
This is a nice video. Can't we just eliminate marriage for everyone and call it even? /not a troll //just not a fan of marriage
Guys you should watch Rich J (fourfour) and Max Silvestri's review of Red Lobster.
There was one section in the movie where the Wayans brother and his friend disappear into some sort of warp hole and then when they emerge, I got the feeling that there were just rolls and rolls of film that were cut out. It was so jarring and I am sure there is another movie that happens in that hole.
I still love The Simpsons and I am grateful it is on TV. I have a friend that is an illustrator on Bob's Burgers. Before it came out she was talking about how awesome it was... I am glad she was right!! It's a fantastic show.
I am celebrating my birthday tomorrow night (way belated) and I sent this to all the people coming. I hope we can twerk it up?
I actually got upset when you mentioned Lindsey. LINDSEY! I love her - and I miss Friday Night Fights and Double Dog Dares. Waaaah..... I'm excited for your blogging Godsauce!
I'm no troll but I did not think this is cute at all. I wouldn't be the adult saying "no more", I'd be the adult saying to another adult "can you please deal with this?".
We have pregnant women that skate on roller skates all the time. In derby the rule is no contact with pregnant ladies... but in the first two trimesters that baby is pretty snuggled in there and safe. Third trimester not so much. It makes some people nervous to be skating by pregnant women, but it's really a personal choice :)
As a lady with boobs this looks so painful.
I know it's all VideogumUSA around here most of the time, but Canada just had a super cruddy election where a crazy asshole got re-elected. I hope that makes you feel better!!
You guys I am super duper close to both of my maternal grandparents. In the past 2 weeks I have had 2 separate dreams where each one of them died in my arms and there was nothing I could do. So I'm saying these posts should come with a NSFW warning. *tears*
oh my god, I thought it was me!! What the fuck Gabe & Max? Canada loves *you*.
No way, it's Season 4!! Fuck, around episode 9 of Season 4 I get such high anxiety. Those kids, so much tragedy. :(
I have been bullied by children as an adult - at a roller rink I was skating and this like, 11 year old kid started following me around, calling me fat, and making cow sounds and lots of rude stuff. As a 31 year old woman, I didn't know how to handle that (can't hit a kid, right?) so I just ended up in tears. If someone finds the right thing to bully you about, it can really wound someone - even someone much older than you'd expect.
You guys, there is a difference between true "bullying" and just having awkward and difficult social interactions growing up. Surely there must be some of us that remember how terrifying it can be to grow up, even if you had a great home life. Kids, by definition, do not have the same coping skills as adults, so it's awfully easy to look back and say "well my personal experience wasn't that bad", but for some kids, school and social-life are a living nightmare.
Your replies seem super weird today.
:( Get a separate VG profile - it cuts down on the creepers. Lots of Monsters are super rad, just not this one replying to you.
Can we not have links posted from the Superficial? That is a horrible website.
What a dumb thing of which to be a doctor. Fixed.
You know what? Fuck you Hollywood. I am a fat ugly chick and I want to see a movie where the unattractive girl gets some hottie guy interested in her. I spend money too. This movie looks ridiculous. BOOOOO! #theactualcastlooksprettyawesome
I am Canadian but I don't get this reference.
I have no idea what this show is like, but I just ordered the books based on recommendations from Monsters. No higher praise (or damnation?).
I can't stop laughing at this!!
Yeah, cilantro is leafy green Coriander.
I am relieved that it is just happening now and it's not that I am out of the loop or something... although seems to be retroactive to all comments?!
I got hardcore into Rapture theology about 7 years ago. It is fascinating and totally bonkers!!
Flava of Love is my jam. That show was so surreal - I loved every minute of it.
Well, I just came. My fantasies all involve making hoards of men fight each other.
As someone that has experienced domestic violence I can tell you unequivocally that before the physical violence happens, there is a huge build up of emotional and mental abuse. If Chris Brown hit Rhianna only once, I guarantee that violence was bubbling for a long time before that happened.
Nope. Pixar movies are so emotionally manipulative... I don't enjoy them at all.
I can't stop watching and laughing at this now!
Oh my god, I have been dreaming about this square that I used to eat as a kid in The Bay cafeteria. I never knew the name... so never got to eat it as an adult. Even the other day on the bus I was thinking about this mysterious treat. Turns out, it's Mille Feuille!! Thank you Videogum for the names of obscure cakes.
Ugh, I DO NOT GET THE AUDREY HEPBURN LOVE. At all. I wish I did, because I feel like a jerk when everyone fawns over her.
I felt the same way too - it was a disturbing clip. She acted brilliantly as she got out of the water, but I was upset for the character.
If it makes you feel better I think lots of other ladies are hottt... but I ain't going nowhere!
Oh this just makes me so furious. They want to cook a meal for a hungry person and share in their story? Fuuuuuuuck yoooouuuuuu! Fucking volunteer at an established soup kitchen, or gtfo. I have a right to ask someone for money. That person has the right to say no. But if the answer is yes, then he or she does not have a say in determining how the money is spent. I find it insulting and infuriating that they assume that a hungry person (already reduced to asking for money for food, and obvs HUNGRY and somewhat desperate) would want to spend more than 30 seconds of time with them and their precious, entitled and privileged quest to live "brilliantly" (W.T.F.). Ugh. /sorry //rant over
Boooo! #1 show of all time!! (I LOVE IT).
Everyone always thinks I am a hater-jerk, but I do not think Audrey Hepburn is attractive in any way, shape or form.
I am a pervy roller derby skater, so I am a huge fan of hot pants and hot ladies, but this picture does nothing for me. This outfit is super tacky and cheap looking - way too American Apparel does fetish gear.