
Vitamin Water, adjudged to be garbage:
Is this is ONLY videochat?
I believe Buddy was half human or all human or something, that's his human dad there on the left. HOWEVER, Zooey Deschanel's hair color was most certainly a big dirty (blonde) lie.
Coincidentally, those are the same reasons I didn't enjoy Batman Begins.
I certainly would not say I was excited or anxiously awaiting this movie's release but I would be lying if I denied it piques my interests. However, this trailer is insulting. It's been tough times in the cabbage patch and I wish, for the life of me, I could go on a drug and alcohol fueled melt down/flame out as a search for myself in the bottom of the gutter. Unfortunately, I am not a millionaire so I can't. If I delve any deeper I'll just die a street rat and only my fleas will mourn me (Disney jokes). This is the same thing that irks me to no end about Eat, Pray, Love. Of course I want to go on a selfish year-long journey of self-discovery around the globe but I don't have a fucking BOOK ADVANCE with which to play. I guess my point is: these stories are the worst stories. We're just all buying into the notion that the only source of happiness is money and you need money to find even post-materialistic value in your life so shut up and get back to work you loser, you can discover yourself later when you're rich and learn to be a self-centered asshole. Maybe I'll just torch my shit and move to Alaska.
Chillout, I was just trying to poke fun. Gabe and I are like Pete and Ken: we're pals and all but I'm (Ken is) jealous of Gabe's (Pete's) new Birdie (baby) and Gabe (Pete) is jealous of my (Ken's) article in Boy's Life. But yes, fuck Benji.
Me too but in an effort to maintain balanced commenting on this website I will present an alternate theory posited to me by my friend a couple weeks ago via text message: Him: "Just poured myself three fingers of Glenlevit for the highlight of my week." (Mad Men) Me: "Don drinks Canadian Club." Him: "Fuck you, Don didn't make it past the 70's because he succumbed to his lifestyle."
"She is upset about Pete having a baby, because one time she had a baby inside of her that Pete put there, but she got it taken out by a doctor and thrown in the garbage." -Gabe Delahaye, 2011 Pulitzer Prize Winner for Distinguished Commentary
I will admit that I'm a little upset about the show's best character, Franklin, appears to finally be dead-dead (Or is it dead-undead? Undead-dead? Final death? Ultimate... *kills self*)
Sounds like Dane Cook has nearly as much pent up rage as he does free time these days.
I have to say you're being a little naive, Mans. These people aren't on a different page, they are reading* a separate book in another anthology. *They don't understand all the words but keep reading just to giggle at words like "recession," "foreclosure," and "tarballs" because they sound like sexual innuendos.
I think you might be implying this is partially our fault and I agree. I don't think anyone ever lost sight of the fact that a good deal of the people who affiliate themselves with this sub-culture are nightmare garbage monsters. The problem is, I think the other portion of their community, along with a lot of the figure heads wanted to take this new-found internet attention and turn it into some form of more mainstream success. In other words, they wanted to take this opportunity to bring more people into their world of axe murders and corpse fucking. I would image not everyone in the community was thrilled with this and they saw Tila Tequila as part of this new trend. Or maybe not. However, I agree that its time to stop playfully mocking the Juggalo culture and return to the form of the past 10 years where we actively remind people that maybe glorifying horrible violence towards women while wearing clown makeup is repulsive.
These ladies should shut up. The same thing happened to me after watching Grizzly Man and you don't see my complaining. I got back on my foot and am doing fine these days.
Also, they filmed this movie over a year ago. HOW LONG does it take to CGI Paul Rudd's smirk in post-production?
This is a dark year for DC's image in the entertainment industry. We get this bullshit, the worst Top Chef season ever, Real Housewives, C-SPAN, Salt, and surely some others I'm forgetting.
Due to the fact that my only option for a television provider is Comcast Xfinity A Bunch of Assholes, I actually LOSE $30,000 an episode. All the episodes, of everything.
