
No no, you're thinking of the 'Blue' Man group. I made the same mistake. This is the 'Ew' Man group.
Perhaps this will distract from these ridiculous v-necks my coaching staff and I are wearing...
Maybe these girls should be on Team Don't Walk Up To Random Old Men Eating Alone At Burger King
What a dumb as(cot).
this should be called Louie Anderson Is Still Alive?: "Welcome to Discovery Town"
Spoiler alert part 2: January Jones will also stand around and look beautiful in season 4. When asked about this breaking news Ms. Jones commented with a smile, "I am so pretty but not very funny. Thankfully I just have to look great in Mad Men and not sell fart jokes like when I hosted that sketch comedy show I was barely conscious for."
I'm just happy Gabe finally posted something else so the first thing I see isn't Jim Carrey having sex.
Even more embarrassing for the Democrats, his campaign motto was a similar to Obama's but much different in tone: Yes
Hey David Hasselhoff, remember when you were in the Spongebob Squarepants movie and two cartoon characters rode on your back at the climatic end of the movie and that was the MOST dignified moment of your life?
I bet he storyboarded that joke the night before.
Haha those pasted on "Grown Ups" signs on the railing win this edition of Why Don't You Caption It.
also nice last sentence jackass (me talking to myself after posting this)
haha, that crowd is basically every stereotype of an angry confused mob The Simpsons have every done. Probably the highlight of America's Got Talent ever.
a clockwork orange sherbet
haha does Grapenut ice cream exist? because if it does, gross.
So are they also going to recall all of their food?
Typical politician in the pocket of extra magical interest groups and adorable business.
I pee my pants, wear CARGO SHORTS and ride a scooter! I'm an adult!
I am right in assuming James Cameron is a multi-millionaire right? That he has literally more money than most people in the world? Then why is he ALWAYS wearing a crappy thrift shop button up tucked into his dad jeans with a fannypack?
I think the bigger star in this picture is that Christmas cardigan.
Definately, she is way more expansive than she should be and once her music enters the marshlands of your ears she leaves her sticky refuse all over your taste/dignity.
This is adorable but what does it have to do with Lost...
Haha, the picture is a couple of guys rescuing a "laughing gull" who was probably laughing at that headline.
Surely having Christian flight attendants is the WORST plan should the Rapture happen. Who is going to tell everyone to calm down and put on their oxygen masks as the world begins to end?
"We have to go back Kate!" and Leopold
How to Train Your Desmond
"You're going to hate yourself for watching this show...I guarantee it."
We read it backwards and thought that shirt said "ski poland". -- the two confused old Polish skiers on the left.
Did this Robin Hood have a Bryan Adams song in its soundtrack? Cause i think it should be a rule that every Robin Hood movie have one.
Apparently that guy in puking IS NOT a ride warrior:
are high schoolers still into sex and nerds? man i am getting old.
At least Lapidus would have had a good zinger if he had thrown someone into the Light-hole (also the fact that "light-hole" is a legitimate term used to describe something in this episode tells you there is something hilariously wrong)
Helen Mirren seen here in her two forms. Atypically hot grandma and typically disapproving finger-wagging grandma.
I'm not a robot mechanic or a physics major, but I'm pretty sure Mickey Rourke should wear a shirt underneath his super energized electro-whip suit cause, you know, hot metal and stuff (science). But then I thought about it and realized, if I was 60 and had a face that looked like beef jerky but was super buff I would go shirtless too. So well done on being way more muscles than you should be at your age Mickey Rourke! Can't fault you for that.
So wait, I am confused guys...Aliens are REAL and they should be arrested BUT they aren't a threat and also, drive better...huh? Is Dan Aykroyd just confusing aliens with teenagers?
...also insert comment about how i have no idea how to properly use dashes in a sentence.