
I'm proud of you, G. I don't get the Eric and Ari love fest all of a sudden. Hey, remember when I constantly belittled you and you threatened to hit me all the time but "Gatsby" so it's cool. I won't make fun of you so much for being short because it turns out everyone on this show is really, really tiny, and I'm a family man because Gatsby. And tell Turtle that I'm proud of him for going to school because Gatsby. And don't forget that Lloyd is gay and I hate him because Gatsby doesn't change everything only practically everything except gays are still gay.
Only Coach McGuirk understands me.
Must thank you. Was on my way to Downvoteville until you pointed out that I was probably joking. I love you. Hey, whatever... I can lovingly post drunk if I want to, Hitlergum.
If there's one thing I learned in college (I studied learning at a collegiate level) it's that trying is for douchebags. Lucky me, now I get to post comments at Videogum all day.
This is horseshit. I can't crack the top 5, yet -- and maybe this is just me talking here -- I only come here to read what I have to say. Videogum should have been cancelled after the 10th season.
Robes? Where we're going we don't need robes.
Shuffled off this mortal slime by accidentally walking in front of the firing squad. :(
Any time a celebrity addresses a controversy I expect it to be a FunnyOrDie video. I'm going to go Die on this one.
-Whatcha doin? -Oh, just writing a letter to my girlfriend. -You have a girlfriend? -Yeah, you wouldn't know her; she's from the future.
You don't have to be a liberal to make fun of Glenn Beck. I have no politics. Not moderate or independent or whatever phony words some liberals use when they pretend not to be Democrats. I have a few opinions, none of them strong and hardly any of them informed. But it's Glenn Beck, man. They guy is a big bag of "Uh... what did he say?" I've been in mental hospitals with more calm, collected people. (That's right... I'll cut y'all bitches.) Harry Reid and Barney Frank aren't really my cup of tea, but there's a marked difference between thoughtful people with whom we disagree and raving, drooling demagogues. But at least he's not a gay!
Family Guy got nominated for an Emmy? This is worse than the time Peter Scolari joined our softball team!
Ted Leo asks and now all of a sudden you're musicvideogum? You've changed, man. Not really. "Very old pill." I giggled.
The internet is more than just a series of tubes and wires; it's a BIG series of BIG tubes and BIG wires. It's a scary place, and I've spent most of my adult life begrudging it. Stupid internet. PEOPLE DON'T READ BOOKS ANYMORE. WHAT ABOUT BBQ AND CO-REC SOFTBALL? I never set out to follow a blog or even to like or read a blog. But I found myself here long ago, and I'm still reading the damn thing. Every day. I didn't know that bloggers could be smart, compassionate and principled, and what's more -- you guys do it on a daily basis. You got me watching 30 Rock! Thank you. Lindsay, as if cute animal videos weren't enough, you seem like a genuinely nice person. On the internet! Is that why this is happening? 'Cause you broke the first rule of Internet? Anyway, you're a fantastic writer, and I am your fan. The silver lining of all of this is now I get to tell my friends that I like TWO websites. 21st century, here I come.
Somebody needs to put in a call to President Obama. "FIX THIS!"
Maybe Brad Pitt can sign on to this one now that he's not doing the equally how-is-that-a-movie Moneyball.
When I was 14 I was a real left-winger political junkie douche bag. I can't fault Krohn for being overzealous; when you're that young and engaged in politics -- and bright -- you really do think you know it all. I hope he grows out of it for his sake. What bothers me... I don't think he was mimicking adult pundits so much as I think adult pundits behave like teenagers. Scary, guys.
My friends watch this garbage, the same ones who turned me on to The Wire. Really kind of throws everything into question. Oh, Gary Glitter you're the perfect husband because I love your glam-rockin' anthems -- what's that? -- you're a pedophile? No way! It's gross. But! The world needed a new "I drink your milkshake" and I think "Sookie is mine!" kind of fits that bill.
Ok, so this child of indeterminate gender shows a picture to Billy, possibly indicating that the hairstyle was inspired by some celebrity (presumably not a black one)... So I'm guessing the message is 'don't copy celebrities because you could end up looking like a black person, which is even worse than chickenpox but also completely different'?
I nearly nabbed the #5 spot. Probably fell short on account of how ahead of my time and smart I am. I forgive you, Videogum.
Are you suggesting that perhaps Danny Glover is too old for this shit?
llollll manj! barek gobama iz da ffunniest!!!!!!!! i lub videogumj Does that seem about right?
I'll take that as a maybe.
Wait, are you being sarcastic?
Can you believe I don't have Photoshop?
I like your avatar and the things you type.
I'm Gonna Git You Presents
"Here, kittiekittiekittie..." -Alf
Fuggetaboudit, a-Jake. Itsa not top town iz Chinatowns. If we want to kill this shark, we should get a different boat.
Not for anything, but that issue of Playboy seems pretty old. I find that creepy for some reason.
That's why you're a pro.
Raging Bull: the life of a Miami nightclub entertainer.
Chinatown: Private detective uncovers something, forgets it.
No Country for Old Men: Yokel finds new satchel. Woody Harrelson stars.
That was funny, and I hate Cleveland, so it works on two fronts. Also, I hate Florida. WHERE'S MY FLORIDA VIDEO?!
and I just read her interview on avclub... She's pretty HOTT and SMARTT to boot.