends up selling it by a certain point in the song and after like 2 - 3 listens you're just like "FUCK YES THIS IS EVERYTHING". He's just a genius with these weird little earworm hooks. Eventually you realize the dude is just made of success.
You people are crazy this is a goddamn gift from the heavens. On first listen every song is like headexsplode.gif
loooool this is insane and totally absurd
came here expecting to see lots of people's comments on the music....but apparently no one is really using Tidal
who connect back to feist
and mountain man of course
among other things, sylvan esso should be connected via megafuan, also Jusitn was at their last williamsburg show screaming right next to me in the crowd like a boss
Ian Cohen review is in...the backhanded panning is confirmed. I mean while he makes some decent points re: lyrics and thematics per the P4K interview, is it really necessary to spend the whole review ceaselessly harping on this?
Anyone who has ever seen Grimes DJ before knows that this is what she does. When she played after Majical Cloudz at Glasslands whatever a month or two ago this is exactly what it was like.
yes foxygen is a crappy band name button after seeing them play at CMJ and talking to them after and then bumping into them again on the street in the LES I can say these dudes fucking rock on multiple levels and really deserve the success that is soon coming to them. Amazing live act, and really great songwriting.
Wow, I have yet to read anything that mentions Suddenly, which is easily one of the best and certainly most heartfelt things Rocky has ever done. Good work guys. At least someone in the comments mentioned Phoenix.
this was much better than I expected. still not really my thing, but cool to see them capable and appearing to have fun.
one of the best performances of this song I have seen, very impressive!
Come on. KOL is better than Pablo Honey, there is no question. And In Rainbows should be #3. I personally prefer Kid A to OKC but I think that's sort of a coin toss.
I don't think the intention was to say that Veckatimest had skippable tracks (which it does not), but that there often was the impulse to skip around while listening to the album probably due to the fact that Two Weeks, Ready, Able, While You Wait etc are much more immediate and instantly gratifying than Cheerleader, Dory, Fine For Now etc...but anyone who spent good time with the record knows that all of those songs are incredibly artful.
this motherfucker can sing, but the movie looks like it's meant to cater to fans of indie teen romance :|
Seriously though, people are upset/disappointed because they expect that Amanda Palmer, at one point I guess an 'indie musician' or whatever the fuck, would not do something like this when she appears to very much have the means to take the high road. Everyone else is just happy to be irate over bullshit. There are lots of people with just as much if not more money abusing unwilling people every day. Come on.
Indignant moral outrage is the popcorn of the subculture masses.
Uh seriously who the fuck is playing guitar in this?
it is so hot it is burning my brain apart. moonjock actually feels like big beast with the ridiculous chest pounding hits. the visuals are amazing! good lord, is this move of the year?
does anyone else find this slightly too impressionistic and not song-y enough? there are cool ideas but i feel like it's less effective/successful then what we got on xx.
some damn good singing.
well I for one am very hopeful about Four. It certainly sounds like the most interesting Bloc Party material I've heard since Silent Alarm, save for a few things here and there.
Come on, some of you fuckers really don't know what good singing sounds like. The Weeknd, aside form being a huge, annoying asshole (if you follow him on twitter at all, you know this), is one of those classic lotharios who is clearly an extremely insecure person. On stage, he is clearly nervous; his voice shakes and quivers constantly, he breaks, he's off-pitch, sings wrong notes, and fills in space with little trills and stuff that sounds fancy but really just hides his inability to carry the actual melody of his songs and sing in the register that one would expect him to be able to after listening to House of Balloons. It took me a little while but after watching tons of live footage and listening to the record, I've realized he is auto-tuned as fuck most of time, and it really would take a vocalist of a different caliber to be able to reproduce many of those songs in a live setting, night after night. Not to mention that other he is basically a one-note lyricist and the intrigue and artfulness of his perspective vanished after HoB.
the pitchfork 9.5 is in! album of the year thus far...wait, checking metacritic now...
that post is really really really beautiful. got me all choked up.
i love that he loves taking covers seriously. see his cover of leonard cohen's epic ballad one of us cannot be's oppressive and magnificent.
It's great, and beautiful. I don't think it's as good as Bitte Orca. But BO definitely grew on me substantially, so we'll see...
silver springs is great! but ugh, my expectations for this are quickly plummeting.
Flockaveli was incredible. However since then, the only thing I know of that Flocka has done that comes close is Round of Applause. This is terrible, and I have doubts about him recapturing Flockaveli's greatness.
I agree with you Matt but. Idioteque is still better.
what is this list? random NME editor's ipod put on shuffle for 100 spots?
epic performance. why aren't people talking about this record? it is really fucking good.