
i find this puppet to be incredibly charming, and that bothers me!
gauz·y ˈɡôzē adjective resembling gauze; thin and translucent. Please, stop.
I've had this album for months and been waiting to discuss it with people. I think if I can bypass nostalgia, it's my favorite from them. "Incantation" is just amazing to me and the imagery in "Am I An Alien Here" is so classic Krug it's absurd. (Learning how to surf on a machine by the window!?) "Baby Blue" and "Weaponized" as a 1-2 are almost as good as "Sons and Daughters" -> "I'll Believe in Anything." Truly remarkable stuff, and surprising to me, too.
the truest thing i've ever read about lana, thank u
this is my fav song on the record, and i love Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, and this such a beautiful, weird, disarming remix, good Thurs content
This song is so good! I have a ~problem~ with the video, as well as the spoken word intro. From refuse floating in open water. It's very similar to Lemonade. I don't mean to equate female artists to female artists, and sonically obviously this is a separate thing. But that intro, some of the costuming, the scene where she smashes things in slow-mo. It's impossible to assume Lemonade won't aesthetically trickle down to other pop music, but there were parts of this that were way too similar. Anyway, still a good song. I hope it's a hit.
Part of me hopes this song is just a piece in some sort of conceptual puzzle about NYC arts dying because her lamenting Astor's irrelevance is kind of a sham given that Astor had been lobotomized of its eccentricities long before she came to the city. I mean, I'm hoping this is the case, that somehow it's about Bowie or something, or sympathizing with David Byrne's recent-ish anti-NYC screed re: the lack of artist incubation. Because otherwise it's a little phony. Maybe that's the point, too, given her mention of Hollywood? Mocking the Goodbye to All That trend, if you can still call it a trend? Or maybe I'm giving her way too much credit and the song is just kind of an disingenuous, boring thing.
i'm into this album and love the good nyc videos they've put out for it, a+ skateboard ad would/will watch and not buy again
if Pitchfork reviewed the album, and did it negatively, would people think it was legitimate or no because of these allegations? as a queer dude who has his own important idols, i see the importance of a band like this but also see that the music kind of sucks, and i'd like to see a pan on Pitchfork for that reason, but I dunno. it's kind of lose-lose-lose for them: lose by not running a review of a band that is dangerous to touch, lose by running a negative review of a band embroiled in scandal, lose for running a positive one of a possibly awful band
meh, I know for a fact that this wasn't the case, but not being on the 8 albums to listen to post is obviously calculated