
FINALLY! I was so conflicted since I heard the news, now I know how to feel. Also, is one of his tweets promoting genocide? Huzzah!
Come on guys, Fux Yews just had a Freudian slip, it could happen to anyone!
You know, half the episodes of "Maury" could be called "fertility thrillers", because whodunnit?
Between that sequence and the amazing tag where he voiced all of the characters, Dean Pelton totally stole the episode. That, or The Cape sub-plot.After the last episode was somewhat disappointing, the are back in top form.
Min was either: "Just the beef and the crows". OR "It will last three weeks" Six Years and a movie!"
God damnit, that's the third good friend I lost this year (for those keeping count, Friday Night Lights and Greek). You will be missed, dear Gleecap.
I don't know, Hollywood is raven about Bradley Cooper at the moment...
Same here. SOOOOOOO jealous of all the Monsters in attendance. At least I had a couple of drinks on behalf of you guys, you guys!
"Hey man, just because I had a litlle som som to drunk doesnt mean I'm drink! Also punching Betty White joke."
I was listeing to the Old Dogs episode of How Did This Get Made - a great show, go listen to it, it's basically the Hunt in audio form with great comedians - and I couldn't believe it was as bad as they said. So I watched a part of it it yesterday: wow, what a trainwreck. Every sequence is so non-sensical and insane. If Gabe would allow more Robin Williams-movies into the Hunt, it would win hands down. HANDS DOWN!
I saw that movie, it's called Oedipussy Complex.
She getting Old, Dogs! Get it, because she is also in Old Dogs? Which is a terrible movie? But she probably needed the money? Alright, I'm done now.
Owners of Asian-American restaurants Overly involved parents The Far East Movement Special interest porn stars (like those last two girls)
Serious question: whatever happened to the Irish-American and the Russian-American versions of Jersey Shore, even that Canadian one? They were so hyped on the Internet, they seemed pretty far along, but still no word on any of them. The Canadian one also had the "sizzle reel", which was hilariously racist and seeing this brought back those memories. I WANT MY LAZY JERSEY SHORE IMITATIONS!!!!
True story: I went to see Avatar in 3D ("yeah, you and everyone else!" - 2009) and a woman next to me said: "I wish I could see everything in 3D". So yeah... To be fair, I am a staff writer for Community. I write all of Britta's offended facial expressions.
Pulp Fiction is a great movie, maybe not the greatest, but I was looking forward to it. So I was kinda disappointented it wasn't about Pulp Fiction at all. It was like they were trying to mindfuck the audience: "Hey, guess what, PULP FICTION! WATCH IT! SUPER SWEET" and then they barely refer to it, except for the last four minutes. Although I did like Abed's love for Cougar Town.
"Elementary, my dear Bunk."
Hey Gabe, three questions: How obvious are the producers making it that they want The Amazing Blais to win this thing? Are you going to recap Top Chef: Masters? Because Masters is very similiar to this season, but with insane people (see: Patton Oswalt's bit about Fleur de Lys) Last week, Padma was wearing a sweet, sweet, bikini. Go watch that shit. Okay, so two questions and a statement.
May this reference/meme/snowclone/whatever never die, it always brings me such great joy...
They all scrub off their fake tans, throw away their Ed Hardy tees and go to grad school.
Who has one thumb, one hand a girl's ass, a platinum credit card and can't iron his own for some reason overly sexual shirt? This guy!
She also has the body of a trailerpark Minnie Mouse with a dab of Courtney Love crazy eyes
The Thomas Crown Affair is the new Donna Darko.
What, my second inclusion in the 'Ball? My first trip is not just a statistical anomaly anymore? Oh man, this means I'm anywhere between two-thirds and one-fourth of my EGOT, depending of definition of the term? CRAMAZING, LET's PARTYYYYYY!
When I read the title, I was expecting more smanging. This video could do with more smanging.
That new look isn't agreeing with David Cross.
I think it may be called a "transelemental". I learned that from watching the Last Airbender (I did not watch the Last Airbender (I did watch the Last Airbender))
I have to give the firefighters +10 for the old timey intro, but a -5 for the non-sensical plot. What is this, the Event? Also, I think the "guy" you gif'd is actualy a woman. SEXIST! I do, however, love the guy before that with the killer eyebrows, who's like "yeah, I can't really turn my head, not even gonna try. I could be at home watching reruns of Two and a Half Men right now".
Okay, so no one said it yet? Because this thing totally happened: Werewolf bar mitzvah? Werewolf bar mitzvah.
Jon Stewart's Punditreat with hints of Sarcaramal and Cinnamonisicm
Then they put a shirt on, a-no-doy! Maybe even a scarf.
In totally related news, Community is going to do another paintball/Modern Warfare episode. An hour long paintball conspiracy finale? POP POP!
Charlie Sheen is his boyfriend. He isn't gay, but he is bi-winning.
The title "Remember Me" reminds me of the Lawnmower Man, who I always tell to remember me the next time I log in, but he never does...
oh shit, now it morphed into Gabe's name? It's coming for us! The future is turning into the present! OPEN UP YOUR EYES SHEEPLE!!!1#!!1!!!!
Did anyone notice this wasn't posted by Gabe, but by something called t-4? Now I'm not up on my Terminator, but I think that is a Terminator. Has Charlie Sheen been an agent for Skynet the whole time?
He is a professional bayonet battle-tester