
They will be too busy browsing the black white singles to have time to watch movies.
Do your parents live on a heart shaped island?
Orphan Black is so great! And there are only 10 episodes, so it's not a huge time commitment.
Wife Swap is really entertaining if you are looking for sill reality tv!
Last year my dad agreed to watch the first episode of Veronica Mars with me because there were no movies we wanted to see on Thanksgiving. I have been telling him to borrow it for the longest time because I know he will like it. He would also love Breaking Bad, but I know I'll never convince him to sign up for Netflix. There's not much to pick from this year either, so maybe I will just bring Veronica Mars to his house again and make him watch episode 2?
I recently found what I consider to be the perfect hoodie. I went back to the online store, prepared to buy so many of them, but they were sold out. If I had as much money as I assume Mario Batali has, I would probably see if they could produce me a line of these hoodies.
It's like Elaine's hunt for the sponge on Seinfeld. "I'll take 3 pairs of Crocs. Well, make it ten. How about 25. Yes 25 Crocs. Ok, just give me all 200!"
Is there a character called Beaver on the show Greek? Or is it the actor who plays Beaver on Veronica Mars?
And now I just want to listen to the Streets.
This one seemed pretty sweet, but the crowd was pretty annoying. Like the guy had to keep stopping and saying "Hold on! You can't rush a rap proposal!"
For real though, I used to eat a lot of frozen corn dogs. Because I am an adult who eats like a child. My afternoon snack has now been elevated to fresh garlic chopped up on hummus on whole wheat bread, so I would have to say that I would no longer be able to eat corn dogs all the time.
If by "long time" you mean 24 hours.
Just make sure you don't watch the edited version on Comedy Central. They usually air it during the holidays. The director's cut doesn't add much in my opinion, but you don't want the watered down cussing - you need the crassness in all its glory.
I legitimately love Bad Santa, and it remains my favorite holiday movie of all time. No sarcasmo.
Was anyone else a little creeped out by how he started punching lamps and ripping the sheets out from near her face? I was afraid we might be about to witness some horrible abuse. More horrible than lying to your girlfriend of five years for a "super funny" prank.
There Will Be Rap Last of the HipHopicans
All the sexy men are rounded up for some Hunger Games.
It seems that everyone loves the Voice, so maybe they are just trying to cross market People magazine with America's most popular show?
But he has the moves like Jagger?
There is an extended Divergent trailer out this week. I enjoyed the book, and look forward to reading the rest of the series, but the movie just looks ok. I want to see it, but probably will wait until it's on cable.
But how will he have time to write raps when he's going to see Aerosmith in 2 weeks?
Engagement photos were included in our photographer's package. We thought it was going to be really lame and annoying, but the photographer said it would be a good way to get used to being in front of a camera. He was right - unless you are a model (or part time model), it's weird to be in front of a camera. We ended up having a really fun day, took some unique pictures that we wouldn't have been able to get all decked out in wedding attire, and got some awesome pictures of our dog. We don't have a ton of pictures together, so it's nice to have such professional pictures of us just hanging out. And if I ever finally get around to designing our wedding album, I would probably include some of them.
I recently bought a Vera Bradley bag. I think they are hideously ugly, but they are machine washable, and I like to wash my bags. So thanks to my OCD, I had the same bag as a senior citizen who was in line behind me at the airport.
The news team is really stalking the assistant principal. If she didn't return the message you left for her at her office, she probably isn't going to make time for you at her house.
My dad is a retired Jr. High teacher, and when I would visit his class, it was always adorable to see the styles of these kids. This one kid cut his jeans apart and sewed them into skinny jeans. He was so pre-punk and I'm sure if he knew any adults thought it was "cute" he would have been really embarrassed.
Right?! Who holds a pose for that long? "Did you get it yet? My tongue is hanging out and this girl is fake kissing me - Did you GET IT? No? I'll just keep holding this super natural pose."
I hate to give up on it after 20 pages, especially because it's for a book club, not school - but it's really hard to not just watch the movie. I know the movie won some awards, but I really didn't think it looked very good. I'm a slow reader, so I think it would just save time to watch instead.
It is absolutely ridiculous that this exists. Buy a Chi and some heat protector spray and call it a day. You can't spend 10-20 minutes a day to do your hair, but you will spend hours with awful chemicals on your head? Bleh.
Did anyone else see that Cover Girl has a Catching Fire makeup line out too? I'm starting to feel a little ashamed that I am straight up SO excited to see this movie.
Peeta is great at cake decorating, but look at what our sandwich artists can do!
I would love to have that Dawson's Creek tape. Although mostly for the commercials. I don't remember thinking the finale was very good. Do you have the one where Pacey kisses Joey on the side of the road? My favorite homemade VHS tape as a kid was the one with Labyrinth and Legend recorded off of HBO. Remember these awesome HBO intros? We have a box of pretty great VHS tapes. I keep thinking that we should hold onto them, but I know we won't ever watch them again. Part of me thinks they might be worth money at some point, but I know that's not likely. Or if we have kids, I would think they would like that shit later. Kind of like when your parents or grandparents bust out antique records or camera equipment.
I just read the Book Thief for a book club. At first, I hated it, but I ended up thinking it was a good book. Now we are reading Life of Pi. I have to read it by Tuesday, and I'm only 20 pages in. I am the worst procrastinator. The movie is on cable, so I might have to just watch that instead.
Well, not many 5 year olds teach Tori Amos songs, so I have a little more faith in the teachers for the artists I am searching for. I just want to have fun with it, so I'm not too worried if their version is perfect. I do know how to read sheet music, so I will be purchasing some soon - this is just to get into the swing of things. There are definitely some terrible tutorials out there, so I hear what you are saying! I will probably take actual lessons in the future, but for now this seems like the best thing for my schedule and bank account.
Is your name Jennifer? Jennifers around the world are getting a lot of hair attention today.
I have been teaching myself piano using youtube tutorials* and I think it's going really well. I took lessons as a kid, but never really stuck with it. *Thank you to all the youtube teachers out there!