
totally, get the name of the album wrong and everything! really show em!
a licky hub hub down.
wait a minute now. when is the candy coming out again?
i'll just go on record here as saying that i'm surprised this is the actual album cover. i thought it was just some joker's goof and some at least sort of cool cover would eventually be revealed. sort of lame. just my thoughts though, maybe some people like it, so that's cool.
Optica by Shout Out Louds this week as well. Great album.
you never know how long you've been waiting for train to cover 'sunshine on my shoulders' until it happens but then BAM.
this loop i'm stuck in is freaking me out, man.
actually, i haven't aged, so i'm not sure that would work. at least that's what the ladies tell me.
i keep waiting for you guys to say 'april fool!' or 'lol, gotcha, here's our real story today' but instead you keep doing stuff like this.
but i never got to make this joke in 2012. i was still doing 'no bon iver?' jokes.
dude, where's Fiona Apple?
yeah, EMI, because i was going to download this from a youtube converter and sell it to my friends here in the US.. oops, maybe i should stop talking.
wow, we'll forgive her? what'd she do?
wait a minute. people pay MONEY for the rock n roll?
i was really disappointed in this song when i first heard it and had low hopes for the album, but it's grown on me so much in the last couple weeks. love it, and love the flute. yes, the flute.
people smoke bones now? man, i AM out of touch.
i don't believe these guys are having as much fun as they want me to think they are.
if your favorite album of all time is in an airplane somewhere, you must not like it all that much.
who's this Woofeza cat? is someone biting my style?
don be dissin my txt files son
wow, someone can't get enough of the downvote arrow on this one.
damn, no bon iver???
it's on the left of your keyboard, right above 'shift.'
No, they weren’t all happy days, like the time Pinky Tuscadero crashed her motorcycle, or the night I lost all my money to those card sharks and my dad Tom Bosley had to get it back.
i love the mexican intro! so bond!
darn, i was hoping the Sniths would get back together.
strangely (ha ha) enough, this was the first smiths record i got. someone had put 'girlfriend in a coma' on a mixtape for me, and as i was just getting into the cure and echo and the bunnymen at the time, i found it suitably sad and joyful simultaneously. though 'the queen is dead' is now easily my favorite by them, i still hold a soft spot for this album.