
If "Id Engager" was any indication, Of Montreal like to release the safest, most straightforward song first. I don't think this is any indication of what the album as a whole will necessarily sound like. That being said, this is a totally enjoyable Kevin Barnes tune, and given the other info he's given about False Priest I am really looking forward to it.
What I want to know is how your index finger got there. You must be holding that book kind of awkwardly right??
Is it just me or is the world honing in on our T-Grace coverage a little bit as of late? Am I the only one feeling weirdly jealous over here???
I think it's high time for the ReverseRickRoll to catch on. For instance I might say something like, "you guys don't know anything about cutting wood until you've seen this: " And then you'd click and find yourself both more educated and slightly entertained. REVERSERICKROLL'd!!!!!!!
The page-ing of the comments is pretty unbearable. I like being able to start with the first comment and seamlessly follow the thread to most recent. Feel me?
I'm not here to make Friendster
You guys, I'm just really concerned about finding a place for the iPad between my iPhone and my Macbook #uppermiddleclasswhitepeopleproblems
All work and no play makes Jack Daniels a dull GameBoy
"Do you not get the whole denim shirt deal by now? Maybe I need to add a dirty bandana and start collecting antique bulldozers." BURN!!!!!!!!! But in all seriousness you do not need to do those things, Jay Leno.
more like property of
"It's gonna get hot*" *sad without you :(
Problem: I cannot sign in without having to reset my password EVERY TIME. I know I'm typing the right password because I "change" it to the same thing every time. What gives Vgum? Is this supposed to make me experience what it's like to have Gabe's old-person senility?? Because ENOUGH YOU WIN
Ughhh nobody ever sees past that. You sound like all my friends. Friends: "You are just too precious." Me: No guys, seriously, I think my methamphetamine use is spiraling out of control. I need help. Friends: "TOO precious!" =/
also, i have to change my password every time to sign in otherwise i just can't...
All I want is to repeat the moment I read frankenscheimer's comment and then scrolled down to this response forever. Is that so wrong :( ?
This Movie Was Churned Out in a Couple of Months Solely to Make Us Richer (widely applicable)
Thanks for that thorough response. You are truly a Godsauce among men. I figured I'd reply to you here to make our little back and forth even more disjointed.
Yeah wait did that ever make the top 5? Because I was so looking forward to Gabe's long overdue Tru Confession of his love for gwen gwen... Did I miss that?
right when i thought it was getting getting kinda boring those high pitched noises come in for the last minute and a half or so and crack it open. so good
"I am your mother" sketch was sooo funny. It was refreshing since most "funny" moments on the show only translate to "funny by current SNL standards," but that was genuiinely hilarious. Fred Armisen is the most consistently great cast member they have right now. Also, I've never felt strongly one way or the other about the YYYs, but does Karen O's stage presence bother anyone else? She seemed so self-important
Things I would not want to do while on salvia for the first time: walk into a small stadium full of people staring at me.
to misquote the song-- it shouldn't even matterrrrrr
This movie just felt so completely unnecessary. I have a hard time believing anyone who is a real fan of the book would have a reason or desire to ever revisit the film after the mandatory, "just-to-see-it" first viewing. If it had to be made into a movie, it would have been nice to see it approached with a bit more creativity than just turning into another "stylized" computer-driven action movie. The book is so psychological and introspective, but the film completely loses that by 1) focusing so much on violence and sex, 2) having to constantly push the action forward because that's just how movies work, and 3) playing Jimi Hendrix at the story's climax. I think it would have been interesting if they made a Watchmen film that was more gritty and realistic, since the book, despite its fantasy elements, is so rooted in reality. I'm thinking like a classic film noir with computer effects only where totally necessary... I mean it would be pretty much impossible to make a totally satisfying movie out of the book no matter how someone went about it, but I just wish it wasn't degraded to another 00s-era special effects ejaculation =/
you guyyyyyssssss she's just being miley!
"we just turn our chairs around backwards" my pants = peed in
NRS = Name Really Spencer nice try krugman.
that's what i said before i saw this post =/
If you're just joining us, we're here with Tracy Jordan, who is giving guitar icon Peter Frampton enigmatic clues about a secret treasure
modest mouse were still pretty indie at heart when they played...
playing alongside meredith and phyllis from The Office makes her look cuter than she is
I don't think people picked up on your sarcasm =/
"GATTACA" starring Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman and Jude Law. Cool concept, and Jude Law is pretty good, but everything else is awful
I second that about the bassist
anyone know what kind of guitar Brendan plays?
one of my top 5 albums for sure. i dont care how popular the shins get
they've still got it. the thing dancing at the beginning made me laugh soo hard
not worse than the obnoxious brother and sister where she always goes "I SAID WEEah!" a terrible skit is bad enough, but i don't understand for the life of me how SNL could think its a good idea to make some of these awful skits into recurring ones like this and the pepper.
Kevin Barnes obviously likes it, so its fine with me.