
Sally's gonna end up doing sooooo many drugs... I mean seriously, this is a 9-year-old kid who demands that her cereal be served 'on the rocks, with a splash of milk'.
What do you think is going to happen with Betty?
I see the national ability to copy all sorts of manufactured goods has now extended to artistic performances. (Yes warden, I am now ready to enter my cell in race jail).
You wanna know what else? "Nicholas Sparks, just kill yourself. Just do it.". Probably.
He forgets to mention how everyone gets Stendahl syndrom from reading his books. A rare miss, asshole. A rare miss.
Yay! Just as real as a doctor going by the name McDreamy, I guess. So, very real!
Shut up, science. Don't tell me this ain't real.
Damn it Mr Shapiro, you know what they say: if it's broken beyond repair there's no fixing it and we all deserve a rest from your Dutch-tilted prose, thank you very much.
Why can't I post pictures? I went to college, damnit!
"What a terrible, terrible man." Law School, yes, but also a degree in Videogum, amirite?
This looks very much like a bingo, don't you think?
Doh! It's quotes not titles...
Overly quick, overly irritated?
I'm considering coming back.
My daughter is kinda uneasy, would you mind giving her the shot? Thank you very much.
You can do as you choose: either you go on with your life freely, or you die without softness.
Affection means never having to suggest that you might have done things differently.
It gets better: Spanish closed captions. If you do speak Spanish, it's the funniest.
Did you know that in Persia they say "lorry" instead of truck? Fun facts!