
Brita was Earth 6. She married the pizza boy. All we all assuming that the timeline where Abed caught the dice (Earth Prime?) is the one the show will follow? The major deviation it had was that Abed invited Annie to live "there" (share the apartment or just in the building? I was unclear on that pronoun). Several of the other timelines were not drastically different than that one, but I can't readily recall which.
Did you know you can buy an assembled JesusWeen costume? It's true!
Edison basically created the music industry as we know it today with his invention of the phonograph, just like Jobs. And he killed an elephant as part of a grudge against alternative current, which I'm pretty sure is the modern equivalent to refusing to support flash applications? Edison also believed in ghosts and tried to make a machine to talk to them.
Remember back in 2008 when he started a press conference with this? I didn't. I had to look it up. -Mark Twain
Here's a weird piece of Deviant Art which may be related to this post! Artist: JawsyJaws
Never watched it.
I couldn't find any pictures of Sugar Bush Squirrel in a black turtleneck and jeans, so this will have to do:
Adam Hughes always makes it extra cheesecake too. He also did the cover art for "Once More With Feeling," which you can see on his deviantart page.
He is filming "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" right now...
The Big Lebowski
Some Like It Hot
Bothered me a bit too, but here's how I've rationalized it. Until fairly recently, British television had been far harder to acquire. With Cougartown to sate him, Abed may have never needed to turn to netflix or whatever to be fulfilled, so while he might have been aware of ersatz Doctor Who, he may have never gotten around to watching it.
And eyeliner. You know those Victorians loved their eyeliner.
He is already proficient with a shotgun.
That could be lucrative, FLW. The Erotic Adventures of Pinocchio is a classic.
Dr. Strange actually has a doctorate. He was a surgeon before he suffered debilitating hand injuries and turned to the mystic arts. Dr. Doom dropped out of college because of that accursed Reed Richards!
Noticed the comment thread for the Super 8 post was closed. Perhaps because they are a sponsor?
Open sixteen of them at once. That'll slow it down enough. Probably.
My love of pedigree charts has me very intrigued!
It's not as good as Second After Life.
Maybe you could use this as an opportunity to build a bridge and help him get over his homophobia? Provided he likes you as a person you could help him realize prejudices are often unbased.
There was already a Jaws sequel. It was called Jaws 2. Then there were more sequels. Why revisit it now when we have this:
I just wanted to tell you that I really liked your comment, monsterbeard.
I can't imagine he did the required background research into Juggalos or he wouldn't have signed up for it. I would expect the Dark Carnival to be opposed to him on the basis of the MC standing for "Man of Christ" now. Maybe he thinks he can do more good working inside the system?