
No. ... No. So, there was a midnight showing of the Neverending Story last summer (the summer before? Who knows, I'm ancient), and let me tell you - the movie does NOT hold up. But this scene? You could hear a fucking PIN DROP in that theater. Hundreds of twenty-somethings holding their breath, waiting to see if they cry. PS that horse definitely thought it was really about to drown in mud, and that is kind of incredibly not cool?
Trebek used to wear underwear to bed, but after patenting the Penis Mightier he hasn't been able to find a comfortable pair. It really will mighty your penis, man.
Great EdgeWalk. Mediocre video. I give this two out of five "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"s.
I would, but I just started re-watching Arrested Development, and I suspect that after I'm finished I'm going to get into a VERY deep Buffy the Vampire Slayer groove. I just can't get myself out the door - you should see the state of my refrigerator.
I disagree with your thesis here, and would blame the death of creativity on people failing to be creative - not on nostalgia. Do you remember that episode of the Golden Girls when my namesake, Betty White, in her landmark role as Rose Nylund, was trying to help Dorothy write the song about Miami, and all Rose could come up with to rhyme with 'Miami is nice' is either 'twice' or 'thrice' followed by repeating the first line two or three more times, as appropriate? Nostalgia had NOTHING to do with that creative failure, and I dare say creative ineptitude has not been showcased more hilariously or touchingly since that television episode SIR, I DO REST MY CASE.
This sickens me. Ryan Gosling is too good of an actor to have to lower himself to walking around with a wet crotch! No wait, I do actually find this adorable! Ryan Gosling can have a wet crotch around me anytime. What?
Whatever, you are what you eat. I prefer to be ALIVE. -Schooled you
Yeah seriously. When I found out it was basically all I could say for a day or two. "Hey, [Not Actually] Betty White, do you have those TPS repor- "UNCLE PHIL WAS SHREDDER!" "What?"
I don't see that the two statements in that last sentence have anything to do with one another. WHAT? Crazytown.
This also happened to me, and I seem to recall it was pretty much every egg in the carton. I don't think we ate them either. Weird man.
Nothing in this whole thing hurt as much as having to be mad at Louis CK. Like glass in my fucking gums. I love that man.
I feel that I feel that everyone involved in this story who is still alive is perfectly justified for everything they have said and done. I am also kind of sad that the guys of Jackass have been revealed to be human beings (oh crap, pull this one out of the fire quick, [NA] Betty...). I mean OBVIOUSLY, but also, they're nothing special? Part of me saw their hijinks as a rejection of how we're all terribly scared, quaking mortals waiting for the moment death comes. "I don't give a fuck if this port a potty kills me! We're all getting it in the end anyway!!" But nope. More scared. More quaking. Just usually much drunker, being egged on, and sometimes on too much heroin. RIP Ryann Dunn, I'm glad people are crying for you.
Thank-you, hugemistake, for clarifying. Rara - MINUS ONE FOR EMPTY CLEVERNESS.
Everything Gabe says about this book he hasn't read is true. Perfectly, completely, horrifyingly true. It too is A MESS. But you should read his other memoir, Dry. It is somehow less abominable. Also, if you read it within a year of someone you love dying, you may get the bonus of weeping on public transportation.
I...didn't get that? From that? I mean sure the old guy was able to get through SEVERAL sentences, but by the end of them he forgot what subject he was raising in the first place, and that is kind of EXACTLY how you dodder?
So, for me, swinging = The Golden Girls. I love it, I've always loved it, there is no nostalgia-identity crap going on here, no sir. NO. SIR. I fucking love swinging. I. Fucking. Love. Swinging.
You. This! It's like you take all of my barely-articulated rage and ... articulate it. All the upvotes for you sir.
I prefer honest bigotry to self-interested back-pedaling. I like when I can SEE my haterz. I mean the fact that this is coming back to "went way too far with a joke!" is stomach-turning, disingenuous bullshit. And you don't go from "I WOULD STAB THAT LITTLE N***A IN THE HEART" to "And now I am doing an anti-bullying PSA!" in a week. Fuck that liar. Come back out Tracy! Hate, hater, hate.
Ok, I'm...actually kind of weird about this (BUT ONLY THIS ONE THING). I wish I had my foreskin! And maybe I wish I had yours too, if you know what I mean. But whatever, man. It will almost certainly not be the greatest harm most people do to their kids.
Thank-you! Those were enjoyable. The six months I spent at McDonalds were much less amusing, unless you find repeated instances of women confusing a boy for a girl (longish hair tucked under hat on a barely pubescent face...ah, youth) to be funny. Or the general manners of the regular clientele, for that matter. "Hey girlie," the obese older woman said as I wiped down the table next to her. "Get me some cookies!" You kind of had to be there.
*deletes proposal comment to RaRa* People who lead vibrant internet-based social lives are funny losers! LOL.
What happens when she finds out he put it on Youtube? I ... have a funny feeling that Mom DOES NOT know about that.
I feel like I should apologize for this, but I just won't. Look at her delight! Look at how its limp little body flops around! This is the life that we chose.
Ya know, my beard in high school WAS an evil brunette...Santana?!
Awww. Happy belated 4/20, Skynet. If it makes you feel any better, this seems to be the fate of anybody who "makes it" in this country.
People come ON. Only in America will a bunch of haters just HATE all over some folks trying to get some exercise. Did you hear how Submissann was huffing and puffing? That's a great workout! Get Michelle Obama on the phone!
I thought your manners of talking is good.
Yessssssss this may be my first posted tip. Your move, Actual Betty White.
Do her recipes include leaving huge soup bones in otherwise ordinary dishes? I'm just saying, she has what appear to be terrifyingly powerful teeth, and she might not realize that normal people can't get through stuff like that. She is pretty though.
I was sad when I heard this. I like her roasted broccoli. Speak truth to power, Gabe! Take on Big Barefoot Contessa! :(
So, I went to college with a guy named Chris Brown (who is wonderful, and would never beat up anyone in a rented ANYTHING), and our Facebook friendship has been so, so weird for me lately.
"Some days you ironically see the bad movie and some days the movie ironically sees the bad you." Wha? Dude, maybe it's just my hangover talking, but you are HIRED.
Yeah, they really look terrible. The one who apparently gets naked (and is almost cute, I'll admit) literally looks like he picked up articles of clothing off of the floor from after a rave...which was someplace cold. Do they...still call them...raves?
You need to save the text from that comment in which you tell your will need to repost it from time to time. It's gonna be like the 'It's a Wonderful Life' of this comments section, back when they used to play it all day long during the Christmas days, I am old.
I think he means "How can she not have one already?" I wish I was one of her girlfriends...