
Thanks for posting that amazing epic rant, Gabe. RIP, indeed.
Also: The prime movie poster position in Abed's room (above the headboard of his bed, duh) is given to Batteries Not Included. I just love that movie, is all.
It's the prime spot following The Office so you can thank trickle down racism.
Jeong fucking KILLED IT in this episode. Just when you think the guy might be getting stale...
Yes they exist, my buddy has one and he watches 2.5 Men, and the syndicated reruns because as he puts it, "That kid is so funny." he also won't go to the theater unless Rob Schneider is in the film so Grown Ups was his fucking Citizen Kane. People really do watch this crap.
THIS is the way a relative newcomer should confront the quizzical phantasm that is AnAmPat and for that should not feel a downvoting shitstorm. Upvoted to even it out. Also, many have tried and all have failed to crack his caps code. Just read and enjoy his (her?) brand of irreverent web-servations.
I bet dollars to donuts this show becomes as popular as 2.5 Men because we awful.
I respectfully disagree.
"Abortions for some, minature American flags for others!"
I believe she is using the Juggalo vernacular of "mouth-al-fawk-al" in place of motherfucker. In which case, her behavior becomes less surprising.
The only time I ever skipped school was to go see Episode 1's first showing of the day. Living where I didi at the time, it took an hour to get to the nearest theater. I had a friend write up a doctor's note, went to the film, and came back just as lunch hour was ending. All my nerd friends crowded around me and asked how it was....I didn't have the heart to tell them and answered with a "I'll need to see it again."
The sad part is that this SECONDS of footage is the best thing to come out of the Star Wars universe in 27 years.
"Literally, show me the money!"
"We're gonna literally need a bigger boat."
Then why did they nominate Conan in the first place if they were then going to turn around and not show us the outcome? Does the Emmy production body have a complete disconnect with the Emmy nomination body?
I'm sorry, it's Fisher's dream in the Third Layer, not Eames'.
See, that's what I LOVE about the film. They do not explain exactly what the technology is, leaving it shrouded in a little mystery purposely. It's why I loved the Jedi and the Force so much as a kid and then Lucas deflated all the magic by giving us a "scientific" and specific definition of how the Force works, completely ruining it. The dream infiltration tech might not even exist anyway, if you choose to follow the "it's all a dream" theorists, and the tech doesn't even matter.
Dammit Winwood, if you are a Ween fan then I cannot ever hate you. I love you, Steve.
Sorry Monsters, I just find the "abortion is no big deal" attitude to be completely repugnant.
It has ZERO to do with abortion and EVERYTHING to do with it being a HARSH STATEMENT. Also, as someone that has been through the confusion and pain surrounding an abortion I can still find humor in the usage of the term to garner laughs.
"You mustn't be afraid to dream a bit bigger, darling." And then he pulls out his massive gun. Innuendo, no?
We went last night at 9:45 and the theater was nearly sold-out...on a Indiana.
Damn, Steve, that's fucking harsh.
Having seen it three times now, I appreciate the ending more each time.
I actually thought Eames and Arthur had a little something going on.
They are not falling in layer three because layer two is taking place in Arthur's dream. Layer three is Eames' dream within Arthur's. Arthur is fully aware, in Layer Two, of the gravity shifts and the most that would happen to Eames' Layer Three would be some rumblings. But the time differential would make those minute in comparison to what Arthur is experiencing in Layer Two directly below Layer One.
Saw it thrice this weekend, each time was better than the last.
I don't think that baby is ethnic enough to feel the wrath of Gallagher.
Won't somebody think of the upholstery!
I'd like to sit in his Z28 with custom all-denim interior.
I will never get tired of this.
Not to be an ass, but doesn't the annual NY Monster Mash (or whatever, sue me) constitute a Northeast meet-up?
You need to win something for this.