I thought the WorkoFart finale was a little boring but then again, the finales of these shows (Top Chef, PR) usually are anti-climatic. Clearly it was between Abdi and Perregrine as to who should have won. The tough part was that they are such opposites that the judges (and producers) were left with a decision that seemed to place judgement on which type of art they can make more money off of; that was clearly Abdi. His work is very technically proficient and easily consumable. This is not to say it lacks depth or meaning, rather, it is easy to enjoy on a very basic level. On the other hand, Perregrine's work was more artistic. It existed of and for Perregrine and while I would say it is "better" or possibly "higher" art than Abdi can give us, I don't disagree that Abdi deserved to win. Plus, Perregrine is clearly married to Brian Posehn so she isn't in need of money.
I read an article once about how Nancy's staff almost never sees her eat. When they do its in the form of a pint of Edy's ice cream that she is casually holding as she walks through the door in the morning. The staff is all like, "Nancy, you are like 70 years old and at any moment you could be Prez so why don't you put down the Edy's before you get an ice cream headache at 7am." Then Nancy will oblige and put it in the freezer only to ask where its at a few hours later. I don't know how exaggerated that article was but it makes me question her Top Chef judging credentials and we all know how meticulous Bravo is about who they have on as judges...
I just want to know if he was also a young, aspiring actor and/or earning his MBA then just decided, "Fuck it, my bro is rich. I'm gonna fire dance."
This will be a great date night movie. Afterwards, I'm taking my special lady to Taco Town
I find it funny that the only company that DID advertise was GM. Additionally, all the cars the castmembers drive are GM. So there you have it: GM, Out of bankruptcy and still making fantastic decisions.
Ah man, no YCMIU this week? I was looking forward to "YCMIU: Gabe Buys New Pants."
I think he's sad he just paid $6 for that Odwalla.
Hope you make it back to New York, Gabe. You are basically the Wikileaks of Comic-Con and the world needs to hear your story.
Don't forget about Ron Jeremy tellin' jokes about slangin' dick. He's got the best dick jokes, yo!
Nope, Adrien Brody is the superior Brody. Sorry, Gabe.
Mr. Bloom contemplates how he will put his honorary feminist literature degree to good use.
Fingers crossed for some Jason Alexander as a talking gargoyle!
He shouldn't quit his day job:
I loved the bonus content at the end blaming the mortgage crisis on vampires.
Sorry to bash the climate. Like I said, there are plenty of other thing to do in Cleveland besides obsess over a 25 year old guy deciding to move to another city to pursue opportunities to better his career. I don't get the whole "you're one of us, you can never leave or cross us" attitude. People are setting effigies on fire and the owner of the team is writing letters in comic sans about God and heaven. What is up with that? I understand the press conference is stupid and unnecessary but that should be blamed on ESPN like 90%.
On the one hand, LeBron's decision is symbolic of the decay of the Rust Belt as a whole. His team was terrible the entire city was fixated on him as the one bright light of hope for their ENTIRE FUTURE. I mean, get a life, Cleveland. I hear there is a decent art and food scene in your city so go check that out. Meanwhile, LeBron is moving to Miami, a city with so much going on that people there could probably not give less of a shit about LeBron being there. C'mon, dude prob won't even be the richest person on his block. Cleveland is so upset about one of their own leaving their gray-skied hellhole for a city festering below hurricane skies where there are so many people from other terrible places doing terrible thing with even more terrible people from even worse places that a 6'8" blipster with $100 mil makes no difference whatsoever. On the other hand, fuck Rachel Bilson. Is she particularly good at anything other than looking slightly prettier than 60% of women? Didn't think so. Furthermore, hybrid cars. Ugh. They are not a step at all in the correct direction or towards true alternative fuel technology. We were almost doing as good with plain 'ole gas engines in the 70s yet we're still buying into the notion that getting 40mpg from a gas engine with 500 lbs of dangerous batteries in the back of a car with no brakes is progress.
"We, the Pizza" is such a terrible name. (Sidenote: Its not even OPEN yet). If that place is half as overrated as his burger place.... it will be very overrated.