
It's a shame the ad doesn't show the next day when he is forced to get rid of the car after being fired because his parade float video went viral showing him to be the truant he is....
You may jest but I couldn't count how often in my job that I've been glad that I have the professional skill to tell my customers to "!ffo kcuf"
¿uʍop-ǝpısdn ʞɐǝds ǝɥs uɐɔ ʇnq
Let's face it, this was pretty inevitable. In fact, it was as inevitable as the alternate sites that will replace the current file sharing sites and the sites that will replace them and the sites that will replace them and so on...
The cinemas are just thankful it was silent because that way none of these people found out it was French...
Yeah, as far as I'm concerned this list should be called Top 9 Bands With a Bez!
At the moment, seasons 9 and 10 of How I Met Your Mother are the best yet.... unless they get made.
"Zabielski ... is a reserve police officer in West Hollywood." I like how this information appears to be provided just in case you were worried that any possible Police Academy remake would be in the hands of somebody who couldn't provide the audience with the same standards of realistic law enforcement training practices that the original brought us.
"Kantor writes that Burton made up the room “in his signature creepy-comic style… He had turned the room into the Mad Hatter’s tea party, with a long table set with antique-looking linens, enormous stuffed animals in chairs, and tiered serving plates with treats like bone-shaped meringue cookies… Fruit punch was served in blood vials at the bar. Burton’s own Mad Hatter, the actor Johnny Depp, presided over the scene in full costume, standing up on a table to welcome everyone in character" Isn't this description unnecessarily long? I mean wouldn't the more concise "Burton made up the room... so you know what it looked like" be more appropriate in the same way as trailers are a bit unnecessary for Burton's films these days. We know what we'll get.
Blatantly he's not from this planet and I, for one, want to see his birth certificate.
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I don't suppose if I made a reference to Captain Martin Crieff anyone would get it? #nerdylorryradiogumreference
"5 & 4 Tom Meighan & Serge Pizzorno (Kasabian) [tie]" A "tie" because the best way to measure blandness is to point out the lack of noticeable difference.0 Seriously though, is there anybody out there who truly believes that Kasabian are "cool"?
As I just said to one of my friends, I can't afford this so I'm going to have to do a DIY version. Where can I download this song? Where can I get a cheap blank usb to put it on? Any volunteers for the other part?
So if the director manages to get Joaquin Phoenix on board and the film was made in 1993, does that mean that he'll revert back to the "Leaf" credit because that would be hilarious
I guess kids these days who watch the prequels first won't get this effect at all. Perhaps this generation's Star Wars twist will be knowing that Leia is Luke's sister before they kiss. With this glance at the camera we can finally see who is the worst fucking actress in the world. Way to spoil the tense mood of an otherwise great episode.
I guess I'm alone in thinking that the funniest thing last night was Noah "spooning" Riley in the eye.
There is actually already a BFG film. It was brilliant and had this wonderful song about farting.
I imagine somebody's already made a Punch-Out style Million Dollar Baby game
You guys are all being ridiculously harsh. I mean obviously none of you know how hard it is to bring up a child in today's economic climate with your wife who is also your sister...
Me too but it's not as sneezy as it looks.
"Ehm... Yeah... sure.... I'm acting" - Bodie trying to hide his new job as a delivery boy at FedEx.
But seriously what has happened to the baby? Wasn't she one of the main catalysts for all these shenanigans in the first place? Is she working at the car wash now or something? NEVERMIND TWENTY!!!
Yeah she's now going to be trapped for infinity on youtube needing her diaper changed, as her parents (if that's who were filming her) so pointlessly announced.
In the inevitable "Celebrity Heroes: First Class", Paltrow is so going to be the one who betrays the rest. Rather conveniently the casting department can just recast January Jones, Evil Sidekick as January Jones, Evil Sidekick. That one's on me, Hollywood.
She was never as good as Jazzy Jeff anyway...
If you'd ever been down Sauchiehall Street late Saturday night/early Sunday morning you would know the answer to your question...
I bet that there's a winemaker out there somewhere who regrets taking too much meth one night before going on about some other winemaker is not a genius.
Bridget Jones Diary 3: Two More Than Samuel Pepys!
Al Pacino's costume for the Gathering of the Juggalos lacks colour...
Roddy McDowall's kids still talk with tears in their eyes of the day daddy came home and said "Tonight, we eat"
And this is how we explain to children that the war on terror is why we have no money left to spend on animation...
I can only imagine the ad read as follows: WANTED: SINGERS FOR WEB VIDEO. IF YOU DON'T LAUGH AT BARBERSHOP QUARTETS AND LIVE WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT EVERYBODY WANTS TO SLAP THE PERSON YOU SEE IN THE MIRROR EVERY MORNING THIS IS THE JOB FOR YOU!!! Seriously, I can't find a single face amongst those 20 people that doesn't look overly smug at their..*ahem*... achievement. Still, all I've achieved today is to do a day's work in a job I hate and watch 3:49 seconds of an a cappella video because it took that long to open a new tab, log on and write this message. So yeah, they've got that on me.
It's probably about time this comments thread was KICKING HARDER THAN A SENSEI!!!