
A year or two ago, I read a lengthy article about one man's journey to return home after blizzards or something hit a large swath of China right before their New Year. It was absolutely terrifying. Since New Year is the biggest holiday and most people get off from work, the whole situation was pure carnage. There was one point where he came upon a huge pile-up on a bridge and he got out of his car in order to try and aid those who were injured or stuck in their vehicles but more and more cars kept coming. The poor visibility combined with the ice meant that these new vehicles just kept crashing into those in front and the man had to chose between being crushed between cars or jumping off the bridge. He jumped. Luckily (?) because so many people jump off bridges in suicide attempts in China, there was a net. In the net were others who had to jump; they helped each other climb out and the man eventually made it home after several days. Top Tip: never drive anywhere in China.
More like: To Diosa with All My, Errr Ummm, Love (Thanks Bing!)
An American Patriot in London G.I. Joefry
I Know What You Katydid Last Summer
12 Angry Mans She's the Mans Three Mans and Baby Mans on Fire Encino Mans ....this could be a BNPG within a BNPG within a BNPG...
Beauty and the Huckabeast (Who Is Also Beautiful)
The Adventures of Huckabeast Finn
I'd imagine true nerds will mostly enjoy these videos for the simple fact that they can rightfully tell the porn stars how they are "doing it wrong."
Okay, okay, NOW I get why ppl can't let 9/11 go. Sorry about the rant earlier.
I wasn't referring to community center, Steve-o. However, your attempt to troll highlights precisely why people haven;t let go of 9/11. The now extremely vague reasons for even being in Afghanistan, combined with the economic difficulties of the past few years have led all kinds of bat-shittery from the American public. They can't identify the true enemies of culprits so they have blamed Islam as a whole. A fucking immaterial set of beliefs and cultures. No, the community center has nothing to with Al Qaeda. that's why so many people peeved about the vitriol spilling from middle America about this. I guess in the end, my joke was a poor one b/c there really isn't much correlation. In WWII, we were fighting a Imperialistic force with clear goals of world domination and after we were victorious our country experienced its greatest period of prosperity whereas this whole War on Terror (more fighting with idea, not people) has only lightly related enemy forces from all corners of the globe acting independently and for different purposes yet we relate it back to the events of 9/11 and the current 10 YEAR war in Afghanistan. Oh and we're all broke, only adding to the anger and confusion.
I know there is a clever way to link Roger being chastised by Pete and Don for not letting WWII go after 20 years and much of our current nation's inability to let 9/11 go after 10 years but I am unable to make it at this time. What's that? That war is still going on? Oh.
Can I also take this opportunity to informally nominate Cat People for "The Hunt," shall it ever return?
I agree that Gabe's reviews have become rather curt and redundant. However, I just don't see how you can try to justify this show (as good OR bad) every week. I mean, he laid out his opinion and I doubt the show will even do anything to change them. This is essentially the same feeling I have about the show so I think the reason he continues with the recaps is the same reason I continue to watch this garbage: for something to riff on. An really, doesn't that fit neatly into the Videogum model? Some thoughtful and well-written posts interspersed with softball lob posts that Gabe and the commenters alike can take easy swings at.
Fat chicks are those lovely women that bring their children to see your nightmare garbage jug band perform at ShowBiz Pizza. You probably don't notice them because of the bright multi-colored lights shining into your acrylic eyes but they are there, drowning their sorrows in high fat high calories grease bread. I'd imagine that sometime you don't even know if ANYONE is listening to your desperate performances but you simply have no choice but to oblige when that pimple faced teenager in the embarrassing uniform flips the switch to raise the curtain and you feel the familiar electric tingle throughout your cold metal skeleton. You simply let your head slowly click into position and wonder when they are going to replace your dusty bedbug infested bow tie. Then you SING!
Ha, ha. Nice try Trey Parker and Matt Stone...
That was a reply to jawbone. I'm done here.
Ew, that woman calls her vagina "The Gulf"?
"Eat, Pray, Queef" and "Eat Me Out." Bing seems to be leading me to make poor decisions.
I was beginning to wonder where ODB had gone...
Alternatively: You can't do that! If you take my gun how am I supposed to shoot myself in the face?
You can't put me on probation because I already QUIT 5 minutes ago!
This episode was just the worst. All their fake, inane jokes about being spies and all their forced enthusiasm about going to the CIA. Last season, in Vegas, they really ramped up all the corny themed challenges where the show attempts to capture the "spirit" of the town or whatever. I mean, it wasn't so bad in Vegas b/c Vegas is a fake clown city for fake clown people to blow their money and catch syphilis from a legal clown hookers. In DC it just seems desperate. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of clowns in DC, but Top Chef is going full clown-tard. Add this to the insufferably boring content of first half of the season and its just been an ughmare. I love Top Chef but I'm pretty sure they're revving their collective engine on their collective bike and collectively zipping up their leather jacket and looking intently at the ramp next to the shark tank.
Nice Cydia Store, Mac.
I will confirm this link contains pictures of both juggaLO and juggaLETTE boobs. I will also confirm jwormyk's claims of abuse.
In case you guys are wondering why Gabe is always so cranky, it's because he recently had a very bad trip to New Jersey.
Its pouring outside and my life is in ruins, now how am I supposed to keep my mind idle all day? Can I get a pity Birdie video at least?