
Every time you put something in your lady parts, Jesus cries.
I think Abby Lee Miller might be a serial killer. Or your girlfriend.
Which is incidentally the best.
I feel like Ric should spend more time listening to his best guy pal Damon... Sister was obviously not right.
Dude what saddens me is the idea that Elijah probably won't see the end of this season. BREAKS my heart as he is the best. Also can he and Elena get together? They could be my favorite couple ever. Also do we think that Ric is gonna be all dead like?
Chicago has that weird group of assholes that refuse to move all the way into the car. Unless you're getting off at the next stop stop blocking the doorway. Those people get a good elbowing from me. Jerks.
Yeah that's right. DOWNVOTED.
Oh adorable TV boyfriend...
I just downvoted you as I rather liked Donna Noble.
I hope #4 takes place in Chicago again so I get to hear another news report about Shia being arrested for a disturbance in a Walgreens.
Pretty sure Jean-Ralphio is still my boyfriend.
You shut the hell up about my TV boyfriend Steve.
It's like the best soap opera WITH vampires and pretty people.
SPARKLE DRESS! Is it obvious that I work in tween fashion?? SPARKLE-TASTIC!
Okay this is where twilly talks to herself about how awesome Vampire Diaries was last night. I'm pretty sure none of the Originals are going to make it through this season which is making me sad. I need to cherish what little time I have left with Elijah. Seriously Elijah is the shit, I think we can all agree. Also love Elena's sparkly dress. Oooooh sparkles.
My Tivo. Jesus Christ no wonder my Tivo hates me. I am dumb.
Mine Tivo didn't tape it either.... I just figured it was mad at me or something.
Vampire Diaries was straight up KILLER last night
Oh there is video that accompanies Bill Murray & the Korean pop stars (with Regis as an added bonus) Enjoy: Don't say I never gave you monsters anything.
In iJail, if someone says "you dropped your phone" don't bend down.
Wait. What? There's a PRISON in SPACE! And the president's daughter went for a visit? That shit is straight up BANANAS.
Can this get a "best .gif" award?
Who will have the most illegal drugs? The L'Oreal gift giving ladies right?
Is he still invited? I like to just see him around in suits. Though seriously "Jane Eyre" was insanely good.
Any dude listening to a stuffed bear isn't really holding onto his purity by choice, you know what I'm saying...
Look into Fumble's eyes and tell him you don't love him. You heartless jerk!
Vampire Diaries? Anyone? Anyone? The return of Elijah aka the best? SOMEBODY?
Would you put an egg inside her?
"I'd do more than spit on her." - Steve Winwood
Your honor, she didn't stay perfect. Was it so difficult for her? All I asked was that she love me and stay perfect.
"Everything is going to be okay. I didn't mean to lock you in the trunk of my car. Love you baby girl."
Stop speaking about my boyfriend that way Steve. We have no problem beating you up.