
"Weirdowood" temporarily on loan from the Scharpling & Wurster Archive.
Wow. The first (ans so far, only) comment on that article is interesting and fascinating. Maybe even more so than the article. Salads! What will the crazies in Weirdowood think of next???
He really gave it to those watermelons. I'm sold.
Wow, that was what I was just wondering!
Wow. Of course I knew that was going to be completely terrible before listening. But, man, that was so much worse than I ever expected! I'm actually kind of impressed at how terrible it was on every level--sound, look, sentiment. Terrible, terrible, terrible. Give me harmless Rebecca Black any day. T. Mills, I hope I get to see what you look like when you're 35--with earlobes hanging to your navel and 97 percent of your body completely covered in ink. #wisechoices
#noanimalhomo, but he does sleep closer to me than my wife does. (To be fair, my wife can't curl herself up into the space between my elbow and armpit.)
That cat is awesome! Mostly (only) because he looks just like my man, Toby. Toby is far better, though. Really vocal and demanding but nowhere near as bitey. Of course, a naysayer might say that Toby simply isn't bright enough to figure out that the arm needs to be bitten and dragged to where its services are desired. To that, I say, "Shut up!!!! Toby is smart!!!!! He is the best!!!!!"
Right there with you, my fellow ex-teen-magician/nerd.
True story: I was a teenage magician. Yup. Did little kid birthday parties and everything. Then, the summer before my sophomore year, I lost a lot of weight and decided that if I ever wanted girls to like me, the magic had to go. Without hesitation, I packed up all of those hollowed out coins, folding coins, trick decks, and other magic accoutrement into a big box. They are still sitting there in that big box in my parents basement. #confessiongum #memorygum #nowimsadgum The plus side? I can still roll a quarter through my fingers like nobody's business. I do so often, when I'm bored and have a quarter. Jealous?
Needs more this:
Great job, Zach! My only criticism is that it could have been longer. Don't hold back next time.
Smellvis? Dean Fartin'? Paul Anuska?
"This is what happens when you eat a fruitarian diet for a while." Yeah, that. And crippling diarrhea, I'd imagine.
This guy (PRINCE) knows what they're talking about:
This comment deserves far more than one upvote.
127 Hours: You'll never guess what happens at the end!* *LIE! You'll totally guess and be right.
Porky's: High school, boobs, and a racist for some reason.
Scarface: Rapper's Delight
"I came here to watch cat videos and make rape jokes.... Looks like I've watched all the cat videos." --someone. maybe. probably not.
That was my second favorite quote. First goes to this one: "It's never fun to see how the sausage is blogged..." Nice work, Gabe. As usual.
I don't know because I haven't shot a lot of guns, but is it really that boring? I would think they'd be more excited and enthusiastic about it? Some of those guys could barely be bothered enough to lift their arms up while they fired.
You take that home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, maybe a potato...Baby, you've got a stew going!
And celebrities, clearly.
Toothpaste isn't that expensive, either.
"That's my wife! She's a little clumsy and doesn't make the wisest decisions, but I love her so much." --Daddy
What a meatball popper that guy is.
What a Ritz cheese-steak slider that guy is.
How does the old saying go? "You can lead a horse to a small tree, but you can't make it scratch its ass." That's it, right?
Just watched it for the first time last night. Bob's Burgers is SO GOOD!
Chatroulette is still a thing?
"Seriously, if you look up “amusement park caricature of a child sex pervert” there is a drawing of Chris Hansen holding up a drawing of Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones." That line cracked me up. And I would love to see that drawing.