
okay but she says she was SPIT ON IN THE FACE which, if true, is actual assault and yes bullying.
i think kelly has the wrong opinion about whether or not characters have evolved on the mad men peggy has evolved so much and january jones has gone from being a horrible nightmare person to a terrifying horrible nightmare person which is KIND OF an evolution right
yeah but stereogum aint coverin' every god damn katy perry demo leak, are they?
if this is wrong i dont wanna be right
yeah! and lets definitely let them do so with no criticism or dialogue about their work ever!
want now want now.
i think we can all (every one of us) agree that the only good thing about this song was when she said "fuck me in the pouring rain," or whatever, and now it's changed to something lame. Glad we all agree. a fan of feist and im a fan of polaroids but...what?
she is BSing this story the exact same way I BS'd my dissertation defense when I was thrown a couple questions I hadn't anticipated; half deer in headlights, half thinks she's nailing it.
i logged in for the first time in 6 months to upvote this i am crylaughing on the streetcar right now
or, y'know..."foster the people" lulz
so great, as always. thanks guys!
this video actually isn't "basically" the same thing as tyler's homophobic lyrics at all actually. educate yourself.
This site is amazing and I love it but you're not going to convince me that covering the most popular band in the world that gets endlessly covered in literally every music publication possible is "open-minded". ?
I'm not trying to be a dick but I'm curious about why you guys cover this corporate, focus group'd brand. It seems weirdly out of place?
this is not the first single since the last LP, there was an EP with at least one single right?
underneath the sycamore is kind of a ripoff of "all the wine" by the national.
i dont know anyone who doesnt think first impressions is at least as good as room on fire
Thanks thanks thanks
Angles is the King of Limbs of our generation
the julian casablancas album was universally panned? not overrated at all.
huh? what's the problem with it? The photo is 3 years old, still interesting to people on the internet. the end.
gabe has the correct opinion about juan williams
This person is if my racist grandpa became a self-parody performance artist
why they gotta ruin errything amirite?
I am a few episodes behind and i just finished reading the episode 9 recap and i just wanted to say that this: Of course, the real story of taking a one way ticket to Lunchtime Bang Town is that you open up the possibility that 12 years later your chronic masturbator of a daughter will run away from home and ride the rails like a masturbating hobo all the way to your office and her bitch of a mother won’t even come get her and you’ll have to fucking take fucking care of your fucking daughter for a whole night. is definitely somethiing that is so well written and hilarious that i literally died
remember the time taylor swift sang a song to kanye and forgave him for raping her?
Just to respond to your initial post, it doesn't feel overly brooklyn focussed. That's probably the most relevant place for music right now and it makes sense that it would be covered disproportionately
rich people are having way more fun than us