
Orphan Black and Rectify are two of my favorite shows this year. I watched all 5 seasons of Breaking Bad this year, and it was great. Nathan for You was also great. I look forward to watching Orange is the New Black when I have some down time.
I've never seen this movie but felt like I should chime in to say Merry Christmas. Also, did you know the song "White Christmas" first appeared in the movie Holiday Inn? My dad is a history teacher who loves old movies, and this seems like the only time this trivia will be relevant for me to bring up.
It really was! I can't watch the trailer for the new one since I'm still at work. It's almost the weekend!!!
21 Jump Street was surprisingly funny. I went into it with low expectations, but ended up enjoying it. P.S. I am not the target market for action comedies, Jonah Hill, or Channing Tatum. All of those things are medium good to bad on my list of things.
You know the joy of seeing giant clumps of snow break and fall off your rear car window when the defrost finally does its job because you were too lazy to scrape it off? This is like that x 1,000,000.
I watched a couple episodes one night because someone at my work was raving about how funny it was. I am no stranger to watching (and enjoying) shitty reality shows, but Duck Dynasty was awful. It could have been funny, but it was way too scripted. I mean, I know most reality shows aren't "reality" but this one seemed especially forced.
I haven't seen any! I tried to see Catching Fire on Thanksgiving, but was outvoted, and saw Homefront instead. I doubt that movie will be on any "Best Of" lists. I am determined to see Catching Fire in the theater, but I think I can wait for the others to watch on my couch.
"it was decided they were moving too fast" Who decided? Is this like the Truman Show? And Ed Harris is pulling the strings? Let them live their lives!
We should probably bookmark their website to laugh at future videos. I mean, can you imagine what they are going to come up with for politicians? Those kids seem really happy though, so I guess it's nice they made a family video. I just wish they would have kept it to themselves.
Wow, I had no idea there was singing and dancing involved in these movies. I knew I would avoid them before, but this fact pretty much seals the deal.
It was seriously so crazy! One of the videos we saw on youtube involved an elimination round where whichever girl gave the worst lap dance (measured by the male contestant's pulse) loses. I will probably start recording it on the DVR. We have been trying to learn Spanish through novelas, but this way seems fun too.
The episode we saw had a VERY sassy lady host who basically just made fun of the guys. 4 guys and 8 girls, some dressed as devils and some dressed as angels. Each one represented a different Zodiac sign. Basically the girls were in slutty devil/angel Halloween costumes, and the guys were not wearing shirts, but had on wings or devil horns. The audience kept asking them to "Turn, turn, turn!" They had to eliminate contestants and at one point a pole came down, and the host would pick one guy and one girl to pole dance with each other. Oh, there was a guy called "Babe" who dispensed love advice, and at the end of the show licked his fingers to smooth his eyebrows. The show has been on since 2005 and is filmed in the Los Angeles area. If we are ever in Los Angeles, we are definitely going to try and find a way to get a seat at this show. Of course, we would have a really hard time understanding anything because I doubt there are English subtitles at the taping. Based on youtube videos for the show, it's not always devil/angel themed.
I am pretty sure I either slept through or was intoxicated during any Lord of the Rings movies that I might have seen because I have no recollection of the plots. I am definitely not the target smaugience for anything involving hobbits or dragons, so I will ignore these movies as much as possible.
We watched a dating show on Telemundo called 12 Corazones. It was ridiculous and fantastic.
Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Engvall both host game shows, but I thought they were the same person.
No, it might be worth the wait. It's so beautifully shot, that I wish we had seen it in HD. Not sure if it's available on DVD yet.
Here it is...
So American Hustle is a comedy? I assumed it was a drama with some funny one liners. Or is it a musical??? If Christian Bale broke into song while in that costume, it would be pretty fantastic.
Wasn't there a movie called Rush about actual addictions? Someone was an undercover cop or something.
I'm so happy to see her name! I cannot believe she was not nominated for a SAG award - because she should be nominated for ALL the awards. Such a talent! Also, have you guys seen Rectify? It's nothing like Orphan Black, but it has some damn good performances - surprised it's not nominated for SAG or GG.
That probably has a lot to do with it. I think it's a combination of the cold and the salt. We tried boots, but I think she's already tolerant enough since she lets us put a coat and hat on her. She was not cool with the boots. She's a greyhound, so we have to bundle her up. Bonus points that she looks adorable, but I sometimes feel the need to explain that we aren't just dressing her up for fun.
My dog does not have fun in the snow. Instead she lifts her paws, limps, and gives me sad eyes*. I'm not sure why she still doesn't understand that as soon as she poops, she goes inside. I'm kind of glad she hates being outside because I sure as hell don't want to be out there either. *This is after 5 minutes, by the way, so it's not like I made her walk a mile, barefoot to school or anything.
Right? You have to assume that the groom is going to wear Bowie leggings!
Yeah, that really awkward girl singing "Crazy Bitch" at least sang it quick.
A cashier told us that she is planning a Labyrinth themed wedding. I loved that movie when I was a kid, but was pretty surprised that a Labyrinth themed wedding would be a thing. We should have asked to be invited because that is something I think I would like to see. Hopefully the groom can master this...
I heard she made out with a hot dog!
We bought our friends' kid this dog guitar from Target last year... It howls and barks and is all kinds of annoying. But also adorable.
I cried throughout that entire movie. Even the happy parts made me cry. Up is a fantastic movie, but I don't know if I can put myself through watching it again.
It's based on this T.S. Eliot book...
As long as they cast Grumpy Cat, audiences will fill the theaters.
If I remember correctly, this cat was my favorite...
I LOVED this musical when I was a kid. I think I can still play part of Memory on the piano.
This reminds me of the hippy nonsense online like, "Hug a stranger today!" etc. If a stranger tried to hug me, I might punch them in the face or run away from them as quickly as possible. If some dude hit me with a pillow?! Yuck. No thank you. Keep your hugs and pillows away from me!
David LaChappelle, what happened? When I saw his Hotel LaChappelle book in college, I lost my damn mind over his pictures. This just makes me sad.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Our condo is too small to "entertain" so we never have to worry about hosting. We are going out to dinner with my dad and to see a movie. It is a simple holiday and that (and also the food) is why I love it. I plan to clean on Friday and catch up on bills and whatnot, so I have the rest of the weekend to relax. We are hopefully going to kick off some Thanksgiving resolutions next week. We don't feel like waiting until New Years to start working out, get more sleep, eat healthier, etc.
3 Menorah and a Turkey 3 Menorah and a Little Gravy