
I really liked Aidy Bryant's crush on Drake the Dad. It just really really made me laugh a lot and I think it was fairly accurate for when you were that age and your friend's dad was kind of hot and you were like, Huh. Weird.
Yeah, No means No, Hollywood!!!
"You are clearly unable or unwilling to pick up on social cues like how much I don't want to date you which tells me you're either a sociopath or just a general dickhead, so I am SERIOUSLY less attracted to you."
I loved Parks & Rec this week because I always love it but Leslie annoyed me a little bit (don't worry, that happens sooner or later with best friends!) in her need to control Tom's thing but she figured it out by the end! Ben trying to prank was classic...he was so sweaty! Hilarious. Community was really funny and I like how they're setting up Troy's being gone (if that's what they're doing). Also. Archer, guys. Archer. Seriously.
Last night I asked mr truck if he remembers that cat video where the mommy cat hugs the baby kitten while they're both sleeping and he said "no" and so I reached for my phone and he's instantly like "yes! I remember it! I remember it!!!"
LOVED seeing loretta again! Boyd's story is getting great but you know he'll pull through somehow...the question is about whether ava will be there throughout.
It's still alive and well in the midwest!!!
I've actually done mustard in mac & cheese! it adds a nice little punch!
oh yeah, with spicy brown definitely...relish is probably better with yellow mustard on hotdogs.
Good question, but all I know is I won't have Jeff Goldblum yelling, "You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should own both a Jurassic Park tshirt and hoodie!"
Yes we'll have to settle for their real life friendship and Baby Mama. Also remember when for charity they donated the chance to be new best friends with them for a couple hours and they took those wacky pictures with the lady who won? I wish I could have been that lady!
I think I will probably watch Flowers in the Attic...but I am also a little worried I may have to turn it off in the middle. Although I do love Kiernan Shipka! LOL at "not for long!"
They say if you die in a jurassic park dream, you become a famous gymnast and are instantly Jeff Goldblum's daughter.
Yes. Little bit of pickle relish on there? Yep.
Once I was at Target considering purchasing a Jurassic Park tshirt when I realized I was currently wearing a Jurassic Park sweatshirt so I laughed hysterically and decided not to purchase it. This was like two weeks ago.
Well I'm exercising my right NOT to talk about the Gosselins. I would like to talk about any of the following things instead: That kitty video where the mom cat hugs the baby kitty while they're both sleeping Buttermilk the goat Jurassic Park How great Amy Poehler is both on tv and in real life Things that taste good on pizza Mustards Things that are tasty after being dipped into mustard Places in Burlington, Iowa where I can acquire 40 or so delicious and moderately priced yellow cupcakes Justified (including the most recent episode) New shows we're all looking forward to
Lots of cats this week. A+ very good. Last night my dog had a bad dream and I woke him up and pet him and told him he's okay and he's a good dog.
My brother tells an awesome story about how one of his professors passed away and at the funeral everyone freaked out when his twin brother came in. He tells it better than I do.
Good old Mark American Treasure!
side note: saw someone on social media ask if skinny jeans count as "skinny jeans" if "you're really fat"? How hateable is this person, scale of Justin Bieber to Hitler?
Wait, we finally got the shopping montage we've all been hoping for? And it was skinny jeans at Urban Outfitters?
Careful who you call a garbage person...some people might not like that association! Seriously though, fuck that guy!
That Gabourey Sidibe tweet is classic.
"I've never done it in real life meaning if I had a real life where I lived in the suburbs or whatever I would've never done it, but in fact I live a very unreal life so yeah I've totally done all the cocaine"
Literally every time I hear about baby achievements, some voice in my head always says, "Big deal, I can do that."
Robot Uprising = cookies. Sign me up!
I agree about the noirish grisly serial killer drama and also add to that the middle-aged white guy anti-hero thing, but nonetheless, I thought it was outstanding. Can't wait to see the next episode.
I didn't watch Girls because I do not like this show, but does anyone want to talk about True Detective?
Also I LOVED Melissa McCarthy's Matt Damon impression. Also that Tina & Amy called him a garbage person.
I don't like Woody Allen either. He stole a killer joke from Groucho Marx (the thing about how he wouldn't be in a club that would have him as a member) and I've always hated him for that.
Amy & Tina did a great job and told a lot of great jokes! Also remember when P Diddy was crazy? So great. So happy Amy won for Leslie Knope!!!!! Also wish Tatiana Maslany had won.
...that he didn't even bother to show up to accept.
"Where's the Beef?" -Us in about a week
I agree with both of you...I wanted to love The Mindy Project because I love Mindy Kaling so much but it's much better now than when it first started. I was talking recently about how great of a character Mindy is because she's a very likable anti-hero, esp compared to Hannah of Girls (sure the ages are drastically different, but they're both "single girl in the big city" shows). Like we can all roll our eyes when she talks about fashion and shitty music so much because we know that ultimately she has her shit together. And she's hilarious. LIke when she was dating that really pretentious guy and he was like "that'd be like if you said you liked music and your favorite musician was Rhianna (or whoever)" and she was like "Okay, yeah, Rhianna is my favorite musician" That was hilarious.
Agreed....I have no idea what Laurie sees in him. Stupid square head.
I find Travis to be the creepiest person on the planet. The show is wonderful, but would be 1000 times better if I didn't find him so creepy.
Community had a little part played by Ben Folds who is very great! The Mindy Project is really enjoyable, I think. Lots of great jokes and lovable characters. Bob's Burgers was great as always. Parks and Rec was pretty great but I didn't love that Andy slept the whole time...what's the point of bringing him back if he's not making awesome jokes? Also would like more Donna please. Also I found Kathryn Hahn's character much less likable this time even though she helped our best friend remember that she has bigger dreams. Also remember Brooklyn Nine-Nine...with Craig Robinson? So funny. New Girl was funny but I am not as much a fan of "flashback episodes" because usually the joke is "look at that hair" or "look at fat schmidt" which is very similar to "look at fat monica" of Friends fame. I just think they're funnier when they do relatable stuff.
The Captain Phillips Pound whiskey until you can perfectly imitate Tom Hanks' Boston-ish accent. Yell "THEY'RE NAWT HERE TA FISH!!"
The Parks & Rec 1 waffle from JJ's Diner Cover with Snake Juice (tm)