
the best part is when a-coop subtly implies that this creepo is IN LURV with the child and the creepo is all "well I NEVAH MISTAH COOPAH" *lip smacks*
calling a film you obviously haven't seen pretentious is the actual definition of pretentious
very surprising information
"jokes about kicking ladies are very funny jokes" - steve winwood
would have liked if this kicked ass a little harder and chilled a little less but still solid
you obviously didn't see the same colverfield i did.
you can have my MDMA fuelled make-out session with my cousin. no seriously, take it.
it's really weirdly out of place. is it meant to be ironic?
yeah no offense at all but you can strongly disagree with something while maintaining chill vibes. but i agree, extremely rare.
this is like when, during the campaign, barack obama gave that speech that cured racism. hearts.
yeah when did videogum become 4chan. mad disrespect.
i'm 26 and share similar musical taste to this website that we're both commenting on?
don't worry dad, pretty sure u2 and nickelback are still making records
using a chris brown song emmys, really? very smooth.
does wishing i hate this musical number more than i do mean i secretly hate myself?
tell us about more of the celebrities you have seen in person
this has been my favourite post ever on the videogum
how did you manage to keep the line up so gender equal? very cool.
it's post-meta-meta-post-post
straight people...
can we just have hipsterdad back now forever please?
this whole thing makes me really happy
who else that was born before 1988 now feels too old to be here?
i always thought it was weird that p4k tried to say the line in lust for life about wishing he had a boyfriend was actually written from the perspective of a girl when he's not straight.
are you a gay person doing a satire of a straight guy or what?
h8 to admit how good this is.
i thought this ended with them all in a united church in the afterlife after adrien brody resolves his daddy issues.
i signed up to comment just to say thanks for this. the best shit. srsly.
"YOU SNOOZE YOU LOSE, bro" -Steve Winwood, 2010
What's the one kate winslet movie where she gets her tits out?
just for the record, it's possible to think gummo is awesome and still think those kids got effed over.
if it was, you wouldn't have had to apologize for the douchebaggery