
both times it was on campuses of colleges i didn't attend, on different sides of the river. i don't get their game, but i know they have one.
I have been chased by TWO of those turkeys in two different location. TERRIFYING.
According to IMDB he was NOT an albino, but he was a loving father and was in Harry and the Hendersons.
I wonder if that albino from "Foul Play" is still alive. Or if he was really an albino. That movie was my introduction to albinos. Also my introduction to: Barry Malinlow, catholicsim, opera of any sort and kinky sex. It also may be the reason I became a librarian.
I wish that baby goat would run (sideways, hopping) away from that mean little girl and straight into my open arms. Goat vids 4eva.
If you're a third party at the table PRETEND NOTHING IS HAPPENING.
i think no one ever needs to take a picture with their mother in front of grey gardens again, we should all just use yours. that's how perfect it is.
mother wanted her to come out in a kimono. they had quite a fight.
No! The video that is up there now is different from what was there when the post first went up -- it was raw footage of this kid's entire interview. I hope you can track it down someday, what he says up there is just the tip of the iceberg.
I had my doubts that Kai fell firmly on the right side of this incident, but his "eeeeehw" after he talked about the school masturbation convinced me that he did. That was the most convincing "eeeeeehw" I've ever heard.
My dad proposed to my mom at a bar called Shenanigans, so i basically grew up thinking they were Roman and Marlena. Or Bo and Hope. Or John and Marlena.
OMG, I do this too, OMF. Maybe this is why I'm so worried all the time. Maybe I should just stop it. Lord in heaven.
This like this always make me sad and scared b/c I just JUST SEE myself getting into a similar situation. I mean, OF COURSE I don't think I would ever make up a partner, but I DO make really horrible decisions on impulse, and things can get away from you so fast. I'm not saying it's not insane, I think I might be saying I'M insane. There's this really great novel by Rebecca Makkai called 'The Borrower" where a public librarain (COMMENT RELATED TO THIS POST!) accidentally/on purpose kidnaps a little boy patron to save him from de-gaying camp. But she never actually makes a decision to do it... she's giving him a ride home and he keeps telling her his grandma lives in the next town, then all the sudden they've been on the road for days. That is my fear. Not saying yes, but never saying no... then I'm in jail. Or totally humiliated. I have no idea if that's what happened here, but YEESH, it obviously hit a nerve with me.
Maybe romance is a strong word. Relationships.
The comments on the Hugh Hefner article are really intense! Chicago has a very strong opinions about May/December romances.
I know everyone is just going to be done with Great Gatsby before it's even close to actually being released. Everyone but me. I am just ungovernably excited about it.
Remember when Kevin James was making that zoo movie and all the animals kept dying, then all the monkeys had to be evacuated from the very fancy hotel they were staying at because of a gas leak? Maybe one of those monkeys. But they might have been chimps.
I do a storytime once a week at work, and this lady brings her kids and she, too, does a crazy realistic dog barking noise. She does it every time I do this little finger puppet rhyme about a dog that chases some cats. EVERY TIME it makes my heart beat really fast b/c I think a dog somehow got into the storytime room. It really scares the shit out of me. It also makes kids cry sometimes. I will never ask her to stop, though, because I am so amazed that a human can sound that much like a dog.
I was probably not going to see The Hobbit anyway, but can I just tell you guys that every movie makes me sick now, and it's becoming upsetting. I barfed during "The Hunger Games". I barfed during all the Bourne movies, and I barfed, then had to go sit in the lobby for a while during "Beasts of the Southern Wild." The only movies I see in the theater that don't make me barf are teen dance movies. :(
How about if they called it "Cougar Wives' Extreme Earrings"? Because holy cow! Those earrings were extreme!
Jimmy Boxstring or Abraham Shelvington. No matter that I'm a lady.
What I didn't get is why he needed a loan to make coffee tables he was already making. Like, he was making them out of random junk, right? Couldn't he keep making them and selling them on the internet or whatever? I didn't understand ANY of his financial problems. He didn't really seem to be having financial problems.
"I hated this book and what the hell is this movie?" Kelly, it's a movie based on a book that you read and and probably your dad read, and it's coming out in December so it's what you'll see when you go home for the holidays, because, god, there has to be something you can all agree on. I didn't make it all the way through the trailer, but that's not the point.
bacon and eggs walk into a bar and the bartender says "i'm sorry, we don't serve breakfast here" (not the first time i've told this joke in videogum comments. not the last.)
paul: "nice to see you!" that guy: "thanks, man." NOT COOL, GUY. what a jerk.
i don't know if people disagreeing with gabe on his mad men post are ALL suggesting that gabe didn't give it thoughtful consideration. maybe some people also gave it thoughtful consideration and came up with a different idea. sometimes that happens.
i did laugh out loud when maya rudolf covered her little dog's ears and hissed 'he's the son of that!'
Is it just the crowds I run in, or don't, like, 90% of Americans (of all races and classes) between the ages of 10 and 35 wear hoodies at all times? Even to work if they can get away with it?
i hit the wrong reply -- but you get the picture.
This reminds me of lyrics we always sang during the Deadwood opening when the music got really slow and naked lady got in the bathtub. It mostly followed the visuals and went "Whiskyyyyyyy and Whoooooooore and Booooooooze and Goooooooooold". God, I love that show.
oh, that's not the actual story. the actual story is super long and spans decades and i use a lot of hand gestures and sometimes i cry when i tell it.
My very best story I have to tell is about meeting Judy Blume randomly last year -- it's a pretty unbelievable story, and I made her cry (in a good way), and if anyone I know in real life reads Videogum comments late at night I've totally just outed myself (hi guys!) because I have told this story to everyone I know at least a million times, and I will never stop until I die. Anyway, I agree, she's great.
I hope this is like "Catfish", and they find the best dosa in the UP.
sometimes i wonder if didn't take ja rule for granted when he was around. i miss him, is all.
I am enjoying, and will enjoy for the rest of the day, imagining the looks on my friends' faces if we were all sitting around having some drinks and I put my hand on my boyfriend's shoulder and said, "He likes me to wear my heels." And he smiled and put his hand on my knee and said "She picks out her own clothes. She's a grown-up."
i saw that and cried as well. related: i went to kansas city for a conference once, and our hotel was attached to the hallmark factory and museum. they have these little booths you can sit in, by yourself, and it's nice and dark, and they just show hallmark commercial after hallmark commercial. i have no idea how long i was in there, i just remember a colleague reaching into the booth after a while and pulling me out by my wrist. i was a total mess for the rest of the day.
i keep wanting to say SOMETHING about this, but there is really nothing to say, it's just kind of perfect. i'm glad i'm going home for christmas this year. i guess i can say that.
For a while there A LOT of posts about robots, which is fine, I just didn't read them, no big, but that seems to have tapered off. So if bringing back the robot posts are on the table, I vote no. Otherwise I'll just skip them. (What always surprised me was that there were always a million comments like "Oh my god, that robot is making a salad!" or whatever, which made me suspect this was an inside joke I had missed. Which could be the case. Or it could be everyone loves robot videos but me).